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A soft, ambient light from the streets gave your apartment a serene glow. Law retreated to the shower immediately while you worked on getting out of your dress. It took relocating your shoulder and ramming your hip against the end of your bed to get that dress off but hell, it was worth it.

The gentle patter of the shower water gave heightened security that Law was able to clean himself after those reckless fights. You had visible cuts and bruises waiting to form, but nothing that required immediate attention. You only hoped Chopper wouldn't need to bandage Law up too much, and that he could make a quick recovery.

It still baffled you that Kid was going to call the little doctor, but at least there was a glimmer of him actually caring.

You changed out your dress for one of Law's baggy shirts and shuffled to the kitchen for some snacks. All that drama and fighting made you hungry, and you wondered if Law was as well. He'd likely go straight to bed after his shower, but food was one of the few things that could tempt him from sleep. You found a box of instant ramen and decided on that.

While the water boiled, you contemplated your relationship with Law. He protected you so often, fighting for you and making you feel so special. You weren't sure if you really deserved that, even if you did let him crash into your apartment on free will.

You poured the pasta into the pot and lowered the heat, adding a bit of seasoning as well. Sighing and leaning against the counter, you wished you could do more for him. Why did he want to be with you anyway? You weren't trying to self-deprecate yourself but you were growing genuinely curious.

Then you remembered your badass moment of knocking Doflamingo into next week with Sabo's pipe. Something you didn't even know you were capable of doing. Hell yeah!

Lost in thought, you didn't hear a shirtless Law come behind you, only felt his strong arms wrap around your waist, holding you close to him. You remembered not long ago how he practically confessed he was in love with you, but... heck you were just a lonely college girl working a day job at the bookstore having no clue what she wanted to do with her life and living off of boxed mac and cheese and chips. Yeah, that's incredibly charming.

"Law," you chirped as you stirred the pasta, separating it with a fork as needed.

Law only let out a soft "mm," clearly too tired for words but hungry enough to stay awake. It wasn't the time to ask him what was on your mind.

"Thank you." With your free hand you reached over to scritch his hair and make him purr.

"You already said that," he mumbled into your shoulder.

"I can say it as many times as I want," you huffed.

"The third time means you were going to say something else, mm, (f/n)-ya?~"

Ah, he'd caught you. But you quickly spooned some pasta into his mouth to force change the subject.

After your second dinner, Law sprawled out on the couch while you put the dishes away - which you had to insist on doing even though he offered to do them.

You crouched beside him, watching him drift off to sleep. His breathing was soft but thankfully steady. One hand was behind his head as a pillow, the other resting atop his full belly. He was rather cute right then, and definitely deserved a good rest.

But you also thought he deserved a comfier place to sleep. You looked over at your bed and wondered how you were supposed to carry him over there if he was already asleep. He'd taken you there before, but he's strong and you're small, so it wasn't a problem for him.

Giving him a few more minutes, you went to brush your teeth, still thinking about those thoughts from before.

"Law." You chirped, coming back to him. You rubbed his cheek, and he reached up to hold your hand. "Let's go to bed."

Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar Law x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now