Part 7-

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⚠️cutting, not eating⚠️
I am slot went at Otis again so i was sent to chief office and then Matt came in "Shay and Gabby are back with Melia" i looked up "Milly..... where" i asked "their in the bunk room" Matt said and we all went to the bunk room and i saw Amelia sleeping "how is she" i asked walking they turned to me "she is okay now we found her at the river crying" Shay said it broke my heart "lets get her home its the end of shift Shay go grab your stuff and hers and take it to the car" i said and she nodded i sat down looking at Amelia sleeping. About 10 minutes later shay came back in "all done lets go" she said i nodded and picked her up and Gabby gave her a kiss on the head and we walked out to the car Shay got in and i put Amelia with her and drove home.
When we got home i carried her out of the car and put her to bed and went downstairs and saw shay sitting on the couch "hey you good" she looked at me "not really seeing her upset is really hard and she is the youngest there and has the most problems Kelly" she said with tears i sat down "I don't know how she does it shay but we need to be there for her and help her with anything okay get some sleep night" i said walking up the stairs "night Kelly".
Next morning
I woke to see i was in my room i didn't care i got up and showers and thoughts came to me when i was 16 again and for some stupid reason i wanted to cut myself again. I got out of the shower and saw it was 4am so Kelly and shay would be asleep. I went out of my room and went downstairs to the kitchen where I got a knife and did 4 scars on each arms and washed up the knife and the blood and went up stairs and put a long shirt on and sat on the bed on my phone.
I looked up again and saw it was 7am i wasn't hungry so i stayed in my room when i heard a knock "come in" shay walked in "hey you hungry" i shake my head "i had something at like 4 i was hungry" i said lying i hated lying to her "oh okay were going to molly's tonight do you want to come and social" "sure why not but I'm not drinking" she nodded and shut the door and went downstairs I sighed and went back on my phone till it was time to go out.

I looked up again and saw it was 7am i wasn't hungry so i stayed in my room when i heard a knock "come in" shay walked in "hey you hungry" i shake my head "i had something at like 4 i was hungry" i said lying i hated lying to her "oh okay were goi...

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It was time to leave and i was wearing (photo above) did my hair in a low bun putted on my white shoes and went downstairs to see Kelly and shay waiting for me "finally lets go" shay said and we got in my car and i drove to molly's

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It was time to leave and i was wearing (photo above) did my hair in a low bun putted on my white shoes and went downstairs to see Kelly and shay waiting for me "finally lets go" shay said and we got in my car and i drove to molly's. When we got to molly's we got out of the car and walked in "what do you want for drink" Kelly asked "um a soda please" he nodded and i went to sit down and rested my head on the wall "you good Melia" someone said i looked up and saw Jay i smiled "I'm good jay thanks for asking" he nodded and walked away then Kelly, Mouch and Casey came over and Kelly gave me my drink "thank you bro" "no problem sis" and they sat down "how are you" "I'm good how are you guys" "were good" Matt said and they drank their drink i was drinking my soda "Melia time to take them home" Gabby said "i think its time for you to take your boyfriend home" i smirked she smiled "really" "yep" i said and grabbed Kelly first and took him to the car than walked back inside and grabbed shay "see you tomorrow" they all said bye and put shay in the car and drove home. I grabbed shay first and put her in the house and went outside for Kelly and put him inside and went to my bed room and got into my long pjs and grabbed the scissors i had and went over my cuts making them bleed for some reason it felt good (Arthur here don't do it its very bad) and went to bed for tomorrow.

Next morning
I got up and got changed looking at my cuts and looked in the mirror and rolled my eyes brushed my teeth cause i didn't feel like eating and went downstairs made their coffee and wrote a note to shay and Kelly saying hey I'm driving myself to work so don't have to worry love Melia xxx when i did that i grabbed my keys bag and wallet and got into the car and drove to work so i didn't have to eat.

I got up and got dressed for work and went downstairs to see our coffees made and saw a note on the bench and read it i yelled to Kelly "MELIA HAS DRIVEN HERSELF TO WORK SO HURRY UP KELLY" he came down the stairs "okay we will meet her there then lets go" i nodded and got into his car and he drove to the fire house. When we got there we saw her car the parked and we got out and walked into the firehouse and didn't see her in the main room "where is Melia" "bunk room" Herman said i nodded and went into the bunk room seeing her reading "you really don't stop reading do you" she looked up "no" i smiled seeing her wearing a long sleeve shirt i was confused but didn't really care and walked to the locker room and put my stuff away and a call came in
Truck 81 ambo 61 single car crash 77 noble street
And i ran to ambo and got in seeing Melia get in truck and driving off with alarms on and we drove behind them i turned to gabby "Melia was wearing a long sleeve shirt today" "its so hot how is she" i shrugged and we got there and did our jobs.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now