Part 12-

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I was sitting down at the table reading my book when Johnson came in "Amelia i need to speak with you outside now" i was super confused and so was everyone else and they stared at me "I don't what i did wrong this time I haven't talked to him but this morning" I said and walked outside to him. I walked over to him "can i help you" "yes you can" he said i was super confused "and what is that" i asked "i want you out of 51 and not be a firefighter" i was completely shocked and angry "you can control my life and how it runs you never will this is my home since i was a baby and it will never change" "oh i can and i will control you life" i was pissed off ready to punch him "you don't control my life your not Benny Severide your not Kelly Severide you not Chief Boden and your most definitely not Amelia-May Severide" i said mad and i walked back inside. I was pissed off "what was that about" Otis asked and he walked in i stood up "somebody here was trying to get me out of 51 and was trying to control my life" i said everyone was either angry or pissed off.

I cannot believe he said that to Amelia "and i also forgot to say that no member of the lgbtq+ should be here too" i looked over at Shay and Amelia and by their faces they were really pissed and Amelia stood up and i knew this wasn't good "this firehouse accepts anyone and everyone no matter of their gender identity or who they date thats what i love about this place they accept everyone for who they are not matter what" she said "I don't care" he said "well i don't care about you what are you even doing here anyway" she said he was quiet "yeah why are you here Johnson" i said he was still quiet till he said "to get Amelia off 51 but thats not going to happen with her family behind her" everyone was shocked "WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I HAVE A NORMAL FUCKING LIFE WITH NOBODY TRYING TO HURT ME NOBODY TRYING TO TAKE MY JOB AWAY THATS ALL I WISH FOR" she shouted and went out of the room i turned to him "thank you very fucking much now i have to go calm her down you can leave now and get out of here now" i said and walked out.

I was in the bunk room on my bed crying then Kelly came in "hey sis" i looked down "Kelly" i said "yes" "why can't i have a normal life loving someone that doesn't hurt me having a job that a stupid chief knock me down every time i see him" i said through my tears he lifted my head up "he knocks you down for the fun off it but you get up stronger then ever and you have a lot of people here that love you for who you are and Shay i have seen the way you two look at each other you two love each other you just won't admit it will you" he said i hated when he was right "yeah i do love her K with all my heart" i said smiling "than good and i know she is someone that will never hurt you cause of your past" he said i hugged him "thank you K" "no problem Milly" he hugged back and we walked back into the kitchen. When i got in there Shay came running at me and hugging me tight i saw Kelly smirk same with Gabby 'oh fuck off' i mouthed at them "you okay" "fine now this is my home and always will be no matter how hard he tries to get me out" everyone cheered.
Then jay came in "hey J" i went over and hugging him "hello flame" "what you doing here" "um I've came here to talk to you about a certain someone" he said "Ben" i asked he nodded "he dead" i said everyone looked at me shocked and little bit scared "shit god why the hell you go there" he said "wanted to kill someone today but hey didn't get the chance" i said "who?" He asked confused "Johnson" i said "anyway what happen Ben" "right he is put in jail for killing about 3 people just wanted to tell you oh and you were next on his list" when i heard this shocked "who was the first 2 i thought I might've been first but hey" he rolled his eyes "two people named Jacob and Anna" "don't know them" i said sitting down and of course Shay grabbed me "can i sit on my own chair please" i asked her "nope" "anyway i would hug you but this one wont let go anytime soon" i said pointing at shay. Jay laughed and kissed my cheek and left "you know what I'm happy he is jail but I'm not happy that i was next on his list but" i said everyone laughed and we went to do when we don't have a call.

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