Part 8-

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⚠️sweaing, cutting and not eating⚠️
We had the barbecue and her birthday btw
With me cutting and not eating it went on for about 5 and half weeks till i got super dizzy and almost fainted when someone caught me at the firehouse too towards the end of the shift "you okay Melia" i turned my head to see chief "I'm good chief thanks anyway" i got up and walked away "hey Melia" i tuned around "yes" "talk to me" he said "can't something i have to do alone" i said turning back around i heard him sigh I hate lying to everyone even Kelly and shay again i hurt me really bad. I walked into the locker room and grabbed my small blade i had and put it in my pocket and walked to the bathroom and went into one and locked the door and started cutting my self again it felt good i gave myself about 5 more cuts and cleaned up and pulled my sleeve back down and put my blade in my pocket and walked back into the locker room and saw Herman and Gabby at my locker looking for something "you two good looking in my locker" they turned around "um sorry about that we will go now" Herman said i was confused and looked to see no one there and out my blade in my bag and shut it. Everything went black for a couple of seconds and sat down on the bench "shit" i mumbled under my breath has soon as i got up everything went black again and i fell to the ground last thing i heard was someone shutting "AMELIA".

It was 5 minutes till the end of shift and i got up and went tot he locker room has soon as i get in there i saw Amelia falling to the ground i shouted "AMELIA" and she went to the ground "SHAY KELLY GABBY GET IN HERE NOW" i shouted and they came running in "what the hell happened" gabby asked "I don't know i walked in here and saw her go down" i said on the ground "can you move her quickly out of the way of her locker" gabby asked i nodded and moved her a little bit and she went into Amelia locker and looked around in it "what are you trying to find" shay asked "fuck sake Amelia" gabby said we looked at her confused and she held up a blade "argh" i heard from Kelly "okay Kelly go to the ambo and grabbed bandages and bring them back in" gabby said he nodded "you two help me look for cuts" she said again and we nodded and looked around her body "she is really thin" i said and i lifted up Amelia sleeves and saw the cuts up her arms "found them there is a lot" i said "shit thats why she wears longs sleeves some of these look about a couple weeks old and there are fresh ones too" shay said and Kelly came back in and saw his sister with cuts up her arms.

I came back in with the bandages and saw her sleeves up and saw the cuts "for fuck sake Amelia you said you wouldn't going to do it again" i said and gabby shay bandaged her arms and i carried her to the ambo "take care of her please" i said to gabby she nodded and i shut the doors and walked inside "what happen" Herman said and chief walked out seeing the ambo go "she um had cuts on her arms some were old and fresh she is thin so i think she wasn't um eating for a couple of weeks its all my fault" i said "its not your fault Kelly i saw her almost faint" chief said "what did she say when you asked if she was okay" he sighed "can't i have to do this alone thats what she said then i came out here and asked Herman and gabby to go check her locker for anything but she caught them" he said i was so mad at her but then I can't.

"Ambo 61 to main" i said over the radio "main to ambo 61 what is it" "i have Amelia severide going to med please tell them we are coming" i said "okay they will meet you at the doors" they said back and i kept driving "how is she Gabby" "she is not awake yet" gabby said back "damn it Amelia" i mumbled. We got to med i jumped out and went to the back and help gabby and Amelia and walked through the doors Nat was waiting "what happen" she said "Amelia has cuts all of both arms fainted and is really thin" gabby said and she nodded and we put her in a room i grabbed Nat "keep Will away" i said "will do" and we moved her to the bed and stared to work on her and we were told to go to the waiting room and we did.

I was shocked that Amelia would do this and i worked on her arms and told April "get a feeding tube she looks like she hasn't been eating for about 5 and half weeks ish to about 6 weeks and get some new bandages for her arms" she nodded i walked out and sat down doing her paperwork Maggie came up to me "you good" i looked up "not really i have Amelia in there with cuts all up her arms and she hasn't been eating for about 5-6 weeks now we have to put her on a feeding tube and i have to keep will away too" i said "omg we do need to keep will away those two are like brother and sister so is jay" she said i nodded and the people came with the feeding tube and i went to her room and they gave it to her. She wasn't wake yet then 51 came in "how is she" Kelly asked "she is on a feeding tube and i have put new bandages on her arms i will also get dr Charles in here when she wakes up" i said they sighed "the girls are in the waiting room" "can i stay with her please" Kelly asked i nodded the other went into the waiting room and Kelly went into her room sitting down next to her holding her hand.

I sat down holding her hand "please sis why did you have to do this to yourself you should have come and spoke to me,Shay,Gabby, Mouch,Herman or Casey we would of helped you" a tear fell from my face. Someone came in putting their hand on my shoulder i looked up too see Shay "hey." "Hey" "how are you" "i miss her Shay she needs to come home she the last person left i have thats blood" i said through my tears "i know Kelly i miss her as well and she is a fighter and she will get through this we got to get you home we can visit her tomorrow we are off tomorrow" she said i nodded and got up and kissed her forehead so did shay and we walked out before we did i walked over to Nat "remember keep Will away at all cost please" she nodded and i went in the ambo and drove to the firehouse and got into my car with shay and drove home It was very quiet without her and i went to sleep.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now