Part 21-

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It's been 4 weeks and amelia is getting out of hospital
Nat finished with my paper so i can leave "your good to go" "thank you Nat hope I'm not back here anytime soon" i said which she smiled and i left. When i walked out the front i saw 81 parked out the front "do you need a lift back" Casey said i smirked "of course" i said hopping in the back and shutting the door then Otis started to drive "i hope you know this Otis" "mhm" "you wont be there for long i have 6 weeks till I'm back and your back here and I'm in that spot" everyone laughed. When we got back to 51 i hopped out with the help of the boys and we walked in "everyone our Amelia-May Severide has come home" the boys said and everyone cheered and shay came running at me and kissed me "hiya" "hello" she said back and i sat down with my legs on her lap. We all chatted for a bit "how long till your off your shift" i asked "about 35 minutes" "argh" i groaned at kelly respond.
After 35 minutes went past we grabbed our stuff and went home.

Arthur note: hey guys I'm running out of ideas and i have a new one planed so imma finish it here okay sorry 😣🥺

3 years later:
Amelia and i have been dating for about 4 years now we have been together through ups and down and i went over to kelly "hey kelly can i ask you something" he nodded and we went to the bunk room "yes shay" "i was wondering you are her brother but i was wondering for your blessing to marry Amelia" i said than looking down "hell yes" he said and i was shocked "do you have a ring" he asked i nodded and pulled it out:

3 years later:Shay:Amelia and i have been dating for about 4 years now we have been together through ups and down and i went over to kelly "hey kelly can i ask you something" he nodded and we went to the bunk room "yes shay" "i was wondering you a...

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"Omg god that is beautiful when you going to propose to her" i sighed "after shift" i said "thats will be amazing shay and i would love being your brother-in-law" i smiled and we hugged each other and we walked back into the common room. Gabby looked at me and i nodded she smirked at me, 81 was out on a call so we chatted "what he say" "he gave me his blessing" i said looking over at kelly "omg I can't believe its happening" gabby said then 81 came in i turned around "what happen to you" i said to amelia trying to hold my laugh in "don't asked shay" she said wondering off to the showers we turned to Casey "drunk guy and yeah didn't end well" he said i laughed.

I was in the shower humming a song in my head, when i was finished i got out and into some clean fresh clothes since there was only 5 minutes left and we wouldn't get a call in. When i got changed i walked into the common room "want to grab our bags and wait till shift is over" i asked the girls and they nodded and we went to the locker room and grabbed our bags talking. When we walked out everyone went to grab their bags a little while later the boys came in "ready to go now we can go to molly's" Herman face light up "hell yes" he said we all laughed and walked out. When we walked out of the door shay stopped "you okay baby" "mhm okay stand there for me please" she said i was confused as hell "okay" i said then she got onto one knee. I gasped "Amelia-May Severide i have loved you from the first time kelly introduced me to you, when i heard what Ben did to you i know from there that i will protect you with my heart and i have. We have gone through up and downs together i have been by your side in the hospital bed so many times I can't even count so Amelia-May Severide will you marry me" shay asked i had tears downs my face "YES" i said and she put the ring on my finger and we had a long kiss with the cheers of 51 behind us.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now