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Yellow; of the colour between green and orange in the spectrum, a primary subtractive colour complementary to blue; coloured like ripe lemons or egg yolks.

Jace's POV (first person)

We had arrived in the middle of nowhere. There was oversized shadowing trees with protruding branches.

We were in a forest.

This so-called forest almost instantly vanished and we were at the front steps of a cottage.

"Where are we?", Freya asked.

"If I knew I would tell you", I said sarcastically whilst smirking.

"You haven't changed at all", Freya said

Before I could respond the front door to the cottage dramatically burst open and, a middle aged, semi-tall, guy glared at us in confusion.

"Who are you?", he asked.

"Magnus sent us", Freya said.

The guy's demeanour instantly changed, and he treated us as if we were his long lost best friends.
"I'm Ragnor, Ragnor fell, do come inside", he said.
Freya hesitantly stepped through the door. I slowly followed her, inspecting the surrounding area.
Ragnor lead us to a large beam-ceilinged living room. Freya slowly sat down on the oversized pleather coach.

Freya's POV (first person)
After we had explained the whole situation, Ragnor was rendered speechless.
"The clave and Valentine are hunting you down?", he asked.
I nodded for the thousandth time. Ugh.... My life was a massive mess.
"You have two options, clearly, you either go on the run, or go back to Idris", he said.
Idris. Home for shadowhunters. More like a massive scam. Idris was no home for me, when my own people hunted me down, and intended to use me as a weapon.
"Could I... stay here till I've figured it all out?", I asked.
"You can stay for however long you like", Ragnor said.

Alec's POV (first person)
It's been two weeks.
Jace is gone. Freya is gone. The clave...
As soon as they'd figured out about what had happened, and how Jace and Freya had left... They put me, Isabelle and our parents on house arrest. We weren't allowed to set foot outside our house. They had hired a warlock and used powerful runes to prevent us from leaving Idris as well.
We were doomed, finished, defeated.
My parents were constantly arguing, and always complaining about the littlest things.
I was stressed out and worried. But mostly scared. What would happen to Jace and Freya? What would happen to my family? What were the clave planning? These thoughts swirled through my brain constantly.

Isabelle's POV (first person)
This was all Freya's fault. All of her fault. If she actually faced her problems, instead of constantly running away from them, we wouldn't be in this situation. Everyone I've ever known has suffered because of her. I genuinely hate her, but admire her.
One thing she isn't, is stupid, I'll give her credit, she's smart when she wants to be. I honestly don't know how long it took her to realise the clave was not on her side and never would be.
The clave only cared about the clave. Nobody else.

Freya's POV (first person)
Ragnor had directed me and Jace to a small narrow room. It had two twin beds, laying side by side. The decor was rather natural, and quite rustic.
I heard a loud bang, and I instantly jumped.
Jace had practically slammed the door shut. What the...
My thoughts were disrupted, as I was almost immediately shoved against the door.
Jace started to kiss my neck, my collarbone, and finally he smashed his lips against mine.
He pulled away and led me towards the bed.
He hovered above me, balancing his weight on his arms, and he leaned in and kissed me roughly, and hungrily, I looped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
He started to lift his shirt over his head, and he threw it to the other side of the room.
"Jace.... I still hate you", I said.
"But... this is fun", I added.
His grin, immediately faltered, and he looked irritated.
He kissed my neck slowly and whispered, "are you sure I'm not forgiven yet?".
I shook my head. He started to grind against me and I groaned.
"Am I forgiven?", he asked with a devilish smirk plastered all over his smug face.
"Yes", I said.
"That's all I needed to hear", he said, before slowly pulling my shirt off.
"I've missed this", I said.
"You missed my d;ck inside of you", he said.
"F*ck off, asshole, no I've missed being with you, you idiot", I said.

Isabelle's POV (first person)
We all were called to the living room to have a meeting with the inquisitor and the consul.
Whatever they had to say, should always be take with utter seriousness, as they were the leaders and orchestrators of the clave. To go against them, would mean going against the entire clave, and all shadowhunters. But it didn't mean you had to agree with all of their rules and regulations, but you had to put up with it for your own sake. At least that's what my mom said.
Me.... I couldn't care less..
"I know, you have all been extremely patient whilst under house arrest to find out the decision the clave has made", the inquisitor said.
Well no sh*t Sherlock!
"We've decided....".

Freya Morgenstern Where stories live. Discover now