Part 3-

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I woke up and went downstairs saw kelly and shay there "how are your headaches" i said laughing and grabbing a coffee "really" they both say "yep anyway imma get changed than start on the room" they nodded and i went up stairs and got changed into a short tie dye shirt and black long pants with my hair in 2 braids (photos below):

Amelia:I woke up and went downstairs saw kelly and shay there "how are your headaches" i said laughing and grabbing a coffee "really" they both say "yep anyway imma get changed than start on the room" they nodded and i went up stairs and got chang...

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I started to unpack my clothes and put them in the cupboard

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I started to unpack my clothes and put them in the cupboard. Then putting my safe stuff in the drawers and putting dads stuff in the middle of the cupboard. Shay walked in "hello Melia nice room" "hello Shay thank you" and we sat down and chatted for a bit "MILLY SHAY GABBY AND MATT ARE HERE AND WERE WATCHING THE GAME" kelly yelled from down stairs "lets go" and we walked down Gabby came and hugged us we hugged back. We all sat on the couch and watched the game. It's was now night time "what do you guys want for dinner" i asked them "can you make something please Milly" Kelly said i rolled my eyes "fine" and i walked out of the lounge room and started cooking lasagna. When i finished i grabbed 5 plates and put some on each and carried 5 plates out "here you go guys" passing it to them "thank you" everyone said "omg Melia this is amazing" Gabby said taking some "thank you" i said sitting down eating my food "let's continue watching the game" i said everyone turned their heads to the tv.

When the game finished i looked over and saw Amelia asleep with her head on my lap i looked over and saw Gabby asleep as well "Casey i think you should take Gabby home we got work tomorrow i got to put this one too bed" i said pointing to Amelia "yeah let me wake her up" Casey said poking Gabby and she woke up and they left. i kicked Kelly he looked up "what" "can you put her to bed please" i said pointing to Amelia "she really can fall asleep anywhere" we laughed and Kelly grabbed her and put her to bed and i went to bed.

When i woke up i got changed into my paramedic clothes and left my hair down and i went to Amelia's room to wake her up. I walked in to see her sleeping still "Melia" she groaned and rolled over "yes?" "Wake up we got work" she rolled out of bed and got up to change and i walked downstairs to see Kelly up "she up" i nodded. After 10 minutes of waiting Amelia came downstairs "hello sleepy head" she glared at me "sorry hurry up and eat so we can go" she nodded and grabbed some toast and eating it "lets go now" she said and Kelly and i nodded. We got into Kelly's car and he drove us there and then Amelia and i started arguing about something random, we walked into the firehouse "what are you two arguing about now" Herman asked "she doesn't listen to me" i said "no i do listen i just tend to not care about some stuff" Amelia said "that sounds like Melia" he said back "wow thanks Herman" i rolled my eyes and Amelia jumped on my back "you know you love me" "is that so" she nodded.

Ambo 61 woman down unknown reasons 88 Eloise park
Shay and Dawson got up and went to the ambo i sat down and ready my book and i was so close to the end of the book "Kelllllly" he turned to me "yes darling sister" "can we go to a book store after this please" i did puppy eyes "fine tomorrow its and overnight shift" i jumped up and down. I didn't notice chief came in, when he coughed i turned and looked at him "oh hello chief" everyone laughed "okay I'm going away for 2 weeks chief Johnson will be coming tomorrow and looking after you especially you Amelia" he said pointing at me and we all groaned "why him" i said "why do you hate him so much" Otis said "oh right you weren't here when we had him 3 years ago" i said turning to him and everyone knew what was coming "okay so chief was away for a bit something happened can't remember what, anyway it was my 5 month of being a firefighter here and we had him and oh my god it was the worst. He believes that no women should be a firefighter which pissed me of so being the person i am." Casey butted in "she annoyed him very much" "yes that is true and i also proved him wrong on a call that saved his ass and ever since then we have hated each other and he still believes that no women should be a firefighter. Oh hey Casey" Otis nodded and i turned to Casey "yes Melia and whatever you are thinking about you can forget it" i groaned "but i just want to annoy him please" "no you cannot even though its funny we have too" and it went back and forth for about 20 minutes.

After the 2 minutes ambo came in "what are you two arguing about now" gabby said Casey turned to them "our lovely Melia wants to annoy chief Johnson when he comes here tomorrow and I'm saying no" i groaned "please Casey" i whined "yeah Casey can we" shay said "see she gets me" pointing at shay he rolled is eyes. "Who do you want to annoy" chief said "chief Johnson" Kelly said "no Amelia no you have to have him" "we don't have too we could have someone else" "and deal with you sass and sarcasm i think not" chief said everyone laughed "rude" he smiled and left. I got very bored and went somewhere in the firehouse everyone looked at me "where she going" Capp said "got no clue" Casey said "how is she my sister" Kelly said "cause we are related and we have the same blood" i shouted from a different room everyone laughed. i walked back in from a different way everyone turned to me "where the hell you go you went from that door to another" Cruz said pointing at the door i walked out from and then into the room "i got board" "how" "i finished my book" i said sitting down and i got bored again about 10 minutes later "Herman Mouch" they turned to me "don't answer her guys she is bored again" Kelly said playing cards "rude" crossing my arms.
Truck 81 Squad 3 ambo 61 2 car crash 2134 emblem code road
We all ran to the trucks and got our gear on. i started to drive putting the sirens on and doing the horn telling we are coming. When we got to the accident the two cars were on top of each other "okay everyone needs to work as a team" Casey said and we all got to work. I looked in the car 2 little girls and 1 mother the mother wasn't breathing "Gabby Shay we have 2 little girls and a mother who isn't breathing and found no pulse" i said over the radio"okay focus on getting the girls out now" Kelly said. They boys helped me in "hello what are your names" "Milly and Amelia" one of the girls said "no way my name is Amelia and i have the nickname Milly" they laughed "okay guys I'm going to be putting this around your necks is that okay" they nodded and i put the c-collar on them "okay Kelly Casey we good to go" i said over the radio "yep" they both said "okay Milly is coming out first" i said laying Milly on her back and passing her out "got her next one now Melia" Capp said "okay come on Amelia be brave" she nodded and i passed her out and got out of the car. The girls got into the ambo and got taken to med "lets got back" Casey said and we all nodded. When we got back i started to cook cause nobody wanted too and Kelly voted from me to cook. So I had to cook so I decided to annoy them "ladies first come and get your food" i said both came and got some food "now chief" and the boys were getting mad at me which made me smirk "engine 51" they came "now which once should go next squad or truck" i said thinking "come on sis I'm your brother" Kelly said "then lets go with both at the same time" they all cheered and got up and grabbed food. I grabbed some food and sat down and ate "why doesn't Melia cook more often" Cruz said "cause ill go the same way but mix up the some way the order goes but the girls will always go first then chief" they all nodded "and i also volunteer our lieutenants to wash up who is with me" I raised my hand and so did everyone else and even chief which made everyone laugh "your dead lil sis" Kelly said and started getting up "shit" i mumbles and got up fast and started running around the fire house with everyone laughing "HELP" i screamed "you got your self in that mess" i heard Cruz say i stopped at the door "thanks Cruz" i turned my head to see Kelly coming at me "hey guys watch this" they turned their heads. Kelly ran at me fast i stepped back and he missed me everyone laughed "Amelia" Kelly said "yes Kelly" i said laughing "your mean" "i think i know that" everyone laughed harder and we went to the bunk room for some sleep.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now