Part 1-

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off at 6am so i quickly turned it off to see my boyfriend asleep still. I got up and went to the bathroom and got changed into my work clothes with a long sleeve on cause i have bruises on my arms from Ben and a mark on my face that i quickly covered with foundation that matched my skin colour, put my hair up into a braid and went to the kitchen grabbing my phone before I left the bedroom. When i got into the kitchen i grabbed my water bottle, bag and car keys and left to the firehouse.

Once i got to the firehouse i parked behind Kelly reached over the seat which i regretted very much and got out of my car and walk up to the firehouse. Once i saw the trucks someone jumped on my back and i grabbed their legs "superwoman i tell you" "hello Shay" i said turning my head "hiya Melia" and i walked inside with her on my back "hello guys and lady" "hello" everyone said "okay Shay off my back" "fine" and she got off and we walked to the locker room. Once we got to the locker room we put our stuff into our lockers "how are you and whatever his name is" i looked at her "Shay I'm fine and were fine" she rolled her eyes "I don't like him" "darling Shay you don't like anyone i know" i said smiling and we walked of the locker room.

We are walking into the main room "why don't you like Ben he is nice" "cause he is mean" shay said "uses you for money"gabby said "he's an asshole" Casey said "doesn't let you go out" Herman said "and generally we don't like him sis" kelly said looking up. I rolled my eyes and sat down between gabby and shay and started reading my book till a call came in.

Ambo 61 truck 81 house fire 88 compel street
We got up and ran to the trucks and got geared up and i hopped in the driver side and started the truck and drove. Once we got there Casey gave out orders "Herman, Mouch and Otis get everyone back and get a hose ready me and Amelia will go inside and check lets go!" I put my mask on and i gave Casey thumbs up and we went inside the building "FIRE DEPARTMENT CALL OUT" we both yelled "HERE" someone called out so we went to the voice to see a kid problem 14 years old on the floor crying i picked him up and carried him outside to shay and gabby. "Put it out boys" Casey said and they did we packed up and went back to the firehouse.

Once we got back i took of my gear and my cheek was hurting but i didn't let the pain show and walked to the locker room and grabbed my phone and it vibrated it was Ben
B: Amelia!
A:yes babe
B:you forgot to make breakfast for me
A:I'm sorry i had to get to work
B:I don't care you are not going out tonight
A:but I'm going to Molly's tonight
B:I don't care Amelia but if you come home a minute later you will get hurt
A:okay i wont but i got to go back to work bye
B:fine you brat
I was hurt but i put my phone away and walked into the main room "who is cooking" everyone looked at Casey "why Amelia" he groaned "cause I'm hungry and its your turn" i said kissing Kelly's head and sitting down "can you not be hungry" i looked at him straight in the eyes "Casey i would get up before she kills you" Kelly said "thank you Kelly but killing him would be fun" everyone laughed.

It was the end of shift and i grabbed my bag and left "please come Melia" shay whined at me "sorry Shay next time" "but you say that every time" i placed my bag in the back seat "sorry bye" and i drove off but i looked in my mirror and saw Gabby, Matt, Shay and Kelly talking then looking at me before I drove off. Once i got home i was a minute late cause of traffic. As soon as i opened the door i saw Ben standing there angry "you are late home" "I'm sorry babe" he walked up to me "don't you dare babe me you stupid brat you are useless and selfish" and he smacked me right across the face and punched my side. When he left the house i got up and went to the bathroom and saw my side and my face it was red and busied. I was so mad that i punched the wall and my knuckles started bleeding i got up and showered put pjs on and went to bed.

Next morning
I got up again to the sound of my alarm. I do what I do every morning and cleaned my knuckles. I grabbed my phone, keys, bag and something to eat and left. Once i got to the firehouse my side was killing me but i hid the pain and took some pain killers i had and walked inside. "Hey sis are you okay" kelly asked me i put on a fake smile "yes I'm fine" i said walking to the locker room. When i got there my side was really hurting me and i walked to the main room sat down and read my book again "Amelia i need to speak with you in my office" chief said walking in "okay" and i walked to his office and he pointed at the seat for me to sit down and i did "how are you Amelia" "I'm fine chief why do you ask" "just checking if my firefighters are okay" "you think I believe that Kelly asked you didn't he" i said rolling my eyes "yes he did Amelia and if there is anything you need to tell me please tell me" he said sitting back in his chair "look chief he may be my brother but I'm not 6 years old i may be the youngest here but i can take care of myself" i said sternly "I wasn't doubting you for anything Amelia i just want to make sure" "yes chief is that all" getting up which made my side hurt but i hide the pain "yes that is" i left to the bathroom. When i got to the bathroom i looked at my knuckles which are bruised now no thanks to me punching a wall "hey are you okay Melia" a voice said behind me i turned around and saw Herman "I'm fine Herman" he came beside me "no your not" i looked at him "i just need everyone to stop worrying about me Herman" he looked down "Melia we will stop when we know that your actually fine" i looked down "Herman i would of told you guys if something was wrong" "no you wouldn't Kelly does the same thing when he is hurt and then it gets to far and then it turns bad" he sighed and walked out. I looked in the mirror and then a call came in
Squad 3 Ambo 61 Truck 81 2 car accident motor way

I ran to the truck and put my gear on and started to drive. When we got there Casey gave out orders "truck 81 we will take that car Squad you good with the other car" "yeah we are" kelly said and we went to were we had to go "Amelia you need to go in" i nodded and got lifted into the car by Mouch and Otis. I grabbed the two girls out and then i got the mum out and i hit my side on something that made me squeal a little "you okay Amelia" Casey said "I'm fine she's coming out" and they grabbed her and i climbed out of the car and i held my side "you sure" Casey asked again i looked him in the eyes "yes I'm fine Casey" i said. When we finished i went to the locker room cause my side was killing me and i took some pain meds "so you did get hurt and don't lie Amelia" i heard a voice behind me.
I turned and it was Casey shit "i want you to go see chief now Melia and I'm coming to make sure" he said to my eyes i looked down "fine" guess I'm telling them today i said in my head (kept it a secret for 4 months) and we walked to chief office and Matt knocked "come in" we heard and we walked in. He looked up from his paper"what can i do for you two" Casey looked at me and i turned my head "somebody here got hurt on the call and won't admit" he looked at me "Amelia did you get hurt" "not exactly" i said looking at them both they were confused i rolled my eyes wiped my face with a tissues i got from chiefs table showing my bruised face, rolling up my sleeves showing my knuckles and arms and finally rolling up my shirt to show off all the bruises "what the hell!" Casey yelled "that why i didn't tell anyone" "Amelia who did this" chief asked i looked at Matt then looked down "was it Ben" Casey asked "yes but the knuckles was me i punched a wall" "why and how long has this been going on for" chief asked i sighed "for about 4 months now and i punched a wall cause i had enough of him abusing me" Casey came over and hugged me "look we need to tell Kelly" i looked up at him "no we can't please Matt please" i tear fell from my face "I don't care Melia we need Shay and gabby to look at you and to tell Kelly" i just nodded and we left chief office.

To be continued.......

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