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[ the next day ]


It was pretty quiet in the compound today, besides all working together to take hydra down small missions not related to hydra would come and go so they went to deal with that. The only people in the compound were me, James , Steve and Bruce. Bruce was in the laboratory working. From what I recall Steve went for a run and hasn't been back since and I had no clue where James was. I was strolling around the compound wearing just a t-shirt that came down to my thighs. My hair in waves. I made my way to the kitchen, suddenly I had an urge craving for ice cream I knew Tony would buy loads of flavours and just have them stacked up in the freezer. I opened the freezer picking out a cookie dough flavour to then grabbing a spoon. I picked up myself up onto the countertop swinging my legs back and forth as I ate from the tub just appreciating the peace and quiet.

I heard footsteps approaching me, I turned my head it was James. He took notice of me sitting on the countertop his eyes briefly scanning my legs as he walked past me, he went to the fridge opening it as he took out a bottle of water. His back still facing me I took the spoon out my mouth.

Y/N: "Hey I have a question, why does Steve call you Bucky and not James?"

He turned to face me.

Bucky: "It's a nickname"

He said bluntly.

I nodded my head in amusement.

Y/N: "Short for Buchanan, smart. I like it"

Bucky: "Well, Don't like it"

I rolled my eyes playfully twirling my spoon around in the tub.

Y/N: "Bucky.."

I muttered under my breath.

Bucky: "You don't get to call me that"

Y/N: "Why? Steve gets to call you that"

Bucky: "Steve is my friend, you're not"

Y/N: "You're right.. I'm not.. Just someone who knows all the right ways to please you"

I trailed off as I took a small bit of ice cream on my spoon before bringing it to my lips, James watched the way my lips wrapped around the spoon, before his eyes met mine.

I watched him walk closer to me.

Bucky: "You're treading on dangerous waters, y/n"

I broke the eye contact as I started to twirl my tongue around the spoon licking off the remaining bits of ice cream left. He was just staring at my lips. I drew my attention back to him as I looked at him clueless.

Y/N: "What am I doing?"

Bucky: "You know what you're doing"

I raised my eyebrow at him.

Y/N: "Well is it working?"

James walked even closer now standing between my legs, his blue eyes pierced into mine. Ignoring the tension between us I held the tub in front of him.

Y/N: "You should try this ice cream it's pretty good"

He didn't respond, he grabbed the spoon and tub from my hand placing it to one side, accidentally getting a bit of ice cream on his thumb. He bought his thumb up towards my lips forcing them open, my lips wrapped around his thumb sucking it clean. His fingertips then trailed down my neck as he wrapped them around my bruised neck.

Bucky: "You're such a slut"

I felt my breath hitch up to my throat, his words turned me on.

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