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"Trafalgar Law," Kid hissed, wretching his wrist out of the grasp of Law, who stood protectively in front of you.

Law's lips were sealed shut, stubborn to answer.

"Long time no see."

... They knew each other?!

Kid continued. "And here I thought I found myself a cute girl."

"She's taken." Law took your wrist and closed his eyes dismissively as he pulled you along, away from Kid. "C'mon, (f/n)-ya."

However, Kid was just as stubborn and snatched your wrist when you passed him, causing you to be pulled in both directions and release a squeak when a pinch of pain pulsed through your body.

Law stopped when he felt the tug and opened his eyes, glaring back at Kid with that alluring yellow gaze, a curdling growl rumbling in his throat. "Don't. Touch her."

You glanced between the two, attempting to reel closer to Law, but Kid's grip was tight.

"I can do what I want," Kid rebelled.

That only prompted Law to release you and advance on Kid, clutching a lapel of the other's jacket with one hand while the other gripped Kid's hand on you and forced him to let you go. He didn't stop there as he drove the red-haired man into the same tree you had been backed into earlier.

"Just because you're an alpha as well doesn't give you the right to touch my girl." Law asserted, his muscles tensing along his arms.

'Alpha'...So that's what 'A' meant. But how did-- wait...'my girl'?

You secretly grinned behind Law and stuck your tongue out at the other, hoping he would see.

"Ah, c'mon, I jest." Kid rose his hands up defensively in feigned innocence.

Law didn't buy it, but he released the man anyway and stepped backwards, his back nearly touching your nose. You inhaled his clean scent, indicating a fresh shower.

Kid rolled his shoulders. "I see you've grown stronger than the last time I was with you and Luffy."

You narrowed your eyes, attempting to complete the jigsaw puzzle as to how this man knew not only Law, but the straw-hat kid, as well.

The red-haired man then rubbed his knuckles, cracking them. "So have I."

"Law," you peeped.

Law pressed his shoulder against you, as if he were urging you to leave.

"Don't," you continued, staggering back at the push. "Law," your voice whispered to a hush and you grit your teeth as you spoke, "you're still healing."

He didn't look at you.

Law had to look up just slightly at Kid, and though you were certain Law could find a way to win should they fight, you didn't want one to happen because of you.

When Kid's lip twitched into a combative smile, you took the reigns of this situation.

"We're leaving," you asserted and grabbed Law's arms with both of your hands, turning back and dragging him, causing your wolf to stumble along and grunt in surprise.

Fortunately, Kid didn't follow. Instead, he only called out, "Only the dog has a leash, not the wolf."

Law flipped him off.


Back at the apartment, you slung your bag on the couch and slumped beside it, letting out a loud groan.

"Damn it, Law."

He closed the door behind him and leaned against it, running a hand over his face.

"I wasn't gonna fight him." He breathed out before pushing off the door and heading towards the kitchen to prepare you the dinner he had promised.

"Oh really?" You glared, sensing the lie. "How do you know him anyway?"

He opened the fridge door and allowed the light inside to highlight his core. Behind you, the sun had begun to set, letting a dark red seethe into your room.

"Eh," he began, pulling out ingredients for steak and mashed potatoes, "we had some issues with the government a long time ago," he set the items on the counter and prepared the meat, "the three of us made it easier for our packs to integrate with society."

He glanced back at you with a smirk, "but police still don't really like me."

You rolled your eyes at his bad-boy comment and kicked your shoes off, the two thumping against the wall by the door.

When he turned back around to put the meat in the oven, his voice turned a bit cold. "It'd be best if you didn't interact with him as much as possible."

"That's the plan," you answered, shoving your bag off of the couch to give you more room as you sprawled out.


"Now." You chirped.

"Hm?" He glanced back at you while preparing the potatoes.

"Why did you come to my school and how did you find me so quickly?"

As much as you wanted to keep the scene as magical and mysterious as it was, you were too curious for your own good.

"Well," he began, ambling over to you while the potatoes boiled. He loomed over you and bent down, giving your forehead a tender kiss. "I missed you."

You chuckled and reached up to lace his soft hair in your hands, combing along his scalp with your fingers which made him grumble, almost like a purr. His golden eyes closed halfway and he joined you on the couch, straddling your stomach with that smirk as he got comfortable but was careful not to crush you.

"I missed you, too." You quipped. "Now what's the real reason?"

He sighed, knowing you saw through his façade. "I wanted to check out what a school looked like and caught his scent." His smirk faded, and one of his hands stroked your cheek, "and when it intertwined with yours, I..." Veering his eyes away, he huffed through his nostrils. "I'm just glad he didn't hurt you."

With a soft smile, you brought your hands down from his hair and held his cheeks, luring him to look at you once more. "Thank you."

You could feel the skin warm up beneath your hands, making your smile grow. When he realized his blush, he pulled away and sat up, climbing over you to stand up.

"Another thing," you pressed, not moving from your back as you were far too lazy, "you're certainly not a dog."

Stretching his arms up, he replied, "And you're certainly not a leash."

Just then, a rhythmic knock broke your conversation. With a groan, you kicked out your legs and, assisted by Law, got up to answer it, though not without your wolf peering over you protectively.

You unlocked the door and opened it, revealing a certain bouncy neighbor whose hand was still curled in a knocking fist.


Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar Law x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now