Reacting to their s/o, the LDB shivering in bed

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Says nothing and just pulls you closer: Farkas, Aela, Miraak, Nahkriin, Ahzidal, Hircine, Namira, Brynjolf, Arnbjorn.

Gets up and makes warm tea: Vilkas, Frea, Vokun, Vahlok, Azura, Meridia.

Makes you into a blanket burrito: Serena, Teldryn, Volsung, Krosis, Zahkriisos, Mephala (or is it web burrito??), Cicero.

Pretends to sleep: Neloth, Lord Harkon, Mercer Frey, Rahgot, Morokei, Dukaan, Hermaeus Mora, Boethiah, Astrid.

Flame spell? 👁👅👁: J'zargo, FLAME ATRONACH BABE, Hevnoraak , Otar the Mad, Sheogorath, Mehrunes Dagon.

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