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"I'm so glad you're here, (f/n)!"

You stared blankly at Amanda. Though, seeing her relieved you as you had almost begun to miss her.

"I was going to ask--" she paused and rose up on her tippy toes to peer behind you, "oh hi Law!"

You glanced back to watch him nod silently. You could tell he was already annoyed as he dismissed Amanda and returned to the kitchen.

"Don't mind him," you smiled at Amanda who seemed as though she was hoping for more of a reaction.

She smiled back and shrugged, causing her pink crop top to bounce just slightly. "I was going to ask if you wanted to come to a party with me on Saturday."

Utensils clattered together and a fork fell on the tile.

You did your best not to look over at Law who suddenly became clumsy. Instead, you were focused on Amanda.

"What kind of party?" You asked, leaning against the doorway.

"A small house party. Just a few friends from work. It'll be at this big mansion we rented out. It'd be a great way for you to meet some new people!"

Internally, you groaned at her hint that you needed more friends. She didn't know about the packs you were acquainted with, so you couldn't blame her.

"Oh, I.. I think I have plans with..."

"Come on, (y/n)!" Amanda began, reaching out and holding your wrists, "we used to hang out every night! If you don't have fun, then you and I can go get drinks or just come back to my place. That sound okay?"


A part of you wanted Law's approval, but your independent nature was still prominent.


Another fork fell.

Amanda's eyes widened along with her smile. She giggled and brought you into a hug, though you were sure you could hear Law's subtle growls behind her laughter.

"Alright then! It starts at 7, so we can get there around 7:30. Wear something cute!"

Great thing to say in front of Law.

You hesitantly nodded and the blissful Amanda leaned in to wave at Law before returning to her apartment.

Closing the door, you slowly turned to face Law who was working on picking up the dropped forks. He was silent.

"Law," you began, sauntering over to him, secretly enjoying the growing aroma of cooking steak and boiling potatoes. "I'll be careful, I promise."

Nodding, he set the forks in the sink on the left and washed his hands under the faucet of the right. Something was off, though you were certain why.

"I won't be out too late."

He nodded and drained the potatoes.

You frowned. It felt as though you were talking to your father, or someone like him.

"Law. Stop being so quiet. You trust me, right?"

He nodded.


He dropped a stick of butter into the potatoes as well as milk and stirred them.


He mashed the potatoes.


He paused.

You huffed out your frustration and leaned up beside him, glancing into the pot of half-mashed potatoes. "I'm old enough to make these decisions. You have to trust in my instincts, as well. If I sense something wrong, I'll leave."

With a sigh, he turned his head and placed a gentle kiss on your hair. "Fine, but don't be surprised if I crash the party."

Law at a party. You giggled at the thought.

"Something funny?" He teased and tousled your hair, but you were glad he left his stoic behavior for now.

When the potatoes were nearly thoroughly mashed, the oven beeped to indicate the ready steak.


To your dismay, Law couldn't stay another night. He had to return to his pack and mentioned a meeting with the Straw Hats the following day, so you woke up alone.

He did, however, leave his sword should there be an emergency - and unsheathing it to admire and pretend to fight was certainly an emergency.

Your classes were only Monday's and Wednesday's, so the rest of the days were available to relax and occasionally work, which you didn't have until Thursday.

Just as you were carefully brandishing Law's sword around the open space of your room that afternoon, your phone rang.

Sheathing the sword and leaning it against the wall, you scrambled to your bed where the phone lay. Amanda.

"Hey, Am," you greeted, flopping back on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"(y/n)! Come to my café right now! There's someone I want you to meet!"

"Oh...okay. A friend of yours?" You continued as you rolled off the bed and searched for shoes.

"For now, he is." She giggled.

"You seem sure of yourself."

"He's really great! He's tall, got this crazy red hair, and he has a very commanding pres-"

You froze when you slipped on your left, black and white checkered shoe.

"What's his name..." you muttered regretfully.


Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar Law x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now