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[ At Asgard ]


Y/N: "Fuck Loki"

I moan out as we both reach our climax, we were both under the silky sheets as I slide off him collapsing by his side, both of us trying to catch our breaths. Mine and Loki's relationship was difficult to explain, we love and care for each other but not in a romantic way. Over the year our relationship grew stronger and trusted each other, and we would have good sex.

Loki turned his head noticing I zoned out, he nudged me with his elbow causing me to instantly snap back to reality, I turn my head to meet with his eyes.

Loki: "Still thinking about them, aren't you?"

He asked with an eyebrow raise. Thor and Loki both have been good to me, they never left my side even on the days my mental health wasn't great. My heart suffered when I first arrived here and they helped me heal. I chuckle shaking my head turning my head to look up at the ceiling again.

Loki: "If you think about them while we.. you know.. we will have some serious issues"

He pointed his finger at me, trying to be serious but he let out a chuckle. He had an awful poker face at times.

Y/N: "I can assure you Loki, there is nothing I think about other than the pleasure you give me, that's the whole point of fucking, no?"

Loki rolls his eyes crossing his hands behind his head using them as pillows as he turns to gaze up at the ceiling too.

Loki: "My goodness, she's smart"

Loki said in a sarcastic yet playful tone.

Y/N: "Shut up"

Loki: "Or what?"

From under the covers I slowly straddle his lap, placing both of my hands on the bed on each side of him near his face, leaning over him as I grind into his aching dick causing him to groan.

Y/N: "Or we'll have to see if the god of mischief can go one more round.. I don't think you'll even have the energy to get up in the morning if I fuck you just one more time"

I lean down brushing my lips against his before turning it into a passionate kiss, he snakes his hands around my waist gripping it tightly, we've already had back to back rounds but I wasn't afraid to go again, whereas I knew Loki was weak and couldn't handle another round. He breaks the kiss breathing sharply against mine.

Loki: "Unfortunately I'll have to resist, you drained the life out of me"

Y/N: "Is that you saying I'm the best you ever had?"

Loki scoffs rolling his eyes.

Loki: "Alright, we're getting ahead of ourselves I see"

One of my hands trails down his chest, stopping at his v line. His breathing became more shallow, without hesitation I gripped his aching dick stroking it slowly as he threw his head back groaning.

Loki: "Fine fine, perhaps you are!"

He finally gave in, I bit my lip sliding off him laying back down on the bed letting out a soft sigh. He was too easy, I had him wrapped around my finger. There was nothing he wouldn't do for me.

Loki: "You're a righteous little devil"

He breathed out, but he sounded proud. I just grinned. Overtime we laid in silence and eventually Loki fell asleep, I couldn't. After a few toss and turns I sighed sliding out of bed. I slid on a white silky night robe around my naked body, tying it up before using my magic to teleport myself out the room to go see Heimdall.

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