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Unexpected; not expected or regarded as likely to happen.

Freya's POV( first person)

I woke up, with a throbbing, pain infusing headache. I couldn't fathom what could have caused it, it felt like someone was repetitively smashing a brick against my skull.

I slowly got up, and saw a sleeping Jace, snoring loudly.

I got changed, and against Jace's advise, I decided to sneak out.

I followed the pathway I did last time, and wondered around.

It was late, the skies were pitch black, and the moon gleamed proudly, like a beacon in the darkness. I decided to scope out another abandoned house, hoping I wouldn't have an encounter with the undead again. I opened the front door slowly, it was mysteriously unlocked. Strange.

I heard distant voices, coming from upstairs. I carefully tiptoed up the crumbling steps, worried and beyond frightened.

Let's just say I wasn't prepared to see what I was about to see. My brother, was talking to a hologram that looked like Valentine.

"She's here father", he said.

"Where, exactly?", Valentine asked.

"The lightwood manor", he replied.

"Good, you know the plan, we have the mortal cup, and the mortal sword, now we need the mortal mirror", Valentine said.

"How do we discover it's location?", Jonathan asked.

"Your sister has something of her mother's that may help find it", Valentine said.

"The plan is, introduce yourself as Sebastian Verlac, and get Freya to trust you", Valentine said.

"Wouldn't she know that it's me?", Jonathan asked.

"Not exactly", Valentine said.

I had heard enough.

I scrambled down the stairs, and sprinted back the way I had come. I needed to find Jace.

*hours later

I arrived at the lightwood house, panting and out of breath.

Jonathan was in Idris.

I had an overwhelming feeling, this was not going to end well, you know with my psychotic brother on the loose and all.

"Jace", I called out.

I heard footsteps slowly walk down the rickety stairwell. It was Alec.

"Alec, Jonathan's in Idris", I said.

"What? How?", he asked.

"I'll explain it all in a minute, but I need to find Jace", I said.

"I'm right here", Jace said worriedly.

"Jonathan is in Idris", I blurted out.

"I was bored, and decided to wonder around, and I roamed an abandoned house, only to hear my psycho of a brother, talking to Valentine. He plans to pose as 'Sebastian Verlac', you know because of the meetings across Idris, requiring all shadowhunter to....", I babbled, before I was cut off.

"Stop babbling, this is serious, Freya", Jace said.

"Don't you think I know that?", I said, a bit too passive aggressively.

"Calm down", Alec said.

"What are we going to do?", I asked.

"Nothing, you're staying out of it, and I think it's time we make some rules, for your safety, and everyone else's", Jace said.

To my surprise, Alec nodded. This situation was just getting more and more ridiculous.

"Rule 1) No more sneaking out", Jace said.

"Rule 2) You cannot leave the house, without someone with you", he added.

"Rule 3) Stay away from Clary", Alec added.

"Rule 4) if you break these rules, there will be consequences", Jace added.

"Why should I stay away from Clary?", I asked.

"She's not even in Idris", I added.

Was I missing something?

I stormed off, up to my room. The nerve of those jerks.

I was about to slam my door, till Jace barged in.

Why should I avoid Clary?

"Why do I need to stay away from Clary?", I asked.

"Alec, suspects she's up to something, and frankly, I don't want you in the middle of her nonsense", Jace said.

I nodded.

Freya Morgenstern Where stories live. Discover now