⚘ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚

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"See? I told you it wasn't that bad," Jaemin said, feeling optimistic rather than nervous.

He drapes an arm around Jeno's shoulders, the latter grunting quietly. "How were you not nervous? Was I the only nervous one? My dad was literally glaring at you." He rambles, completely surprised.

The vampire boy chuckles, "for the first few minutes, yeah he did glare at me and was being overprotective. But look at us now, we're buddies!"

Hearing that, Jeno scrunches his nose. "My mom was staring and sniffing at you for a moment, I think she saw the little blood stain on your shirt." He mumbles.

"But she relaxed when I told her I just got it from the blood bank." His vampire boyfriend shrugs, "and you should relax too."

Jeno snorts and looks at him, "how can I when I was and still am embarrassed?" He whines as they enter the elevator.

The older boy snickers, "aww, is my little sweet puppy embarrassed because his parents mentioned 'grandkids'?" He teases.

Hearing that certain word again, Jeno whines as his face was slowly turning red. "Stop it!" He nudges his vampire boyfriend on the side with his elbow.

Jaemin laughs even more, amused by his purebred omega werewolf boyfriend getting embarrassed by such a sweet and simple thing.

"Alright, I'll stop," he breathlessly says before grinning, "do you think we'll have a baby bat or a little puppy first?"

"Jaemin!" The younger boy clicks his tongue and rubs his flushed face with his hands. "I don't know..." He muffles.

His vampire boyfriend hears him, obviously, as they step out of the elevator. "Look who's thinking about it too." Snickering when he gets another nudge.

Once they step in Renjun and Jeno's shared apartment, as they expected, they were greeted by a usual sight by now.

"Hey guys." The witch boy in the living room muttered, not entirely acknowledging the newcomers.

Renjun was focused and silently stressed out about his studies, books and papers around him while the couple notices something.

"Is that– ew!" Jeno grimaces and pinches his nose to avoid the nasty smell in the room.

Jaemin also covers his nose slightly, a little disgusted but not entirely. He's used to smells like these, he's been friends with Renjun since childhood and he sometimes kills entities.

But it's still pretty gross.

"Oh yeah, I tried to do this spell yesterday but it failed, forgot to clean it up." The witch boy nonchalantly explains curtly.

Jaemin rolls his eyes, "dude, clean it up with your magic then. It's gross and you're making Jeno want to throw up." He gestures to his werewolf boyfriend silently gagging.

Jeno's gaze then landed over to the cauldron in the corner where Renjun tried out his spell and where the said disgusting smell is coming from.

Sweet Addiction ⚘ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now