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Great. Just great.

Groaning, you leaned against the side of the house with distaste for the inevitable. Doflamingo was going to flock down and pester you about Law. You felt sick, but not enough to throw up. Unfortunately.

Doflamingo expectedly landed in front of you, that sickening grin sending an unwanted chill down your spine. Man, he was creepy.

You weren't sure what was worse - being stuck out here with him, or jammed into the crowded mess of a party with the risk of seeing Kid.

"We have some unfinished business," he began with a toothy sneer.

"Look, I'm not in the mood right now," you blurted incidentally, but you didn't regret it. "Can we do this another time?"

Doflamingo appeared just as shocked as your conscience, even if his sunglasses shielded his eyes.

He regained himself as he started up again, "you don't seem to understand who I am, miss-"

"(F/n), there you are!" Amanda's voice interrupted the flamingo man and you both whipped your heads around.

Amanda was standing in the doorway, locking arms with...Kid... Of course he showed up. She seemed to have frozen in place, noticing Doflamingo. Then, something in her switched like a light and she pointed frantically at flamingo man.

"That's him!! That's the one I told you about, Kid! The one that (f/n) threw up on!"

You and Doflamingo cringed embarrassingly in unison, and you slapped your palm to your face.

"That's pretty impressive." You heard Kid chide.

If there was ever a time to save me, Law, NOW would be it.

You slunk over to Amanda's side, seeing as that was at least safer and more evident to Flamingo that he was outnumbered.

"Get outta here, old man," Kid barked out, "and find some better clothes while you're at it."

You actually agreed with him. The flamingo coat was admittedly flauncy, but not for everyday wear.

Doflamingo hesitated, and you knew he was glaring at you in particular behind his sunglasses. It was a silent warning that you'd never want him to find you alone.

He left, and you remembered the situation now.

"You okay, (f/n)? You look sick." Amanda put a hand on your shoulder, and you just smiled at her.

"I'm fine. Thanks for finding me." And thanks for telling me I look sick.

Kid was grinning, probably at how helpless you looked compared to Doflamingo, and how he was a part of saving you.

"Let's go back in and get you a drink, that'll clear your mind!" Amanda was super perky contrast to what just happened, but you knew she was only trying to help.

"Thanks, but I think I should go home..."

As much as you would've loved to stay and watch Kid toy around with your best friend, you'd much rather lay on your bed alone and wait for Law at this point.

"Aww.. only if you're sure." Amanda pouted, and rubbed your shoulder. "Kid and I can walk you home!"

You choked.

Oh no...

"Yeah," Kid's grin grew wider, his teeth baring.

"Oh, um, I-I can..." you stuttered, panicking.

Amanda hugged you tight. "For safety purposes!"

You sighed. Better it be Kid and Amanda versus just Kid, you guess.

The walk home was awkward as hell. Kid would whisper in Amanda's ear to make her giggle, or she'd bring up some silly memory you two shared about being friends.

"But lately she's been busy with this guy, Law."

You nearly tripped on the sidewalk.

"Oh yeah?" Kid asked with feign obliviousness.

Of course Amanda doesn't know he harassed you at school and nearly got his ass kicked by Law. Should I tell her? Not now of course, but...

"Yeah, he's always at her apartment." Amanda's tone was subtly bitter, and you figured you'd invite her over sometime. You did miss girl time.

The rest of the walk was quiet, but you preferred it that way. You couldn't get Law off your mind; you really only wanted to think about him.

"I have an idea!" Amanda chimed as the three of you climbed the stairs to the apartment, you up front with Amanda behind you and Kid behind her.

"Hm?" You fiddled your keys out of your pocket as you came closer to the fifth floor.

"We should double date!"

You tripped on the stairs and fell flat on your face.

Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar Law x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now