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"I've got you!"

As you toppled over the edge, a familiar light-hearted voice cut through behind you and you flopped into their warm arms. A long pipe-like staff anchored himself from falling with you, and in an instant you were back on your feet, stumbling back on the roof like a baby deer learning to walk.

Whirling around, you met an innocent smile belonging to none other than --- Sabo!

In the background, Law had shifted wolf and once again kindled a brawl with Doffy, while Diamante advanced on the blonde brother. But Sabo blindly nailed him in the gut with his staff.

"What the hell is going on around here anyway?" He asked, glancing over at the entanglement of wolf Law and Dof, then down at the wrenching Diamante, then back at you. "I was studying at the cafe when Zoro crashed in and said you were in trouble."

You sighed, catching your breath after your near-death, and wishing you could just grab Law and go home at this point.

"Sabo, thank god!" Trapping him in a hug you dug your face into his coat, thankful for his presence alone.

Before you could relish in his service further, the sickening crow of Doflamingo's voice brewed overhead. "You should have perished before Rosinanté even met you. He'd still have a life to live had you not meddled in it."

Peering out from the safety of Sabo's coat, you realized just how exhausted Law was. Back to back brawls tired him to the point he was atrophying by the second. Doflamingo once again held him in a choke hold, pinning him against the wall just beside the curb.

He delivered a ruthless punch to Law's gut. "I think you're forgetting who holds the strings in our little game, Law. I've let you play for long enough, and now you're bringing everyone around you into it. I think it's time to end your turn." His grip tightened on Law's throat, your wolf starting to lose consciousness.

"Hey! Ugly grandpa!" At your shout, Doflamingo whirled around to meet a face full of steel pipe whacking his nose in and forcing him off of your wolf. He wrenched to the ground, shouting and holding his nose which was surely broken. "You're gonna leave us the hell alone and that's final!" You were panting, shaking in adrenaline.

Sabo ambled over to the fallen Doflamingo, as insurance should the asshole attempt to get up. The dapper brother's eyes were fairly wide, still in bewilderment of how you stole his pipe beyond his control.

Behind you Law was already starting to recover, rubbing his throat and rolling his shoulder, fighting through the pain.

But you had other matters to handle. Doflamingo had gone far enough ruining date night and plenty other times before this. You jabbed the pipe next to his hand, threatening to repeat your actions. Though you weren't exactly physically capable of defeating him, you weren't going to let him win. Ever.

"Quit stalking us and get a life! Law has one that doesn't include you anymore. Nobody deserves this sad excuse of 'revenge' you're pulling, so build a bridge and get over it!"

Doflamingo obviously wasn't taking it well, what with the grimace he had behind the bloody hand covering his nose. Without warning he grabbed your ankle with his stained palm, but it was quickly stepped on by Law who'd approached from behind.

With Doflamingos hand pinned to the ground with one foot, Law kicked the bastard's face in with the other, forcing them to roll away from you. "Don't touch my girl."

You were a bit too riled up to fluster at that, but rather more relieved that Law was still capable of protecting you, even if you were doing a fine job of that yourself.

Law gently pried the pipe from your hand and handed it back over to Sabo, which was probably to prevent you from inadvertently whacking yourself with it once the adrenaline wore off. Doflamingo sat up as Law approached him, but it was unlikely the blonde would fight him now.

"Here's what's going to happen," he began with a growl, cracking his knuckles which made the muscles underneath his shirt flex, "you're going to get the fuck out of here, and should I see you anywhere near (f/n)-ya again, I won't hesitate to kick your ass and snap that weak neck of yours. That which you know well I'm capable of."

You wouldn't put it past Law to have snapped a neck before, but it wasn't something you'd like to see. Perhaps it'd induce that projectile vomit skill.

Law stepped to the side, giving room for Doflamingo to flee, who only granted you a menacing glare. You stayed close to Sabo as a precaution, but soon enough the douche took his leave, waving an arm commandingly to his subordinates who followed. Before long the roof was void of those unfortunate souls, peace renown once again.

While Sabo went to retrieve the others, you came to Law's side as he slumped down, definitely sore from multiple fights.

You wouldn't force him to stand up anytime soon. Rather, you gently pet his head and sifted your fingers through his hair. You'd get him cleaned up in time. Though he was battle-worn, he was still soft, and you could've sworn he was purring beneath your pets.

"(F/n)!!" Amanda's voice ended that serenity instantly, but neither you or Law seemed to care. "Oh, (f/n) you're okay!"

You stood up and encased her in a hug. "So are you," you replied, relieved that Kid had managed to take care of her amidst the chaos.

"Is he gone?" Amanda asked, peering behind you for any sign of Doflamingo.

"Yup! He was too intimidated by my projectile vomit ability," you snickered and made her laugh.

"Well we're going to head back to my apartment. Do y'all want to share an Uber?" She glanced down at Law who was too tired to look at her, exhaustion blanketing him.

"We'll get our own," you replied, ensuring that Law earned a peaceful ride home at the least.

"Tell you what," Amanda said, whipping out her phone, "it'll be on me!" She gave a wink and with that she left you with Law to focus on her phone.

You could only smile, appreciative of her tonight for once. Your smile faded, though, when Kid took his turn to approach you two.

Quietly, you sat down beside Law, glueing yourself to him and making sure Kid knew that. Although you had to be appreciative of him tonight for keeping Amanda out of the way and out of harm.

"He doesn't look too good," Kid began, and you almost quipped back but he continued, "Do, uh, you want me to..." this was paining him as much as it pained you, "call Chopper to come in the morning to look at him? I assume he'll be staying with you overnight."

Shocked. Baffled. Floored. Confused.

Kid was... offering help?!

You opened your mouth to answer but Kid did it for you, his voice half a pitch higher, "that'll be great, thanks Kid, you're so helpful!" He smirked after that and you rolled your eyes.

"See ya," Kid sneered and gave a last glance at Law before heading out.

And here you thought Kid would've taken advantage of Law's fatigue. At least he had some sense of humanity in that thick skull of his. Perhaps he preferred Law being at least awake enough to get irritated.

Either way, tonight was ending better than you thought it would. Maybe even better than the endgame you envisioned of Law kicking Kid's ass in the middle of the night. Though that was still on your list of things to see someday.

Thinking of that made you smile as you looked at your sleepy Law. You hooked your fingers around his, carefully tracing over his tattoos with new wounds that were already clotting to heal.

"Thank you," You both said at the same time.

He opened an eye to look at you, only to join you in a mutual chuckle, though his was low and quiet.

Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar Law x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now