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"And count all the reasons, we are the champions"- Jason Derulo

Freya's POV (first person)

I had been quiet the whole way to the mysterious location we were headed to. I was quiet on the subway. I was quiet whilst we were walking through Central Park. And I was quiet whilst we passed my old home. The New York institute.

"You shouldn't be threatened by me. I'm secretly rooting for you and Jace", Evie whispered.
I just nodded.
"You don't talk much, do you?", she asked.
"She talks, a lot. But, Freya is the complete opposite of you, Evie", Jace said.
"How so?", Evie asked.

She was starting to get on my nerves.

Sometimes, people just want peace, and they don't like talking. And this girl clearly didn't get that. She also didn't get that personal space existed, because she was all up in my personal bubble.

"Well... she's loud when she wants to be, she's an introvert, she's shy at first, and she keeps her feelings bottled up. Oh, and she's too selfless. But I love her, and that's all that matters", Jace said.

I just nodded. I didn't trust this Evie girl. She seemed shady. Well... she literally faked her own death. I honestly think that's as shady as it gets.

"She's extremely introverted, clearly. Where did you two meet? At a library?", her and Jace both started to laugh, but I just ignored them. I honestly wasn't in a mood.

"I mean, you must miss me Jace... that girl has no spark", she said.

"From what I've seen, she's like a walking zombie", she added.

Oh, I had had enough.

"Well at least I'm not a judgemental asshole, who thinks they know f*cking everything, when they don't know two sh*ts about anything. At least I don't run on two brain cells", I said calmly.

"That comeback was meh. I'll give you a 5/10. I think we're are going to be great friends", she said sarcastically.

"Huh, you f*cking wish. Oh, and Jace, have fun talking to that idiot, I'll meet you two there", I said, and with that I opened a portal, to the address Evie had written on her hand.

Jace's POV (first person)

"You could've been nicer", I said whilst smirking.

Looks like Evie hasn't changed one bit. Still feisty.

"She's a literal dud", Evie said, whilst smirking.

"Mmhmm", I said, whilst smiling. I missed this. I didn't see Evie as anything but a friend now. It would never be more. Because however much I had loved her, I wouldn't get back with her after what she did with me. I don't even know why I'm thinking about that.

But I had to make that clear to her. Because when she had been insulting Freya, I was so close to yelling at her.

How could she disrespect someone she didn't even know? Especially after what she did to me. She was a bloody hypocrite.

"Never insult her again", I warned.

"Or what?", she asked.

"I'm being serious. You and me is never ever going to happen. So hold back from being the conniving, judgemental, selfish, hypocritical, stupid asshole that you are and back the hell off! Especially from Freya, alright!", I snapped.

"How could you disrespect someone you don't know, especially after what you did to me", I said bitterly.

"Jeez, I didn't know you hated me that much", she said, genuinely sounding hurt.

"You bet I do. Especially after how you talked to my girlfriend", I hissed.

"Jace... look, sorry, I was just joking. Chill alright. We're cool, aren't we?", she asked.

I just nodded.

"One thing. Why?", I asked.

"Jace... I did love you. For some time. But it just didn't feel right, and I was only 14. How would I know what love was, when no one ever loved me? I needed to be comfortable with myself, that's why I did it. You can't love someone when you don't love yourself", Evie said.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. And I'm glad you found someone else who can can give you all the love and affection you deserve. Freya seems like a genuine and kind person. I'm a bit jealous, because I'm not very genuine or kind. So sorry", she said.

"The past is the past. At least that gives us some kind of closure. I wonder where Freya went", I said.

"She's gone to the right place, trust me", Evie assured, sounding fearful and concerned.

Freya Morgenstern Where stories live. Discover now