Wasting time

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Wasting time; causing someone to spend time doing something that is unnecessary or does not produce any benefit
Alec's POV (first person)
Trying to leave the house whilst under house arrest was next to impossible. But I managed it. I was in New York. Step one, on my plan to find Freya and Jace was to go to the New York institute.
I was looking around her old room, hoping to find something that would help me track her. You know, something more personal. I had to be careful because every attempt to track her has been unsuccessful so far.
I noticed someone had been in here recently, it smelled like Freya's body wash. I noticed a damp towel on the floor, it was days old.
Freya had been here. At least that was a step in the right direction.
When I heard voices approaching the room, I hid in her bathroom, and locked the door.
"Where could she be Jonathan?", it was Clary.
Hold on... Clary? Why were they so interested in finding Freya?
"Clary, I thought you said you tracked her properly?", Jonathan said, sounding frustrated and irritated.
"I tried, alright, give me a break", Clary huffed.
"The sooner we find her the better, we need to figure out a way to distract my father, then we find Freya. I've longed for a sister for as long as I can remember. I want her. Do you understand that? If you can't help me...you are of no use", Jonathan said.
Like father like son, you know with being extremely shady and being a cold blooded killer, oh and having odd ulterior motives. The only difference between Jonathan and Valentine, was Jonathan's apparent odd and weird obsession with Freya. I mean seriously?
As soon as "I want her", left his mouth, that just portrayed his freaky, odd obsession. Who says that about their sibling, let alone anybody? I wouldn't know, because I'm not a lunatic like Jonathan.
"Someone's here", Jonathan said.
"It's just me", it was Isabelle.
"I will do a deal with you, I'll help you find your idiot sister, and you help me kill Valentine", Isabelle said.
"Deal", Jonathan said.
"Clary, leave me to talk to her", Jonathan said.
All I was thinking was: what the f*ck was Isabelle thinking?
Was she insane?

Isabelle's POV (first person)
I had made a deal with the clave, kill Valentine or bring them Freya.
I obviously chose killing Valentine. There was no way in hell, I would do that to my brothers, no matter how much I hated Freya's guts.
But in order to successfully complete my mission, I had to make a deal with Jonathan. Let's just hope the angels forgive me for brokering a deal with the devil incarnate.
I had heard what he said about Freya. The whole freaky obsession he has with her was beyond terrifying.
But he was stupid and naive. Of f*cking course, I wouldn't let him near Freya. I said I'd help him find her, not let him take her against her will. The guy had severe issues, there was no way in hell I would even let that happen to my worst enemy.
"Isabelle, I have already been working with a warlock to take down the monster that is my father", Jonathan said.
"He could die, whenever I wanted him to, so let me tell you this, we find Freya, she comes with me, and the Valentine problem disappears" he said.
"Question, you know before I agree to this...", I said.
He nodded, urging me to continue with my inquiry.
"What exactly do you want Freya for? And why is she so important to you, all of a sudden?", I asked.
"She's my little sister, I just want to know she's alright", he said whilst smirking. Yep. I wasn't convinced.
"Don't worry about it, you'll find out soon enough", Jonathan said.
"Do we have a deal?", Jonathan said, whilst stretching out his hand.
"Yes", I said, whilst shaking his hand.
He abruptly pulled me closer towards him and whispered, "when I get my hands on her.... you're all doomed, she's mine".
What did he mean by doomed?
Before I could ask any more questions, he disappeared into thin air.
What did he mean by "you're all doomed"?
And most importantly. The f*ck did he mean by "she's mine". I didn't make a deal with the devil incarnate, more like the devil himself.
Next step was finding Magnus, and finding a way to get rid of Jonathan as well. I don't think the clave, Freya, or anybody wanted a mini Valentine running around.

Freya's POV (first person)
I woke up in Jace's arms. Literally. I desperately needed to go to the toilet, and I tried to escape his grasp, but the dumb ass wouldn't let me go.
Even when he's asleep he's annoying.
To get him to wake up I started to yell.
His eyes instantly flung open, and he pulled me closer to him, whilst whispering, "good morning sunshine".
He started to kiss my neck, and I would've stayed. But, I had to go to the toilet!
"Jace... I need to go to the toilet", I said.
He groaned and reluctantly let me go. I rushed to the bathroom, and slammed the door shut.
I decided I also wanted to take a shower, but before I could, Jace bursted in, and held my hand.
"You didn't think you I would let you take a shower by yourself", he said whilst smirking. He would always have a massive ego, but that's what I secretly loved about him.
"Hurry up before the water gets cold", Jace said.
"Go away", I said, before quickly shutting the shower curtain.
Almost as soon as I closed it, Jace yanked it open.
"Like I said, I'm not leaving", he said.
I quickly showered, got changed and was about to dash out of the bathroom, till Jace grabbed my arm. He pinned me against the door, and whispered, "where do you think your going?".
Just before he was about to kiss me... I heard a familiar voice coming from outside the room.
"Thanks for letting me know her whereabouts Ragnor", it was Valentine.
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"What happens when"

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