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"Still I call it magic when I'm next to you"- Coldplay

Freya's POV (first person)
"Look at what the devil dragged in, oh wait, you are the devil reincarnated", I said emotionlessly. It's never wise showing your true emotions or anything around my brother.
If you give him any type of response, or reaction or anything in general, he'll use it against you. I've learnt it the hard way, when he threatened to kill my friends and boyfriend.
Jonathan didn't say anything, he just stood there and continued to glare at me.
"Why are you staring at me. Your such a f*cking creep", I practically whispered. My mistake, because he obviously heard. And he was furious.

He slowly walked towards me, with a beautiful but menacing and haunting smile plastered on his idiotic face.
He was now, directly in front of me, and he, without hesitation wrapped his slimy, filthy, hands around my neck, and he threw me across the room.
"That, my darling sister, is for being a conniving, and ungrateful b*tch", he said.
"Ungrateful... you've got to be kidding me", I said whilst frantically laughing.
"I've been trying to find you for quite a while now, actually. So do be grateful, that I found you, and dear old dad didn't", he said.
"Oh, f*ck off!!", I yelled.
"You and your little boyfriend are coming with me", Jonathan said.
"Over my dead body", I yelled, I could feel a surge of power pulsing through my veins. A bright yellow current burst out of my hand, and hit Jonathan. Jonathan was thrown against the wall, and he was coughing up blood. Before I could make a portal to get the hell away from Jonathan, I heard an unfamiliar voice talking to Jace.

Jace's POV (first person)

"Hello Jace", Evie said. It couldn't be her. It couldn't be. I rubbed my eyes, to see if I was dreaming, but I wasn't. The first girl I had loved was standing in front of me, and I was just standing there.
"What... how?", I asked.
"I faked my own death", she said.
"", I was cut off by a loud scream. Freya...
She was unconscious, and was surrounded by a pool of blood. I scrambled towards her, and saw she had been slashed by a seraph blade. I whipped out my stele, and slowly drew a healing rune. It seemed to be draining my energy whilst I was doing it, but the bleeding stopped, and Freya's slowly opened her eyes. Jonathan was nowhere to be seen. The same as Clary and Evie.

I saw a note that was pinned to the wall with a dagger. It read, 'you have two days to meet me at (address), see you soon, my darling sister'.

"What are we going to do?", I asked.
"Evie-she, I need to f-find her and tell her...", Jace said.
I slowly walked towards him and sighed. Tell her what?
"What?", I asked.
"That I loved her, but I'm in love with someone else", Jace said whilst smirking.
"Who exactly?", I asked.
"You know who Frey...", Jace said.
"Clary?", I asked.
Jace kissed me softly and whispered, "you, who the f*ck else".
"What do we do?", I asked.
"We follow through with our plan", Jace said. I nodded.
"When this is all over, we can finally properly be together", Jace said.

Alec's POV (first person)

Isabelle and Jonathan. How could she? After all Jonathan Morgenstern had done, how could she?

I thought the clave was the main issue at bay, but it looks like I'm wrong. I knew she hated Freya, but sometimes, enough is enough.

I mean.... I just didn't know how to react. For the past three weeks, I have been spying on Jonathan and Isabelle.

I know what Jonathan is planning, and if he isn't stopped, the whole shadow world as we know it is doomed. I don't want me and my future kids worrying about the egotistical jerk that is Jonathan Morgenstern, and whether he will kill people out of boredom, enjoyment, or if he's just in a bad mood.

Let's just say, I'm glad Freya is in hiding. The dumbest thing she could possibly do is even consider joining Jonathan.

As for Valentine, he seems to have disappeared. Literally. I don't know what Jonathan had done, but Valentine is now the least of everybody's worries.

Hey guys, I was wondering, should I give Alec a love interest? I kinda feel bad for him :(
Anyways, thanks for reading!!
Vote and comment!!!! <3

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