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The walk to the campus went smoothly, though a part of you wished you hadn't been alone.

Weaving through the trees that lined the sidewalk towards the main entrance of the campus, you daydreamed of Law and imagined him toying with your things at your apartment which made you smile.

Eventually, you made it to your first class, algebra, and were already tasked with getting the book and finishing the first assignment by Wednesday.

Your second class, an orientation class all freshmen had to take, was as exciting as the day you realized Nami was your rent collector.

In both classes, you were that kid that sat in the back and doodled over taking notes. You mostly drew squiggly wolves and Law's hats with little hearts around them. In the orientation class, you focused on drawing Law's wolf.

"Is that your dog?" Someone spoke up to your left, causing you to jolt and immediately hunch over your notebook.

You glanced over at them.

A young pale man with spiky red hair and oddly square goggles pushing his hair back was leaning towards you. His furrowed eyebrows made him appear angry, but further inspection would reveal that was his natural look. His maroon jacket didn't quite match his hair. He was a bit stockier than Law, you noted, and he had an awkward grin.

"You look like the type to have a dog," he continued, attempting to make conversation.

You flipped the page in your notebook and pretended to actually write notes.

"Hmm. You're pretty cute when you ignore me."

You internally facepalmed at the shift of tone and wondered how ignoring someone was 'cute'. Rather than replying, you went with your plan and refused to respond.

"You're blushing."

Shit. You could feel your cheeks burning up against your will, and your mind flushed.

"Don't worry," he leaned in uncomfortably close, "I can make you talk to me."

You gulped and fidgeted the pen in your hand, trembling until he eased up and left you be.

When class was over, you sighed in relief and waited for the other students to file out of the auditorium-like room, your seat being in a corner.

Just as that boy's figure disappeared over the entrance with the others, you collected your things and hurried out, though not without clumsily bumping into someone when you exited.

"Sorry, I--"

It was him.

"I knew I could get 'ya talking to me." He grinned awkwardly again.

You grumbled and shuffled past his towering figure. You had dealt with kids like him back in high school, the ones that would 'flirt' with you until you did their homework for them or even just served as a source of entertainment.

He followed you. "Eustass A. Kid." His words slithered unwantingly into your ears and a chill up your spine made you roll your shoulders, though you wondered what the 'A' stood for.

No. Don't get curious.

Your pace quickened, not only to make it clear you wanted nothing to do with this man, but you only had 15 minutes to make it to your last class which, according to your map, was across campus.

He cut your path, and now you were getting frustrated rather than nervous.

"But you can just call me Kid."

You swallowed down your sassy remarks and took a step to the left to keep walking, but he reached out his arm and stopped you.

"Or you can just call me." He winked.

You rolled your eyes and ducked under his arm to continue walking. This time, fortunately, he didn't trail you.

Your third class, history, was going to prove to be the most difficult considering how many people, places, and dates there were to memorize. However, your mind only fell back onto Kid.

Why did he have to pick out me of all people?

The elderly man of a professor often called on you for answers since you clearly weren't paying attention, earning you a quick reputation as 'the daydreamer'.

After class, a smile returned to your face when you realized who you would be going back home to. However, you debated bringing up Kid to Law as you wanted that night to be relaxed.

You weaved through the trees on your way out as you had before, the late afternoon sun beaming with you, and you were glad nobody else was around...or so you thought.

Pausing, a figure with crossed arms was waiting at the end of the foliage line. Recognizing the flashing red hair, you slumped your shoulders and groaned.

Why me. Why why why.

"I never got your name," he chirped and uncrossed his arms as he came over to you.

You averted your gaze, but that didn't stop him from closing the distance, causing you to step back. Hearing the bark of the tree scratch against your backpack, you felt trapped and immediately wished for Law.

Kid's awkward grin returned, though it was even wider this time. "I don't like being ignored." He flexed his hands and you heard his knuckles pop. Still, you kept silent and pressed as much as you could against the tree.

"You look like a freshman," he began and reached out to cup your face, but you quickly leaned left to avoid his thick hand. Only Law could touch you.

This made Kid's grin twitch in clear annoyance. "I'm sure you'll need a tutor."

He reached out again to grab you, but a certain tattooed hand caught Kid's wrist. "She has one."

Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar Law x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now