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Humble; having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance

Freya's POV(first person)

"Well sadly we don't always get what we want", I said, before slowly getting up, and heading to the bathroom. I quickly locked the door.

What had just happened? Was I seriously considering doing the dirty with Jace?



"Freya hurry up, I need to pee", Jace said.

If I was truly, trapped in a room with this fool, for a week, then I was doomed. Yep. Doomed. Jace started to bang on the door, again. Huh... Serves him right for being an asshole.

"Freya... I swear, I'm literally about to wet myself!", he yelled.

I still didn't reply. I decided to open the door though, I wasn't that cruel.

A frantic and panicked Jace burst in.

"If you wanna see my you know what, I would leave, if I were you", Jace taunted.

"Not something I haven't seen before", I challenged.

I had no intention of staying in the bathroom, I just wanted to annoy him.

"Whatever", he said.

I quickly exited the bathroom, and slammed the door.

I was angry, frustrated and pissed.

Firstly, because of his stupid plan involving Valentine, that he happened to randomly concoct in that thick head of his. Secondly, Alec using a calm anger rune on me. Thirdly, Jace lying about me and him having super flu, meaning I was stuck in this bloody room for a week with his incompetent ass.

Lastly, the fact that the only reason I was stuck in a room with him for a week, was so I didn't tell the clave about his reckless idea, and more importantly it gave Alec and Isabelle time to find my psychotic father.

"Deep in thought?", Jace asked.

"Don't talk to me", I said.

"Why?", he asked.

"Because you are annoying, and I don't talk to two faced, back stabbing posers!", I yelled.

Jace looked unfazed by my outburst.

In fact he looked calm. Too calm.

"Sorry I don't want the clave to experiment on the love of my life, and treat you like a lab rat", he said sarcastically.

Wait.. the love of his what..

My face softened, but Jace narrowed his eyes and scowled. Hmm.. so he wanted to continue this pathetic and petty, argument? So be it.

"And shipping me off to the cause of all of this chaos, is so much better", I said, every ounce of my words riddled in resentment.

"Did you not just hear what I said?", Jace asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, I'm not the one who is delusional, of all people that would be you!", I retorted.

"Freya, you are literally so infuriating. Ah!!!", Jace said.

"You're one to talk", I muttered.

He definitely heard that.

Within seconds, Jace rushed to the bathroom and locked the door.

The door stayed locked for hours and hours on end. It was getting fairly late, so I decided to head to bed, as I was exhausted.

Jace's POV (first person)

I rushed to the bathroom, as soon as I heard those words come out of her mouth.

'You're one to talk'.

She was right though, the sad part was she was right. Instead of taking risks and seeing the outcome, I rushed to another solution, that definitely wasn't the answer to our problems. Valentine.

What was I thinking?

My massive ego, wouldn't admit I was wrong, regardless of the excuses I would make.

Freya was right. It was foolish of me to think Valentine was a lesser threat to her and everybody than the clave.

The clave truly feared Valentine.

Hours past, and I hoped she would knock on the door, or say something. She didn't. But I didn't blame her.

Freya's POV (first person)

My eyelids fluttered open, and I was still extremely exhausted, but I decided to get up and take a shower.
Jace was nowhere to be seen.

I knocked on the bathroom door, but there was no answer.

I used my stele and drew an unlock rune, and the door, slowly, but surely clicked open.

"Jace", I said.

I spotted Jace, and he was asleep on the floor. Damn him and his stubbornness. Not that I was any less stubborn, probably even worse.

I filled up a glass of cold water, and poured it over his head to wake him up. It serves him right, after the way he acted yesterday.

His eyes instantly flung open, and he quickly got to his feet, and lunged for me.

I quickly ran into his bedroom, and hid under his bed.

"Freya", Jace called.

I felt something grab my ankle, and pull me from under the bed. I yelped.
Jace slung me over his shoulder and headed towards the shower. Uh oh...

"I think it's time someone had their morning shower, don't you?", he asked. His question, obviously rhetorical.

He turned the water on, and moved in a position where he would stay dry, and I would get soaked.

I felt cold. Too cold. But the shots of electricity from Jace holding me, kept me warm.

"Jace... I'm going to kill you!", I yelled.

It's only when I started to violently cough and sneeze, was when Jace turned the shower off.

He instantly threw a towel at me.
When my coughing and sneezing fit ceased to stop, Jace started getting worried.

"Shit", he said.

He turned the shower on again, and I started to question his sanity at that point.

"Get in", he said.

"No thank you", I replied

"If you don't want to really get super flu, you'll listen", Jace said.

"Fine", I said.

I got in the shower, and the water was scoldingly hot.

To my surprise Jace thought it was wise to try to join me.

"You better not...", I warned.

"I better not what", he whispered.

He smashed his lips against mine, and I felt safe, and warm.

He quickly pulled away, grabbed a towel, and left the bathroom.

Leaving me clueless, and confused, whilst standing beneath the scouring water.

I quickly got changed, and scrambled towards the bedroom. I started to have another sneeze and coughing fit.
Jace narrowed his eyes, and he looked genuinely concerned.

"Sorry", he simply stated.

"For?", I asked.

"Everything", he said.

Freya Morgenstern Where stories live. Discover now