⚘ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒆𝒏

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"Jeno, Jaemin's on his way, are you ready?" Renjun calls out as he walks towards the doorway of Jeno's bedroom.

He raised a brow when he saw the werewolf checking himself on the mirror, fixing the excess chapstick on his lips before pursing them together.

"You look good," he comments. "But are you sure you don't like Jaemin in that way?" He couldn't help but ask.

Jeno somehow found his question in a teasing matter, noticing the reaction he got, Renjun immediately adds. "I'm just asking, like- it's alright if you do." He coaxes his friend.

The younger huffs, "that's one way to find out." Smoothening his hair once again for the last time.

His response startled the witch boy a bit, didn't expect such boldness from the purebred omega werewolf since he's usually a shy messy pup with this topic.

He watches the younger finish up right as the door bell rang and he takes out his wand to unlock the door. Walking over to the said door calmly, he meets up a grinning Jaemin by the doorway.

"Give me permission!" The vampire boy exclaimed excitedly.

Renjun rolled his eyes and muttered a 'come in' which made Jaemin speed walk inside their apartment.

They turn around to wait for Jeno, who didn't come out of his room.

The witch boy raised a brow and held a hand up to signal Jaemin to wait in the living room, the younger nodded but his lips twitching into a grin made it obvious that he was ecstatic to hang out with Jeno today. Alone.

Not a date, right? Well, unless Jeno wants it too. Besides the point, point is Jaemin is going to spend the whole day with Jeno. Just Jeno, Renjun's cute werewolf roommate.

"Jeno?" Renjun knocks on the door softly, he heard the lock being clicked as the door opened slightly to reveal half of Jeno's shy face behind the said door.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asks, noticing the way the younger glances behind his shoulder to see Jaemin watching them with a smile. He bit the inside of his cheeks to contain a shy smile of his own.

Taking a look over his shoulder as well, he couldn't help but chuckle out loud. "Ah~ I get it." He drawls, his tone in an obvious teasing manner as he looks back at the werewolf.

"You're shy now, huh?" He smirks knowingly.

Jeno widens his eyes and shushes him, cheeks heating up but Renjun pays to no mind. "So cute, Jeno-yah~ little puppy is shy now." The elder continues to coo loudly for Jaemin to hear.

It seems to have worked because the vampire boy furrowed his eyebrows together in curiosity, peering up behind Renjun's shoulder from afar to look at Jeno's face.

Once again, Jeno shushes his roommate before dragging him inside his room, leaving a now baffled Jaemin who also couldn't help but get a little ticked off.

Why couldn't he be the one getting dragged inside of Jeno's room?

Okay, maybe he's being a little desperate right now especially by how the werewolf is sorta taking their.... Whatever type of relationship they have between them, in a very slow process. Which is the total opposite of his way.

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