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*at the hydra base*

I was walking around the hydra base bored out of my mind, my father approached me. He didn't have an expression on as always, his look was just cold. He was putting his coat on, I looked at him confused.

Y/N: "Where are you going?"

Father: "The avengers found our location, we're relocating"

Y/N: "Steve and James are coming here?"

He chuckles as he grips my arm tightly.

Father: "Yes and lucky for you, you're not coming with me. Not yet anyway. You're staying with the rest and help take them down. Once you're done, come find me. Do not disappoint me"

I gave my father a reassuring nod before he disappeared. I walked to change, I threw on tight black jeans and a short sleeve body suit, the buttons on my chest only half way done. I slipped a knife in one of my knee high boots. I couldn't even think. I just kept thinking, Steve and James are coming.

[ a few hours later ]

The avengers arrived at the base, already fighting their way in. As I walk an metal man flies in front of me blocking my way, ah. Iron man. Behind him was a guy that looked like hercules guessing that was the god and Steve. We locked eyes, for a while. Staring into his bright blue eyes bought back so many memories of us together, he was staring into my soul I think maybe he had flashbacks too.

Y/N: "Rogers"

I smirked at him but his expression didn't change, he just looked at me with a straight face.

Y/N: "Barnes not here, no?"

Just as I said that I heard footsteps from behind me, I turn around and there was James. The same thing happened with him, the minute we locked eyes the memories came flooding back.

Y/N: "My favourite boys"

My eyes traced to the two other gentleman.

Y/N: "Minus that metal man and Zeus over there"

I watched as I heard metal man mumble to Zeus.

Tony: "Suddenly I find her attractive"

Steve just rolled his eyes. I looked around me as the other avengers fought against my people. My attention drew back to Steve and James.

Y/N: "I loved you both, but what did you do?"

I tilt my head slightly.

Y/N: "Right yeah, attempted to kill me"

Tony: "Alright, the guys need back up let's go point break, we'll let these catch up"

Just like that they flew away.

Steve walked towards me.

Steve: "We didn't have a choice, and it was an accident"

I looked over at James.

Y/N: "James, you too didn't have a choice?

James didn't say anything, he just stared at me cold.

Y/N: "Disappointing my loves.."

Just like that we started to fight, eventually I took down the avengers one by one. I appeared next to Zeus first, my fingertips started to glow red as I moved my fingertips around his head. I used my power of manipulation, dug into his memories and read his mind. I eventually found a memory in there that would get to him so I bought that to life. As I watched him wander off into his hallucination I did the same to black widow as she tried to attack me. She was too slow compared to my magic.

As she wandered off too I watched as one of my people threw Steve down the flight of stairs as he fell to the ground. As he tried to stand up using his shield I kicked his shield out his hands and placed my foot on his chest holding his body down, within a second I sent a glow of my red magic to his head. I dug into his head and memories. Just in that moment I knew who his weakness was, me. I didn't know how to react.

I slowly backed away as I watched Steve look around the room, he was hallucinating one of our olden memories. I could just hear myself echoing in his mind. Dance with me, Rogers. His eyes looked in pain. I could see James in the distant passed out on the ground. I didn't even need to get into his head. Just like that I disappeared.

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