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[ The next day ]


I had been awake for 15 minutes now, I were told Steve and Bucky were in the shower so Nat and Wanda sat besides me, when I woke up they were already here. They fixed my pillows from behind so I could sit up a little. For the past 10 minutes I've been warming up my vocals, at first my voice sounded croaky, but I eventually got use to talking. The girls filled me in on everything that I missed. My eyes traced to the door as two handsome men walked into my room. My eyes scanned their features before I turn to the girls.

Y/N: "You got me strippers?! Oh come on girls.. you could at least of waited till I recovered"

The girls laughed, Wanda stood up wrapping her arm around the fine blonde.

Wanda: "This is my brother, Pietro"

My jaw dropped, she mentioned she had a brother once but I didn't think he would actually be here.

Y/N: "You're suppose to be twins yet you look nothing alike"

Pietro chuckled stepping towards me reaching out his hand, I took it as he gave me a firm handshake.

Pietro: "It's nice to finally meet you, when you weren't laying in your death bed"

I admired his accent, I gave him a soft nod smiling before my eyes traced to the other male.

Y/N: "And I take it, you're Greg. The girls told me about you earlier"

He nodded taking my hand in his giving it a polite kiss.

Greg: "It's nice to meet you, and I am truly sorry for the chaos my sisters have caused. I will try to fasten my process so you can receive the justice you deserve"

He had a cute British accent, I don't even know how he was related to the girls. I gave him a soft smile before him and Pietro left the room. The team walked into my room moments later. Making sure I was okay and letting me know how much they've missed me. Loki placed his hand on my shoulder double checking if I was okay, I reassured him everything was fine. Steve walked into the room after a while he was in a white shirt with black trousers, his hair wet from his shower but he slicked it back. His face was clean shaven. The team all gave each other stern looks and just like that they left the room.

Once Steve sat besides me the smell of his cologne kicked in. He gave me a soft smile.

Y/N: "What happened to the beard? I was kinda liking it"

Steve: "It'll come back, just need a break. How you feeling?"

I sighed leaning my head back into the pillow looking up at the ceiling.

Y/N: "I feel different, without my magic.. it's weird"

Steve leaned forward trailing his fingertips along my arms. I lifted my head up to look at him.

Y/N: "So I have your blood running through my veins huh? Can't escape you now."

Steve chuckled biting his lip before shaking his head.

Steve: "I think the correct term you're looking for is, thank you Steve for saving my life"

I rolled my eyes playfully, my tone sounded more serious now.

Y/N: "No but seriously, thank you"

Our eyes locked for a while, his deep blue eyes staring intensely into mine. He slowly stood up taking a seat on the edge of the bed facing me, he slid his hand behind my neck gently pulling my face towards his before planting a soft kiss against my lips. My body just froze, I didn't kiss him back. I didn't even know how to respond to that. Once he pulled away he slid his hand from my neck down my back. His eyes were filled with lust.

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