Part 17-

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2 days later (sorry)
I woke up and saw shay still asleep, i got up and got changed into my truck shirt and black leggings, putting my hair into 2 braids, brushed my teeth and put on my shoes. When i was finished i walked out and went over to the bed and gave shay a kiss "wake up babe we have work" she groaned "fine no more kisses" i said she shot up "heyyy noooo my kisses" she said in a baby voice i laughed "hurry up then" i said and then kissing her. I grabbed my bag phone and headed downstairs, i saw kelly up "hello dear brother" "hello sister" he said and i grabbed my coffee and made shay. Kelly and i talked for a bit and shay finally came down "and she has finally came down" kelly said i laughed "lets go" she said and i passed her coffee and we walked out of the house and into Kelly's car.
When we finally got to the firehouse we walked in "sis can you take my bag please to my locker room i got to get started on paperwork" he asked "fine" i said he passed me his bag and shay and i walked into the locker room. I put Kelly's bag in his locker than walked over to mine "hey love" "mhm" "how are we going to tell everyone" she said i turned to her "lets see how long it takes them" i said and she smirked and gave me a kiss. We walked into the common room.
Truck 81 ambo 61 possible suicide 44 bridge way
Shay and i ran to the trucks and ambo, i got my gear on and hopped into the driver and started the sirens and went with ambo following. When we got to the place i hopped out and saw jay, Erin and Voight i walked over to them "what we got" they turned around "17 year old girl we have been looking for her for some time and she ran and went over the bridge we tried talking to her but she wouldn't come back over" Erin said then Casey came over "Amelia you have to go over try talking to her" he said i rolled my eyes "of course none of the boy wanted too" he nodded his head i groaned "fine get the harness and rope ready" i said and walked back over to the truck. I got into the harness and they put the rope in "your ready to go" "yep" i said then slowly walking over "hey kid" i said she turned to me "don't come closer" she said panicked "hey I'm Amelia Severide from Firehouse 81 what's your name" said and she wanted to say something but couldn't "I'm coming on the other side okay kid" i said slowly climbing over "what's your name kid" "Angel Angel Ranger" "okay Angel don't move please" i said. Then i stopped moving "i need more rope" i said through my radio "something stuck on your side" Otis said back i sighed and unbuckled the rope "AMELIA put the rope back on" Casey said through the radio i decided to ignore him i knew i was going to get in trouble "angel come here please" i said to the girl and she looked me in the eyes "please your too young" and she moved towards me "there we go" i said smiling at her.
When she was close to me i grabbed her and the other came running towards me and grabbing her and pulling her over, when i was over Casey and shay came over to me "your are dumb you know that" Casey said "yes i do know that just don't tell kelly or I'm in trouble big time" we laughed and i gave a kiss to shay on the head Casey smirked and we went back to the trucks packed everything away and headed back to the fire house.

It's been about 15 minutes since truck and ambo left and i was waiting and they finally arrived back truck did but ambo didn't guess they were taking the patient to med. i walked over to them "how was the call" i said "it was good jay, Erin and voight were there" Amelia said "why" "they were looking the kid that was going to go and yeah anyway I'm hungry" she said and we all walked inside i pulled Casey aside "yes" "you owe me $20 and a beer" i said and he looked at me with a surprised face "now way they didn't" he said i nodded "damn it" he said i laughed and he pulled out $20 and gave it to me "thank you" i said and we laughed and walked back inside and Amelia was reading like normal with a can that i think was wipe cream "what you eating" i asked her she looked up "wipe cream" she said everyone laughed. Ambo finally came back and walked in "why is she eating wipe cream" gabby asked "if i knew i would have told you" i said back and they laughed and they sat down next to her talking. We all were sitting then chief came in "Severide's Casey and shay follow me please" he said and we all stood up and Amelia was still sitting down "Amelia come on" she stood up and followed us. We walked outside "what is it chief" Casey said "Johnson has put a file against Amelia" he said i turned to Amelia and she was shocked "why chief" i said turning back to him "cause apparently she has a bad attitude, does everything wrong, doesn't follow orders and almost killed him" he said i was shocked.

When chief said all the stuff about what i apparently did i was furious "he is not the one to talk" i said snapping back "i know you have to meet with CFD in 4 days" he said i needed to punch something "he is not the one to fucking talk" i said "Amelia calm down" Casey said "NO I'm not calming down he is the one who likes to ruin my career of being a firefighter, he comes in here and talked about my farther, come in here and talked about the abusive relationship with Ben, calling me names that Ben called me, calling me names that only my farther could call me and last time i check i saved his ass a couple years back" i said snapping "Amelia calm it now" chief said i rolled my eyes. I walked over to the wall and punched it "AMELIA" chief yelled "i needed to punch something or it would of been him" i said not turning around then i felt cold hands turning me around and my face was looking at shays "love we will get threw this together you have a whole firehouse behind you and I'm sure pd will behind you as well" she said and a tear fell from my face, "love please calm down" she said "guys lets them be" kelly said and they walked inside and shay kissed me "love i love you and we will get through this together" she said and i nodded and kissed her back "lets get that hand check out go to the common room and sit down and ill be back with bandages okay love" i rolled my eyes and went inside. When i walked in i sat down "what happened to your hand" Herman said "punched a wall" i said back he looked at me confused "why" "Johnson decided to put a file against me for doing stupid shit" i said back "what the hell but kid we have your back okay" Herman said and i nodded and shay walked back inside with bandages and fixed it better and i sat on her lap.
We were all chatting for some bit "it there something going on between you two" Otis said shay and i looked over at him "maybe maybe not" i said "you two dating" "took you long enough" shay said i laughed and she pocked my side "really?!" Herman said "yep" everyone said congrats so did chief and we talked for hours calls here and there and we all went to Molly's for drinks and went home shay slept with me.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now