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Since mock websites are becoming more common unfortunately, I have to give the disclaimer that this story is only being published on Wattpad, if you see it anywhere else let me know so I can warn my followers and also be aware that it could make your device vulnerable to malware.

Judged; to form an opinion or conclusion about something
Jace's POV (first person)

We have all been packing for Idris.

To say everyone was surprised about the Clave's orders, was an understatement.

Isabelle was extremely bitter, and snapped and argued with Freya constantly.

Freya was trying to ignore her, but I could tell it was bothering her.

Clary.... she had been very quiet over the pass couple of days, and Alec was constantly pestering her.

I could tell something had happened, because whenever Clary was near Freya, Alec tensed and yelled at Clary to get lost.

Something was up, but at least maybe, Clary's bitterness would lessen now that we were all going to Idris, and she would stay in New York.

I.... I felt guilty for not helping Clary, I guess... But the way she treated Freya.... it was.... I don't know... unjustified. Unjustified is the best way to explain it.

We had finally packed, and I headed off to go find Freya.

I had to warn her about the Clave, and their false pretences of simply 'requesting our presence bullshit'.

The clave was planning something.

They would do anything to stop Valentine, even if that meant implicating Freya.

They were selfish bastards.

I knocked on her door.

"Frey", I said.

I slowly opened the door, and saw Freya crying. My heart sunk.

She quickly wiped her face, and smiled, her smile was harrowing.

Full of sadness and despair.

"Hi Jace", she said.

I slowly walked towards her and held her.

"I told you I would always be there, now tell me what happened?", I asked.

"Nothing.... does Isabelle hate me.... I didn't mean to cause any trouble..", Freya said.

Isabelle. The closest thing I had to a sister made Freya upset. I was confused... but it took her a while to warm up to anyone.

Freya's POV (first person)

Jace looked expressionless. I thought he looked terrifyingly calm.

That worried me, because he's never like this.

"Jace..", I said.

"Freya... I need to go... I'll be back, give me 20 minutes", Jace said, quickly scrambling out of the room.

I tried to follow him, till someone grabbed my wrist. I almost fell, and stumbled l, but the person caught me.

I turned around to see who it was. It was Alec.

"Trust me, you don't want to get in the middle of an Isabelle and Jace argument, it gets pretty nasty, pretty quickly", Alec said.

I nodded my head, and looked away.

"Look, I am telling you this, because I trust that you will listen, be vigilant around Clary, I believe she may be up to something", Alec said.

I nodded, still not meeting his intense gaze.

"I should go", I said.

Alec shot me a forced smile, before wondering off.

I heard crashing coming from Jace's room. I quickly scrambled towards it and heard Isabelle yelling all sorts of profanities.

"Asshole!!!", she yelled.

"I was only trying to help, she will break your heart, and she will break Alec's heart, when she does, don't come running back to me", she said, before bursting out the room, and storming off, not even acknowledging my presence.

I decided I needed some fresh air, and I walked towards the greenhouse.

As I ascended up the stairs, I saw Clary. Painting. She hadn't done that in a while. She acknowledged my presence, and nodded at me, before completely ignoring me again.

"I take it Isabelle has finally seen you for who you really are...", Clary muttered.

"And what do you mean by that Clary?", I said bitterly.

To think I had been friends, almost sisters, with such a conniving, stuck up bitch, completely irked me, and made my skin crawl.

"You know what I mean, but seriously Frey, talking as your former friend, between me and you, if Jace and Alec were in danger, who would you save?", she asked randomly.

"Jace", I said simply, with no hesitation.

"You say that now, but you'll eventually change your mind, like you always do", Clary said before storming off.

Well then, all for being civil.

Jace's POV (first person)

I slowly opened Freya's door, and she was gone.

I decided to check the greenhouse, because that's the last place she'd think I'd look.

I entered the greenhouse, and saw Freya, laying flat on the floor, a book occupying her hands.

"Frey..", I said.

"Yeah", she said.

"You alright?", I asked
"Happier than ever", she huffed.

She slowly stood up, and grinned.

"You always make me feel better, I love you", she said.

"As do I", I replied.

I leaned in and kissed her.

"You're beautiful", I said
"Oh I know", she said.

"As you should", I said.

"Mmhmmm", she replied.

"Ready to go?", I asked.

"Yep", she replied.

Freya Morgenstern Where stories live. Discover now