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Indirect; not directly caused by or resulting from something.
Jonathan's POV (first person)
I had to find Freya. She was the key to my master plan. Taking over the world requires powerful assets, and she is one of them.
However, Edom is calling my name, and Freya will rule by my side. But I have to be patient.
I needed to find my sister, and quick. Because patience only lasts so long. If I couldn't find her, I will have to lure her out.
I know little Isabelle won't take it kindly when I use her brother as bait, but why not?
"Jonathan", it was Clary.
She was such a bore, not to mention selfish. Half the time I wanted to ring her neck out.
"What?", I asked.
"Wanna have fun?", she asked whilst smirking.
"You're a bore... unless you can tell me where the hell my sister is, than get lost", I said coldly.
Clary frowned.
What was she expecting, a warm welcome, for me to tell her I love her? Pathetic.
The only person I care about is missing, and I don't like it when my possessions go missing. I hate it.
Sure, Freya didn't like me much, and it's not like we were on the best terms, you know with me threatening her and all, but I hope we can put that past us.
She is mine.
"Clary can you f*ck off, I'm so close to killing you, I swear, you've literally been nothing but a nuisance recently, you'd be more of a convenience if you weren't in the picture, so f*ck the hell off", I said.
"Jonathan, calm down, that b*tch sister of yours really isn't worth the trouble", Clary said.
"I just thought you'd want to meet someone", Clary said.
"Who?", I asked.
"Jace's ex, Evie", Clary said.
This could be interesting.
Jace's POV (first person)
It was yet again the anniversary of my ex's death. It would always be hard, but I'm happy that I've been able to move on. I know that's what Evie would have wanted.
After Valentine's magical appearance Freya had drawn a portal and thankfully, we escaped. Thank goodness. I don't know what I would have done if anything happened to Freya.
I wanted her by my side at all times. I wanted her everywhere, and anywhere with me. I know that we're only 17, and young but I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. When the time is right I will propose to her, but first, we have to sort out the Valentine and Jonathan issue.
I don't want Jonathan anywhere near Freya. He's a creep and a psycho. He's a mini Valentine for goodness sake, he was probably even worse.
Me and Freya had arrived in the middle of nowhere. Literally a desolate Island, surrounded by water.
"Where the hell are we?", I asked.
"I wish I knew, when I created a portal the only thought that ran through my head was somewhere safe and desolate, I guess that's where we are", she said.
"We should honestly consider going back to Idris, it's either that or Valentine", I said.
"We could rough it out here", she said.
"For how long long are we going to be on the run", I said.
"However long I have to, you can go back to Idris on your own accord, I honestly couldn't care less at this point", she said.
Ugh... I just wanted to spend the day with Freya in our cozy room, and not think about Evie.
To think it has been two years. To think I've known Freya for two years. Time changes.
"Look, Freya I'm just sick of this sh*t!", I said. Ugh.... I was taking out my pissy mood on Freya... Sh*t.
She held my face in her hands and leaned in and kissed my cheek softly.
"It's today isn't it", she said.
"She died today", Freya said.
"I'm sorry, it's just I'm not really thinking straight today", I said.
"Understandable", she said.
"Today's not the best of days for me either", she said.
"Why?", I asked.
"Today's my mother's death anniversary, as well as the man I thought was my father, but really was my uncle but... just forget it", she said, whilst quickly looking away.
She was sniffling. Was she crying?
"Freya, turn around, now", I said.
She slowly turned around, and I instantly pulled her in for a hug.
"We will get through this, and when this is all over, I will propose to you, and we'll get married, and we will have twenty children and I'll tell you I love you everyday, every second, till I die", I said.
"Hold up, twenty children? You're crazy", she said.
"Fifteen?", I said.
"No more than three", she said.
"We'll see", I mumbled.
"Indeed", she replied.

Freya Morgenstern Where stories live. Discover now