Part 2-

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All 3 of us walked out of chiefs office and to the main room i walked behind them with my head down so they couldn't see my face. "Kelly, Shay and Dawson outside now" chief said in a stern matter and they got up and looked at me i turned my head "what is it chief" Shay said she looked at me "somebody here as been keeping a secret from everyone even her brother" Casey said everyone looked at me "Sis what happen" i looked up and they saw my face "What the hell!" Kelly raised his voice that made me flinch a little "he did more didn't he you haven't flinched before ever" Gabby said i just nodded. I pulled my sleeves up and my shirt "oh my god Melia" Shay said coming and giving me a hug i just cried and collapse to the floor with her hugging me "you are not going back you are coming to live with me and shay and I don't care what you say Amelia how long" i looked at him "How long Amelia-May" "about 4 months now but its gotten worse nobody know till Casey found me taking pain killers" everyone looked at him and he nodded. He came towards me and picked me up from the floor and hugged me tight and i just cried in his shoulder "Kelly I'm scared" he looked at me shocked "oh Milly let shay and gabby look at you please" i nodded and Gabby and Shay took me to the Ambo to fix me up "honey why didn't you tell us take your shirt off please" gabby said and i did "i got scared and i thought about the things he would do if i told you guys" with tears "ouch that hurts Shay" i said while she was putting cream on my side "sorry Melia" i just nodded.

After they were down we walked inside and i went over to my seat and read my book. "AMELIA-MAY SEVERIDE" someone shouted and i knew that voice and i think so did everyone else it was Ben. He walk straight through the doors towards me and i got up fast and toward the back of the room "Amelia" "yes" i said scared "bunk room now" he said walking there i looked at Kelly scared he picked it up and i walked to the bunk room and saw him standing there mad, "Yes babe" "don't yes babe me you really are an ungrateful little slut and you are a bitch" he raised his hand and i shut my eyes for a hard slap across the face but it didn't come. I opened my eyes seeing Kelly in front of me holding bens wrist "don't you ever dare to slap my little sister I don't know what she did too you but you two are done" Ben looked at me "i want to her it from her mouth" he said looking at me "w-were d-done" i said scared he looked at me horrible "oh you will regret that you little bitch" Kelly punched him in the face "she is not a bitch she is amazing, outgoing and very powerful women Amelia-May Severide is a person who never gives up, but what you have done she has lost all of that so i want you gone away next time i see you face it wont be as nice" Kelly said and Ben scoffed and walked out. I just stood there with tears i looked up at Kelly he has is arms out open i ran into his arms and hugged him he picked me up and carried me to his office and put me in his bunk and i fell asleep.

When i put Melia on my bunk she feel asleep and i shut the door and walked out. Everyone looked at me "how is our girl" chief asked me "asleep" i said sitting down looking at her book sitting there "she is one tough cookie" Herman said i nodded "she is a Severide through and through" Gabby said "agreed always leaving their pain till it gets to much" everyone said looking at me "hey okay maybe your right" everyone laughed "okay we need to grab her stuff tonight regardless if he is there" i said everyone nodded "ill see if my brother will help" Gabby said i nodded and she went outside to call Antonio.
About 10 minutes later she came back inside "he said he will come over here and then follow us to hers" we all nodded. Amelia walked out "hey guys" Shay got up and hugged her "are you okay" "i will be now no thanks to you guys i love all of you guys" "we all love you too" everyone said to her and she sat down and read her book smiling.

Truck 81 squad 3 ambo 61 engine 51 building fire 99 ox street
Everyone got up got geared up i looked at Amelia in the the driver seat at truck and she nodded at me how the hell does she do it i thought in my head. When we got to the building it was up in flames "okay squad we will take the 1st and second floor" i said "truck we will take 3rd and 4th floor engine go between all the floors" Casey said and we put our mask on and went inside.

I stayed with Casey "all clear Lieutenant" i said "okay we will go down lets go" we walked to the stairs "Casey I don't think the stairs are safe" he looked at me "just be quick then follow me" i really had a bad feeling than it happened the stairs gave out and made me a Casey fall i grabbed the railing catching Casey. He looked up at me and saw my face in my cause of my arms and bruises don't mix "Casey you better hurry up and get someone quick" i hissed at him in pain "this is lieutenant Casey I'm between 2nd and 3rd fall currently dangling with Amelia Severide holding me WE NEED HELP AND QUICK" he said over the radio "CASEY" i screamed very much in pain "hold on Melia" Casey said back "AMELIA CASEY" i heard someone yell "HERE AND HURRY UP" i screamed back. They grabbed Casey's hand and pulled him up than they both grabbed me and pulled me up "you okay Amelia" Casey said "next time lets not take the stairs and wait till I'm healed" i said holding my arm and side. We walked out i took of my mask and Kelly came over to me "let gabby and shay look at you" i looked at him and rolled my eyes and walked over to them "you okay Melia" gabby said "you try holding Casey by the arm with bruises and bruised knuckles doesn't really go together" they laughed at me "hey don't laugh at me" "you love us" shay said "do i" i said raising a brow "sarcasm still there we have our Amelia back" shay said we all laughed and i walked over to the truck "thank you for saving my butt back there" Casey said "lets just get back" i said hopping in and driving off.

We were all chatting among us while me feet were on shays lap "Ameliaaaa" "Otisssss" "I'm hungryyyy" "and that my fault why" everyone laughed "yep she is definitely back" gabby said "and for your information I'm staying this why how about we go to molly's" i said Herman face light up looking at me "YES finally" he cheered everyone laughed at him "after we grab your stuff" "argh" i groaned. After shift Antonio came over and hugged Gabby "lets go" i said hopping in my car with the other following me to my house. When we got there i unlocked the door seeing him not there "where is he" Antonio said i rolled my eyes "probably with a hooker" and we all walked in. I went to the bedroom walked in went over to my cupboard Shay and Kelly followed to help me, "What do you need to grab" they asked "some stuff from the bathroom and my clothes, shoes, photos and stuff that was dad's" i said kelly looked at me and i smiled "yes i have stuff of his" grabbing his jacket that had his name on it Kelly smiled at me, "Okay kelly start with grabbing my clothes shay be a dear and grab my stuff from the bathroom and ill grab the rest and carry them to the cars lets go" and they did what i told them and i grabbed a box that was full of photos from when i was born, dad, kelly, all of 51 which made me smile i grabbed it grab the stuff i had from dad and other things and took them to the car. When we were finished we all drove to Kelly's and shay's place and put my stuff in the spare room "lets go to Molly's Herman probably expecting us" i said everyone cheered and i got into Kelly's car and he drove off.
Shay and i sang to the songs on the radio as we pulled up to Molly's and walked in, "I swear I don't know who is worse you or shay" "when we're together who knows" we laughed "HEY GUYS THE SEVERIDES AND SHAY SHOWED UP" shay looked at him "what can i get you ladies" "just a soft drink I'm not a big drinker" i said "2 beers please Herman" shay said "coming up" he gave us our drinks and we sat down with the boys. After about 2 hours of being there tomorrow we had off which was good i drove back cause i wasn't either sober or a little bit drunk when we got back i put them to bed and then going to bed myself as soon as my head hit the pillow i was asleep.

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