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Nightmare; a frightening or unpleasant dream

Jace's POV (first person)

I had almost caught up with Freya.

But she had quickly stepped through a portal, and disappeared without a trace. Freya. Was. Gone.

She was gone.

I was numb. Empty.

"Where's that lunatic?", Isabelle asked, genuinely sounding scared, and worried.

"Gone", I said.

Robert and Maryse both had a stupid, smug look plastered all over their faces.

They knew something like this would happen. They knew...

"You knew this would happen! I hate you!", I yelled.

I hated them. I truly did. I hated them so much. This... what they've done... it's unforgivable..

"Jace calm down, it's not their fault", Isabelle replied softly.

I was a ticking time bomb, and she knew it.

"Calm down? You've got to be kidding me. Don't act like you care, you hated her, you all did", I said, too calmly.

"Don't you dare say that!", Alec warned.

"Ah... my loyal parabatai, or not so loyal... you stole my girlfriend, well not exactly, the time me and her spent together... made up for all the lost time", I taunted.

The blithering idiot, stood there, with his mouth hanging open, like the entrance to a bottomless pit.

"At least I got a goodbye kiss", he replied.

"See what one girl has done to this family", Maryse said bitterly.

"This is no family! I'm not related to any of you! I'm just the adopted one!", I yelled.

"I will find her, and be with her! Damn the clave, damn all of you, damn you ALEC", I said bitterly.

Before storming off, and heading towards the brocelind forest.

Alec's POV (first person)

Jace had left. But I couldn't bare to leave and face the issue at hand.

After Jace left, I went to Freya's room and picked up her stele, to see if I could track her.

Weirdly, after I traced the tracking rune, and tried to find her, the stele melted. Literally melted.

"Isabelle", I called.

"What in the angel", Isabelle exclaimed.

"This is bad", she said.

"You think, Freya is gone, Jace is gone, our family is falling apart, and this was all caused by her leaving", I said, but I instantly felt guilty. It wasn't her fault, but it was. She was the reason behind all this chaos.
"I fear the clave is the least of our worries", I said truthfully.

Freya had unlimited power, she didn't even know the scale or extent of her own abilities. She could now control them, but what was to say she wouldn't turn against everybody, especially if Valentine finds her.

I honestly don't know what we were all thinking.

She's 17, probably one of the most powers beings to ever live, and she potentially has a vendetta against shadowhunters. And...I love her.

"If it comes between us and her... who do would you stand by", Isabelle asked.

"I don't know", I said.

"Who Alec?", Isabelle inquired.

"Freya, it would be Freya", I said.

"We need to find her", Isabelle said.

Freya's POV (first person)

I arrived at my room in the New York institute. Home. I walked around my room, reminiscing. To bad I was on the run, with no money, and no plan. But. I was home.

I had to find Magnus, and quick before the Clave or Valentine found me. I quickly took a shower, and threw on my gear. I created a portal to Magnus' apartment, and quickly stepped through.

Magnus was standing rather stiffly, as if he were ready to attack.

"I need your help", I said.

"With what?", he asked curiously.
"Valentine and the clave are after me, I have unlimited and raging power coursing through my veins, I could honestly kill anybody by just imagining it", I said.

"Sounds like a you problem", Magnus said.

"But I'll help you", he added.

"There's a warlock called Ragnor, who faked his own death, he will gladly help you", Magnus said.

He quickly created a portal, and mouthed, 'hurry'. I heard his doors burst open, and someone shouting 'in the name of the clave'.

It was Jace.

Jace lunged towards Magnus and tackled him. The portal abruptly closed shut.

Jace quickly got up, and tried to walk up to me. But he quickly stopped, noticing my discomfort.

"What the are you doing here?", I said bitterly.

"I'm here... to apologise, I love you, f*ck, I'm f*cking sorry for everything, ignoring you, not standing up to the clave till now, everything", he said.

"You can show you're sorry through your actions, apologies are meaningless without action", I said.

"Look, I- wherever you are going, I am coming, and I don't care what you say, this is non-negotiable", he said.

"I don't want you or any of you idiots near me, capeesh?", I said.

"Freya, lover boy, you need to go now, I sense dark energy", Magnus said.

I instantly frowned. I'm mad at him, but I'd rather he'd be out of harms way.

Magnus opened the portal again.

"Come", I said.

Me and Jace walked through the portal, leading us to goodness knows where.

Freya Morgenstern Where stories live. Discover now