⚘ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

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"do you know anyone who's single?" Jeno abruptly asks as they were now cleaning up the area before they could head home.

His coworker raised a brow, "me." He nonchalantly said, pointing a finger to himself as he pauses on wiping down the counter tops for the third time.

Blinking, Jeno tilts his head. "I'm being serious here, what I'm about to ask you is something I owe someone." He crosses his arms.

Humming, Haechan quickly finishes everything up whilst Jeno waits for him since he was already done with the chores he was assigned on by their boss who was at the store nearby getting something.

After cleaning up, Haechan follows the purebred omega werewolf to the back room where their bags are waiting. Zipping them up quickly as he turns to Jeno.

"Are you cool with a set up date with someone random?" Jeno asks nonchalantly which kinda creeped Haechan out since the purebred omega is usually shy and hesitant with asking things.

"Uh... Yeah, I guess. Who's the person–"

"It's a blind date, Haechannie. Don't be silly." Jeno flatly said with a huff.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Haechan lets out a chuckle. "Yeah I get that, I was just trying to see if you'd accidentally slip up." He shrugs.

"Also, can you cut out that kind of aura around you, it's kinda weird and scary. Dear God, what has Jaemin done to you?" Haechan exaggerated a gasp at the end.

The door opens revealing their boss who was having a phone call and quickly waves at them before pointing a thumb behind his shoulder to gesture the random boy outside who seems to have waited for a long time and goes to another room.

Approaching the boy, Jeno quickly changes his mood and went up to peck his boyfriend's cheek. "Min~" he smiles when he was then engulfed in a hug.

Jaemin hums and pecks his temple before looking up at Haechan, "I heard my name. What are you guys talking about?"


"Haechan said he's cool with a blind date." Jeno answers instantly to which the alpha werewolf scoffs at. He turns to the tanned male and smiles, "Jaemin is a part of this thing, so don't worry." He reasons.

"But I just want to know," Jaemin starts off with his tone changing from gentle– like he was to Jeno, to stern– whenever he is to Haechan.

"Are you serious about this? Like no funny business, no standing the person up, no shinanigans of yours?" He interrogates.

"Me? Bro, I'm literally desperate for a lover since four years ago. Why the hell would I fuck this one free chance up? Well– unless if the guy is like, a pervert or something. Then I'd definitely ditch that date." The alpha werewolf rambles.

Jeno watches them and leans closer to his boyfriend, "Min, it's okay, Haechan isn't like that. I can assure you he won't hurt this person." He coaxes the elder boy when he saw him pondering in thought for a while.

Drawling out a hum, Jaemin nods at him stiffly. "When are you free then?" He asks.

"Anytime, honestly. I'm not a busy person, but just don't time it with my rut, I'll let you know if it's near or something." Haechan shrugs as he answers him.

Nodding once again, Jaemin turns to his boyfriend who was pursing his lips. "Well, Jeno and I will plan it out and he can tell you about it later."

He then squints his eyes into an intimidating glare, "just don't fuck it up." He hisses.

Rolling his eyes, Haechan waves a lazy hand at him as he adjusts his backpack. "I already told you I won't, bat boy. Calm down." He said, clearly not intimidated by Jeno's vampire boyfriend.

"What the fuck did you ca–"

"Anyways, let's go now, Min. The sun's going down," Jeno smiles at him and tugs him forward to start walking. "Bye Haechannie! See you tomorrow!" He waves at the alpha werewolf.

Huffing, Jaemin couldn't help but keep the frown on his face while they walked home, and Jeno didn't really notice until they arrived at their apartment floor.

"What's wrong, Min?" He asks, worried when he finally saw the frown on his boyfriend's handsome face as they walk towards his and Renjun's apartment door.

"Nothing," Jaemin mumbles before letting out a tired sigh. "I'm just, worried, I guess. It's kinda weird and new to me because usually I don't really give a shit about Renjun's personal life."

Listening, Jeno's lips slowly turn into a soft smile of his own as he cups his boyfriend's face while Jaemin had his arms around his waist.

"I understand what you mean," he said wholeheartedly. "You're getting protective and worried if Haechan or whoever Renjun's secret date will be– might chose to hurt him." He stated.

Jaemin mindlessly nodded at his words, he did feel a sense of maturity and feeling protective over his best friend over a small date with someone he doesn't know.

It's as almost as the same level of protectiveness he has over Jeno. Well– not really 'almost' since it's kinda far from that level, maybe a similar feeling.

"He's like a brother to me, so yeah I think that's why I interrogated Haechan earlier." He mumbles.

"Wait ew, that's the last time I'm ever being like this and talking nice things about Renjun. That side of me is only for you, Sweets." Jaemin ends it up with a smirk.

Rolling his eyes, Jeno shook his head at him as he tries to hide the blush on his cheeks. They're seriously getting closer day by day throughout their relationship and Jeno couldn't be more happier.

Soon enough, Jeno pulls him closer a little and smiles more widely. "Well, I know Haechan, and I know Renjun. I know them both enough to the point that I think the date will be a success."

Seeing the hesitation on Jaemin's face, Jeno couldn't help but giggle at him. "Seriously, Min, Haechan isn't a bad guy."

"He almost stole you from me." Jaemin exaggerated a frown when he said that.

Snorting, Jeno hums. "Stop being silly, that was before and he was obviously trying to annoy you." He said.

Grunting, Jaemin lets the topic off for now as they knocked on the door to Jeno's apartment. However, the door didn't open and they only earned a yell from Jeno's roommate.

"Sorry, Jen! I'm at it again, please let me be for a while."

Sighing, Jeno turns to his boyfriend and giggles. "I guess I'm spending my night at yours, again." He said, this is probably the ninth time he had went over to Jaemin's apartment because of Renjun's situation.

Smirking, Jaemin leans in to peck his nose. "Might as well plan on moving in with me soon, Sweets." He whispered teasingly.

His words went through Jeno's mind and might linger there as the purebred omega werewolf blushes madly at him.

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