(Christmas Special) A Very Merry Law-fully Good Christmas!

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December 24th. Christmas Eve. The most wonderful time of the year, so they say. A time which family near and far, old and young, whether bound by blood or friendship, come together to enjoy each other's company. Separating themselves from past and present issues to simply appreciate what they have, rich or poor. Ah, yes. Whether you celebrated the holiday or not, who could deny spreading even an ounce of joy in the closing months of the year?

You sat huddled in the back of the uber, face pressed against the window as you watched children lead their parents into toy stores, dogs with jingle-bell anklets dragging their owners along, and even a few grumpy grumps cast in their coats trudging through the crowds beyond their will. Yes, everything was coming together.

"Is this your first Christmas together?" The uber driver chimed, her earrings jingling when she glanced over. She had rightfully assumed you were a couple, though the question hardly registered considering this was your first Christmas with someone.

Beside you Law was passed out, exhausted from a brawl he and his pack had to assist the Straw-Hats with the night before. Fortunately he came back unscathed, but any energy left in him had been squeezed out by those goons. You hoped this outing would perk him up a bit, even if it meant dragging him out of your bed that morning.

"Yeah!" You replied, earning a warm smile from the driver's face. She was an older woman, and she mentioned taking on driving jobs to pick up some extra money for her own children. So she understood the special memories one could make during this time of year.

"I'll drop you off by Coco's, seems like your man could use a good meal to wake him up." She passed a sly smile, perhaps suggesting something else happened last night that didn't include him shifting into a wolf to assist another pack of wolves off in the depths of the forest in the wee hours of the evening. But she wasn't wrong - food was one of his weak spots.

"Law," you chirped when the car parked, rubbing your hand along his rough stubble, smiling at how soft he was right now.

He mumbled and kneaded the air as if he was still in bed and searching for a blanket to cover himself with.

"Law, wake up," you cooed, pinching at his cheek until his hand found yours and his drowsy yellow eyes opened subtly. Adorably dazed and confused, Law allowed you to lead him out of the car.

"Merry Christmas!" You exchanged with the driver, waving her off before turning around to face none other than Holiday Village.

Normally an expansive, empty park, once a year the lot becomes a Christmas haven chock full of tents and tables featuring local artists and vendors from neighboring towns. Other holidays are featured here as well, hence the name, and there's hardly ever less than a large crowd flocking the streets.

"So...why are we here again?" Law asked amidst a yawn as he opened the door for you to Coco's.

"To pick out a tree!" You beamed up at him, snuggling into him as you entered the restaurant and waited for the hostess to return.

He pulled you closer into him, the cold weather from outside still clinging to your reddening nose and cheeks. His warmth was unmatched by any fireplace or furnace. He was your personal heater after all. Not only that, but the hoodie-coat you couldn't wait to give him as an early Christmas present definitely came in handy. It was a long, black and fluffy on the inside of the hood. The fluff was reminiscent of his wolf fur, and it suited him perfectly.

"Like that one?" Law nodded to one of the oak trees in the park, causing you to laugh.

"No, silly. One that we can take home and decorate!"

He stared at you blankly, indicating that he's never had the experience of decorating a Christmas tree before. All you could imagine was getting home with all the decorations, and Law somehow getting tangled in the lights before all was said and done. Yes, now you had to find a tree.

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