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[ 2 days later ]


I was startled in my sleep when I felt a nudge on my shoulder and a call out for my name, I sat up straight rubbing my eyes. My eyes scanned the desk full of paperwork and a large map with marks of the location i've already visited. I must of dozed off. Loki sat on the edge of the table with a worried look on his face.

Loki: "I'm concerned for you darling, you haven't done anything but work for the past two days, have you even gotten any sleep?"

Y/N: "I just did"

Loki: "Dozing off doesn't count, have you gotten any decent sleep y/n?"

I flicked through the papers in front of me, trying to recall where I left off before I accidentally fell asleep. I didn't respond to him, I started getting frustrated now. Loki placed his hand on mine stopping them from fidgeting.

Loki: "Stop y/n"

Y/N: "I can't stop, I need to find them Loki, I need to find them"

Loki: "We're all trying, you just need to take it easy"

I pulled my chair back standing up, I started to pace up and down the room.

Y/N: "Yesterday I went to visit my apartment, no one was there. I tried Nelly and Lindsey's apartment and they weren't there either. Isn't it a coincidence how they go missing the same day as the boys?"

I was biting on my nails nervously as Loki stood up walking towards me.

Loki: "You think they have something to do with this?"

I sighed brushing my hands in my hair.

Y/N: "I don't know what to think, I feel like I'm going insane-"

All of a sudden my vision seemed to have blurred, I could hear Loki talking in the background but it sounded like muffles. At first I heard loud ringing in my ears, I covered them groaning. I closed my eyes trying to concentrate until the ringing turned into whispering. Someone or something was trying to communicate with me but it hurt, every vibration of the sounds I was hearing in my head was hitting my nerves. I could only gather a few words.

Steve. James. Come. We got them. Location. Come alone.

Then it all stopped. I lost my balance, Loki catching me before I even made it to the ground.

Loki: "What the hell happened?"

Y/N: "I heard voices, I know where the boys are but whoever has them they want me to go alone"

Loki: "You aren't going alone, I'm coming"

Y/N: "Loki-"

Loki: "I said I'm coming"

I nodded agreeing with him, I knew I couldn't convince him even if I tried. Loki teleported us to the location I gave him, when we arrived it seemed to be some sort of secret warehouse. Loki had disappeared, we agreed he was going to hide and only come out if I were to be in danger. I walked into the dark warehouse.

Y/N: "Hello?"

I call out, but there were no response. I stood there silently waiting for whatever was coming my way, I saw what seemed like two silhouettes from a distance. They walked closer to me and into the light, it was Steve and James. I walked closer towards them, I could feel their energy without even touching them, it wasn't good energy at all.

Y/N: "Steve.. James.."

Their facial expression didn't change, they just looked at me coldly. I heard footsteps coming from behind me, I turned around to notice it was Nelly and Lindsey. They both wore a long black dress with a purple velvet iridescent capes. Even their make up was dark, their looks completely changed. I looked at them confused.

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