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[TW: Emotional Abuse]


Once I got to the resort I couldn't help but burst into tears, my heart ached. It was bad enough he was in a relationship but I just knew his heart belonged to me, we were going to patch things up but now, he's having a baby with her.

I didn't want to believe it. My head was a mess, through my sadness and heartbreak my magic exploded all around me, destroying everything in the room. Including the windows shattering, I sat down around the shattered glass on the ground, my arms wrapped around my legs, and my legs were against my chest.

It didn't take long for the team to come back, I could hear Bucky calling for me from downstairs but I didn't respond. Once he came into the room, he froze looking around him at the destroyed room before running over to me, he dropped down on his knees in front of me and lifted my face up with his fingertips.

Bucky: "Hey baby.. baby look at me"

My body was just in shock, with the magic that contained within me it was hard to be myself. Sometimes the magic would take over and turn me insane just like how I use to be when I was around my father. Bucky stared into my red glowing eyes, but he noticed tears all around them.

Bucky: "Hey it's me.. it's me James.."

He traces his fingertips up and down my cheek which eventually calmed me down, my eyes stopped glowing returning back to it's original form.

Bucky: "That's it.. come back to me, what's wrong doll?"

I opened my mouth to speak but Steve walked into the room.

Steve: "y/n I wanted to talk-"

He stopped once he noticed me on the ground, his eyes quickly observed the room before looking at us in confusion as he paced towards me.

Steve: "What happened here? Are you hurt-"

He reached his hand out to me but I stood up moving it away, Bucky stood up after me. I just stared at Steve, his sorrow eyes met mine.

Y/N: "Your wish came true, Rogers"

Steve: "What wish?"

Peggy walked into the room straight after folding her arms, Steve turned around to face her. I narrowed my eyes at her.

Steve: "Can someone tell me what is going on?"

Peggy walked towards Steve as she took his hands, she let out a few harsh breaths before meeting his gaze.

Peggy: "I'm pregnant"

I turned to Bucky as he just widened his eyes, he instantly drew his attention to me. Now it made sense to him, he gave me the I'm sorry look before wrapping his arm around my waist. I leaned into his chest as he stroked my hair. Steve just stood there shocked.

Peggy: "Aren't you going to say anything?"

Steve let's go of Peggy's hands shaking his head a few times in disbelief.

Steve: "No, that's impossible"

Peggy: "How is it impossible?"

Steve: "We always used a condom Peggy, I never, we never.. no it's just impossible"

Peggy: "Accidents happen, but it's true.. I took multiple tests to confirm it, I can even do one with you if that's what you desire"

Steve slid his fingers through his hair in frustration. He instantly turned to face me, I lifted my head up from Bucky's chest as he met my gaze but he didn't say anything, he instantly turned to face Peggy again.

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