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No, be strong.

You forced yourself to get through breakfast without being distracted by a certain adorable dork.

What was even worse was when you pried your backpack from underneath the abyss of clothes you never wore (or hung) in your closet.

Law decided it would be fun to shift to his wolf and play fucking tug of war with your bag.

"Law!" You grumbled, having to use both your hands and digging your heels into the ground as the wolf had punctured the fabric with his fangs. He shook his head to and fro, lightly though as he knew you weren't even half as strong as him. "Stop that! I'll be late!"

"Good," you knew he was grinning behind those sneering lips that exposed his pearly whites, his tail wagging all the while.

You had to keep yourself from giggling at how frivolous he was acting.

"If you don't let go we won't have waffles anymore!"

He released your bag.

"Hah!" You grinned in victory, staggering back and putting your hands on your hips, sticking your tongue out.

He shifted back and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his torso.

You held up the slobbery backpack with two fingers, grimacing at the brand new puncture holes drilled into the top of the sack, near the zippers. Your glare scanned back to Law who was innocently rubbing his neck whilst averting his gaze, looking like a guilty puppy who's too cute to punish.

"You owe me--"

"A new backpack, I know," he sighed, keeping his eyes off of you.

"No," you answered, reeling those yellow orbs back into you, making you nearly shiver as if it was that first night you saw them. "I actually like the holes...they're cool." You weren't exactly lying, as you truthfully did admire the 'marks' he implanted.

His slight frown twitched up into his signature smirk and he casually closed the distance between you both, tipping your chin up to hover his lips over yours, a milimeter of air teasing you. "Right answer."

You fell into his trap and allowed him to peck your lips. "You owe me something else," you snuck in at the two second break.

"Oh?" He leaned back, giving you that irresistible quizzical look with his smirk still evident.

You nodded. "You owe me a home cooked meal."

He blinked. "That's it?"

"You bought all those ingredients the other day. Sooo~"

His lips twitched as if he planned to chuckle, but he didn't. With a nod, he accepted your request. Bouncing with a giggle, you shimmied past him towards your closet once more.

You changed into a pretty casual outfit; a black shirt with a white genetic game controller logo on it on top of white shorts, slipping on your black converse as you neared the door, running a hand through your untamed hair.

Law held open your bag as you input a few tattered notebooks you had salvaged from the move when you left on your own.

"I'm coming with you," he uttered.

You blinked up at him. "Law, you can't come with me, I have to do this on my own."

As much as you wanted your hot wolf alpha doctor to crash class and make everyone jealous that he was yours, you had to focus on school and succeed like your father hoped you would.

"At least let me help you carry your books."

You stared for a few seconds. "Law... I have a book bag...for books."

He sighed.

You had class from 9-11:30, 12-2:30, then 2:45-4:30 and it only took you less than twenty minutes to make it to the community college campus.

You slid the straps of your backpack and beamed up at him. "I should be home by five," you chimed.

"I'll be waiting."

Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar Law x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now