The ending of all endings (Part 1)

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"And I know that you're scared, because hearts get broken"- Harry Styles

Jace's POV (first person)
For six months there had been no demon attacks.

It had been surprisingly quiet throughout New York. There had been no sightings of Valentine or Jonathan.

Me and Freya. We decided it was best to take a break for a while. Our relationship was too complicated and had too much baggage. I doesn't mean I still didn't love her. I did. We just needed distance.

Freya moved to the LA institute a month after the whole Jonathan institute. She said she needed a fresh start and a break from everything. I wasn't sure if she also meant me. But I assumed so, because I haven't heard from her since. Weird. But I didn't think much of it at the time.

"Thinking about her, again", Alec said.

Alec had moved on and was dating someone else. I was happy, that after everything, he still found happiness.

"Jace!! Alec!!! Come now!!", it was Isabelle.

"What?", I asked.

"LA institute hasn't been heard from in months!!! Apparently it was under attack months ago!!", Isabelle yelled.

Did that mean? Surely not!!!

Freya's POV (first person)

Jonathan and Valentine have been holding the entire institute captive for months now. I had tried to escape several times, and that had been unsuccessful.

My powers. Huh... They have been no help. I was too weak to use them.

Everyday started the same.

I was woken up at 4am. Then I was dragged to the training room, and I was forced to polish every single thing inside of it.

Then I was given barely edible porridge, my only meal that I would be given the entire day.

Then you know, torture. Then more torture. Well at least I wasn't dead.

I had dreamed of Jace saving me several times. It's been several months, and that hasn't happened. So I just gave up. I was barely skin and bone.

Nullifying Jonathan's demon blood only took away his extra abilities.

But he was still part demon. The cruelty didn't fade. He was still the same.

Some people just can't change.

"Freya, Freya, Freya. Still weak and pathetic", he said.

"Still a psychotic freak, I see", I retorted.

"Still can't shut the f*ck up", he said bitterly.

"Some things just don't change, anyways... I've decided that it's finally time to get rid of you", he said seriously.

"What? Like drag me to hell", I said jokingly.

"Precisely that. You see, father was getting annoying, a couple months ago. Always talking about how 'she'll die soon if we continue', so I got rid of him.

"Not surprising", I said.

"My powers have eventually been coming back. I'm as deadly as ever, and I'm looking for revenge", he said.

I used the last of the ounce of energy left in me, to attempt to fight him off.

That didn't end very well.

I started to cough up blood and he just laughed.

"We're moving. I presume you'll need a month or two to regain strength, so I'll allow that", he said.

"And just before you pass out", he whispered in my ear, his voice so haunting, it was sending chills down my back, and making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"I love you, my dear sister, and you'll rule by my side for years and years, for the rest of time", he said, before kissing my forehead and walking away.

Please. Jonathan was only capable of destruction.
His idea of love was torture and suffering. I hated him. And I expected the feeling to be mutual.

He was a creep. I just prayed Jace or whoever came soon, before I practically turned crazy.

Jace's POV (first person)

"What the f*ck do you mean by under attack?", I asked. Under attack?

Did that mean... No... Freya will be fine, everything will be ok...

"Two months ago it was under attack by Jonathan and Valentine. Apparently, they have covered there tracks so well, that the clave didn't know about anything that had occurred", Isabelle said.

"What do we do?", Alec asked, he looked sickly pale.

"We do what we do best. We fight. And I get Freya back", I said.

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