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You already agreed to meeting Amanda's 'friend' so seeing that creepy man again and talking to him was inevitable.

Dragging yourself to the cafe, you ran through all of the possible scenarios and each one made you wish for Law.

"There she is!" Amanda called when you set a single toe into the restaurant.

You gulped and set your gaze on the bubbly mess of a girl racing towards you, forcing your eyes to not search for Kid.

"Welcome in," called another employee.

Amanda ushered you in and took you to a table in the back - where the devil sat.

You lowered your sight and stared at the fork on the table, resisting a smirk since it made you think of Law and miss him.

Amanda's waving hand caught you out of your haze. "Helloooo? You there?"

You nodded.

"She daydreams a lot, hehe."

Kid was surely staring you down, you could feel it. "I wonder who she's thinking of, hm?" He teased.

Shut up.

Sighing through your nostrils, you decided to play nice for Amanda and met his eyes. "Pleasure to meet you, too," you replied with a hint of sass and a cheesy smile.

Fortunately, Amanda was oblivious to your stubbornness. "Kid has been a regular customer here for a while, and he goes to the same school as you! I'm so jealous!"

You faked a chuckle, which came out as an awkward giggle, making Kid bark out his own obnoxious laugh.

Amanda patted your back. "I've gotta go wait on a few other tables before my shift ends. Sit down, (y/n) and get to know each other a little more! Free coffee on me!"


Shakily, you sat down as Amanda skipped off.

"She talks about you a lot," Kid said, which was probably the most normal sentence that would ever come from his mouth.

"Is that why you were inclined to stalk me?" You grumbled, accidentally catching his stare and fidgeting your hands beneath the table.


"I think you mean 'yes'." Resting the left side of your face in your hand, you looked away.

"Tell me what it is about that bastard that draws in a catch like you?"

You blinked and gave up another glance to him, locking eyes. "Huh?"

"I've known Trafalgar for a while, yet he's never once shown an ounce of kindness towards me."

I wonder why.

Setting your hand on the table, you toyed with the fork. "Oh." You shrugged, and luckily he didn't press for another reply.

There was an awkward silence. Amanda brought you a small mug of coffee and assumed you two were getting along, which was fine since you wanted her to be happy.

"So what are your intentions with Amanda?" You asked, setting the rim of the mug to your lips and blowing away some of the steam.

"I like her. She's cute."

"Well," you began, deciding to take a step forward and put yourself above Kid, "if you hurt her, you'll be answering to an angry Law." You took a sip of your coffee, acting cool but actually having your tongue scalded, but you hid that.

You could've said he would be answering to you, but that probably would have intrigued him.

"I'm not afraid of him, y'know," he hissed.

"You should be."

"I'm not."

"You'd better be."

"I'm not."

"You are."





"You talking about the party?" Amanda piped in, making you jolt in surprise. She began to untie her apron. "Because we are going!"

Quickly, you hid behind your coffee mug and took a few sips.

"Oh, is (y/n) going with you?" Kid asked, and you hoped to the high heavens he wouldn't be.

"Yup! All the more reason you should come!"


You mentally facepalmed.

"Hmm, maybe I will stop by." Kid replied as he stood up with a devilish grin, sauntering beside Amanda and pinching her sides while she was working on freeing herself from the apron, squeaking in response.

You shifted uncomfortably and turned away, pretending to read the daily specials.

Inside, your blood was boiling and your stomach was churning. Not only did Kid have Amanda fangirling over him, he was now probably going to be at that damn party. Probably. You would have preferred a definite answer, even if it was a yes.

Amanda was successfully distracted, waving you bye as she and Kid went off to her apartment. Since it was across from yours, you weren't thrilled about going back alone just yet. With a sigh, you slumped over the table and did your best not to think about Law, tapping your fingers against the mug.

"Pardon me, sir," someone echoed behind, and you assumed they had difficulty passing by Kid who surely took up the entirety of the doorway with just his ego.

Stupid Kid. I'll have to talk to Amanda somehow...but she seemed happy. What do I do?

You groaned and set the mug on the table with one hand. You attempted to pull your hand away from the coffee, but you miscalculated and your finger was hooked onto the handle. Because of how you jerked your hand, the mug nearly fell off the edge of the table towards your lap, had it not been for a brown-gloved hand catching the mug by encasing the rim in their palm to prevent coffee from spilling.

"That was close!" A young man's voice came from above, and they chuckled adorably. "You alright, miss?"

Your heart was beating fast, but you still managed to look up and met the cheerful gaze of a beautiful man with short, wavy blonde hair. His left eye was marred with a scar, but that just gave him unique character. He was dressed in a clean, blue button-up shirt and white jeans secured by a black belt. You melted at his smile, and you just couldn't help but smile back.

"Y-Yes..." you stammered, having never been encountered by someone so polite and willing to help a stranger. "Thank you, mister uh.."

"Haha! No need for the 'mister'; makes me sound old!" He chuckled again, and you relaxed. "My name is Sabo!"

Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar Law x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now