The Truth

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"So, how did you two meet?" asked Koala as she approached you, pulling off one of her tan gloves and placing the back of her hand on your forehead.

You were about to enter full retaliation mode when you saw Sabo enter the room behind her, putting you at ease. Law stepped back to give her ample room as she continued to check you over.

Looking around you, you realized that daylight was coming in through the windows of the room, so you must've been passed out all night. At least you were somewhere safe. The room was decorated plainly, like a guest room, complete with a small loveseat where Sabo sat.

"Well?" Koala asked.

"Oh, um. Well, this man crashed into my apartment, broke my stuff, stole my food, and racked up my water bill. Literally fell into my life and he's stayed with me ever since for some reason," you answered bluntly, giving Law a shrug paired with a smirk at your last sentence.

Law opened his mouth to protest then shut it, probably realizing he couldn't deny any of that.

"How romantic," Koala said with a sarcastic tone, glaring over at the man of the subject after placing a thermometer in your mouth.

"In my defense," Law began, his eyes glossing over you as his voice lowered, "I was just looking for a quick snack. Didn't think I'd find a whole meal."

You spat out the thermometer and nearly choked.

... Trafalgar Law?!

Your heart flipped in your chest. What held more audacity, him saying that in front of someone, or him saying that at all?! And this is coming from the man who used to say your body didn't interest him. Pfft.

Law's low, bold chuckles in the background did nothing to help your situation.

You thought about how he acted the other night, his warm skin against yours as he nibbled on your neck. Sensations you hadn't felt before and so desperately needed to again - especially with him acting up like this.

"Ah, so that's how it is," giggled Koala, sticking the thermometer back in your mouth before you could comment on that.

"I hate to break up the party, but we do have to discuss our next plan of action," Sabo spoke up, clearing his throat, "starting with Amanda."

You nodded and waited for Koala to finish her analysis on your well-being, giving you a thumbs up before Sabo continued.

"I think it's time we told her the truth."

"Absolutely not," you and Law blurted in sync, catching each others eyes briefly.

"Sabo," you spoke up, feeling the urge to express your feelings about Amanda first, "If I'm going to be honest, I've been reconsidering my friendship with her, and right now I just can't guarantee she wouldn't put this secret on blast. I mean, she was working with shady looking people who, on my guess, probably already know."

"Well, that just might be beneficial for us," said Koala, putting her glove back on. "Even if she turns on you when you tell her, we could already be on their asses and stopping them."

"Or figuring out who they work for, if it's not Doflamingo," added Law.

Koala nodded. "If they were previously Marines, then they're definitely affiliated with government officials, but how would they know to take Law like that..." She furrowed her brows as she got lost in deep theory.

"This might be off topic," you chimed in, "but earlier you said I was in Revolutionary quarters. What does that mean?"

"It means the government is a corrupted construct and we're going to take them down!" Koala cheered, punching the air as if expressing her life long dream.

"Oh, I don't see a problem with that," you responded truthfully, seeing as maybe that would solve your student debt down the line...

"So, what do we do about Amanda?" you asked, wanting to get that part done as soon as possible. Other questions could be asked later, you thought.

"I'll talk to her," entered Kid, leading you to sit up with curiosity.

He walked in with his hands tucked in the pockets of the red hoodie he wore, not as grand and pompous of an entrance as he usually made.

He stood beside Law who held out his hand, "Hey, thanks for that work you did on the street, man," he began, the two exchanging a never-before-seen handshake and fist bump, "I appreciate it."

"Sure," Kid nodded, rubbing the back of his neck, "It's the least I could do. I...feel partially responsible, seeing as I was the one who recommended that club where Amanda saw, uh, everything. So, I want to help make this right. Especially if it's at the expense of our wolves."

Something relaxed in you as you heard Kid talk. Lately your perspective on him had been changing for the better, and this was why.

"Don't blame yourself for that, Kid," you said, giving him as assuring of a smile as you could muster. "It's something I should have told her a long time ago anyway."

Kid shrugged, guilt still ridden in his eyes.

"I really do appreciate your willingness to help, for what it's worth," you added, earning another nod from Kid.

"Of course," he said in agreement, "So, the three of us will talk to her and-"

"No." Law grunted, cutting Kid off.

"Law," you sighed, feeling his hesitancy.

"We're the ones that have been around her the longest," said Kid.

"Yeah, against my will."

The air grew tense with awkward silence that was suffocating.

"We're...gonna let you guys talk this out," said Sabo, he and Koala already shuffling halfway out the door.

Sighing, you stood up so you could be on the same level as the guys.

"Listen, I know we can't predict what her reaction is going to be, but at least we can say we did it. How she responds is out of our control, but telling her isn't. So I say we just get it over with."

Law and Kid looked at you, the former more pensive and pissed about it.

You locked yourself in a glaring contest with him.

"Give me that look all you want, but I would rather deal with an indignant Law than no Law at all, and if this is the first step of the plan to keep the latter from happening, then I'll be damned not to take action."

You felt the heat in your cheeks and your eyes tearing up - confrontation still fresh water to you. In your peripherals, you saw Kid's eyebrows raise in shock, making you feel secure that at least he was going to listen to you.

Law, on the other hand, was still a tough book to read sometimes. You couldn't remember the last time you put your foot down like this, or if you had at all, but you weren't going to let him run away.

"You're the one who fell into my life and decided to stay and become somebody that I would literally murder for, so now you're stuck with me." You huffed and crossed your arms. "So...there."

Law's expression held firm for a moment. Then, he softened.

"Right. Then we'll go tell your sorry excuse of a friend the truth and give those government pricks a taste of our murderous intent, as I would also drop bodies for you without question, my love."

By that point, Law had closed the distance between you two and held your chin with two fingers as he loved to do. His warmth felt all the more familiar as you remembered those first few nights you got to spend with him. The same warmth in all of his hugs and kisses. The same warmth you felt in your chest every time he called your name. Law's warmth.

"Well, if you two love pups are done," Kid interrupted, getting back to business, "Amanda's probably on her way to her shift for the day. If we leave now we can catch her and get this over with."

You nodded. "Let's go."

Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar Law x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now