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All the avengers are gathered around the table. They were aware of hydra but Tony said he would look into it which he did. Tony took out his phone projecting a screen in front of the avengers with y/n's face on it and her name below.

Tony: "Her name is [y/n/l/n] she's the only one I picked out from the hydra team, however their intentions are still unclear"

Steve and Bucky's face drops, they stare at the screen then look back at each other, almost like they've seen a ghost. Nat notices as she raises her eyebrow.

Nat: "You two know something, spill"

Bucky stands up walking over to the kitchen as he pours himself a whiskey, Steve clenches his jaw before he looks up at the team.

Steve: "We know her, goes way back to 1940"

Tony: "Know her how?"

Bucky rolls his eyes swirling his drink around in the cup.

Bucky: "We knew her, slept with her. Need more details?"

He rolled his eyes as he downed his drink.

Steve looked at Bucky in shock, not expecting him to expose their secret like that, he shook his head folding his arms as he looked down.

Sam let out a chuckle shaking his head.

Sam: "Oh you have got to be kidding me"

He looks over at Bucky in disbelief.

Tony lets out a chuckle clapping his hands together. The rest of the avengers just sat there in awkward silence. Nat grinned.

Nat: "Slept with the enemy huh? Mission should be easy for you both then"

Tony walked towards Steve.

Tony: "I expected this type of behaviour from Barnes but you Rogers?!"

Steve looked up at Tony in anger.

Steve: "Shut up Tony"

Tony: "You dirty solider, does that mean you and James saw each other.. you know"

Bucky slammed his empty glass on the countertop as Steve stood up kicking his seat back.

Steve: "I'm done with this conversation"

He walked out the room, as Bucky went to follow Steve he looked back at Tony.

Bucky: "Give it a rest, Stark"

Before he disappeared too.

Tony looked upon the rest of the team.

Tony: "He should be called kinky cap"

Natasha grinned, Bruce looked puzzled as always, Sam and Thor let out a chuckle and Wanda scratched her head trying to process what she just heard.

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