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Amanda had undoubtedly seen those wolves the other night. You couldn't imagine how jumbled her thoughts must've been since then. It also made you wonder if she'd actually seen any of them shifting into their wolf forms. Either way, she deserved the truth; you just weren't sure how to break it to her.

Attempting to busy yourself at work only helped distract you for so long. You started to regret staying an extra thirty minutes due to the influx of customers coming in that evening. Dealing with people did not help your planning at all.

But how the heck were you supposed to tell Amanda about the wolves? Her reactions, though usually excessive, were difficult to predict. Then again, you weren't sure how you would even react to that information. Your introduction to the wolves, to those who shift into wolves, was a gentle one-on-one with Law; not while getting lit at the club on a Saturday.

"Excuse me, miss, I need your assistance."

"How can I--Law!" You stumbled back in surprise until Law caught you.

You wanted to hug him right then, feeling a sense of relief from all your mental stress by just the sight of him. "Thank god you're here."

"Oh?" He grew inquisitive, giving a glance at the books you were putting away.

"Law, we have a problem," you replied with an anxious tongue.

"That we do."

Did he already know?

"The problem is," he continued, "You weren't at the apartment when I came in earlier."

Your chest deflated in consolation that he didn't know the real problem yet. It also made the butterflies in your stomach fluster at the thought of Law taking it upon himself to check on you at work.

"Let me guess," you started, crossing your arms with a soft smile, "I need to buy a new frame?"



"But you might need a new lamp for your bedside table."

"Damn it, Law," you whispered with a chuckle, facepalming.

His lips twitched into a brief smirk before retracting into concern. "Now what's the problem?"

You looked behind Law, seeing that most of the customers had been checked out, or were idling around.

"I...can't tell you here. But I'll be off soon. Wait for me outside?" You asked, meeting his alluring gaze.

Brushing your chin with one of his tattooed fingers, Law's smirk returned. "Sure thing, love."

'Love'? 'LOVE'?!?!?

And just like that he casually walked out of the bookstore.

The audacity!

But that meant he didn't make a mistake on the note from lunch...

You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, spreading across your face. His charms were almost too much to bear - so much so that for a moment, the situation at hand was of no relevance.


Walking outside after work, you breathed in the fresh air and freedom. You expected Law to be on one of the benches outside of the bookstore or at least leaning up against the building. But...he wasn't anywhere in sight. There were a few people walking down the sidewalks and a few cars parked at the curb, but no sign of your wolf.

Then, one of the cars' headlights flashed on and the engine revved.

"Law?!" You gasped as the window rolled down.

The man stepped out of the black Jaguar coupe and walked over to open the passenger door for you.

"Where the heck did you get this?!"

"It's the pack's car," he explained as he carefully closed the door when you got in.

That car was undoubtedly worth more than the entirety of your college tuition. But he was a doctor, on top of being an alpha - whatever revenue that brought in - so it really wasn't that outlandish for him.

"How come I've never seen it before?" You had a million questions, watching Law place a hand on the wheel.

"It's pretty recognizable, especially out here. With Doflamingo out for a while, we can start using it again."

The engine purred as Law pulled out from the bookstore. Soft music from the radio nearly lulled you to sleep. After your long day, it was almost too easy to drift off right then.

When your eyes closed, you felt Law's free hand brush yours, soon intertwining fingers so naturally. This was something you only ever daydreamed about. But this time it was real.

You enjoyed the peace and serenity of the car ride. Being in the passenger seat with Law as the driver hit different than rides in the past. No strangers, no uncertainty. Only Law.

There was still the matter of telling Law your predicament. Not only that, but you still had to ask about the movie night happening later in the week.

For now, you would relish in the blanket of comfort that Law provided.

At least until that tattooed hand snaked out of your hold and those fingers gripped your thigh.

Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar Law x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now