Part 16-

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When we got back to 81 my phone started to vibrate i looked at the caller ID and it was Will
"hello" "hey A" "what can i help you with" "Abby just passed away 5 minutes ago there was a bleed in her brain I'm sorry A" "w-what" "someone has to tell her brother and her mum" i had tears coming down my face "i-i w-will don't worry ill do it tomorrow" "okay A stay safe" "i will don't worry"
And i hung up and i had tears falling down my face "love?" Someone said i turned around and saw shay "oh love come here" i ran and hugged her "shh its okay what happen" i sniffed and she wiped my tears away "A-Abby j-just p-passed a-away 5 m-minutes a-ago f-from a-a b-bleed i-in h-her b-brain" i said through my tears and she hugged me tight she picked me up and carried me inside.

I picked up Amelia and carried her inside kelly saw and gave me a confused look "ill tell you in a second" i mouthed he nodded and put her on her bunk "close your eyes and sleep ill be back soon" i said and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I went back to the common room "okay everyone listen here" i said and everyone turned to face me "Abby just passed away 10 minutes ago from a bleed in her brain and Melia is devastated so don't say anything be there for her and i think now she has to tell Ben and his mum" i said and then sighed "we have to look out for her she is our sister, best friend, ally, work mate and one hell of a women" Kelly said and we all agreed.
We all sat down for a while till Amelia came out and i got up and hugged her and kissed her forehead "you okay" "I'm okay now thank you" she said and she went to the kitchen and cooked up some food. About 15 minutes later "food is ready ladies first" she said and gabby and i got up and grabbed food "now engine" then engine got up and grabbed food "now squad and truck" and they got up and grabbed food and Amelia sat down "you not hungry" she shook her head "come on love you got to eat please" she rolled her eyes and got up again and grabbed food and sat back down on my lap and ate food. Tuesday our dog come out and went over to Otis and try to steal his food "no Tuesday you can't have it" Otis said "Tuesday come here" Amelia said and he came over and sat down next to her "he loves you" "I'm not mean to him" she said back and everyone laughed.

Next day after shift
Shay, Kelly, Gabby, Matt and I walked out of 81 and to our cars "I'm going to drop you off at home then go to the police station" i said "why" gabby said "i have to tell Ben and Emily that Abby passed away" i said looking down "okay stay safe please" Matt said i smiled got into the car dropped off shay and kelly and went to the police station that was holding Ben and Emily. When i got to the police station i stopped my car and went inside "hello can i help you" a police officer said "yes can i talk to Ben and Emily Axel please can i talk to Ben first please" i said "what for" he said "i have to tell them that his sister and her daughter passed away yesterday" i said and he nodded and lead me to were the glass is between the two and the phone thingy is. When i sat down the police officer left about 10 minutes later came back with Ben i took a deep breath and he sat down on the opposite side "5 minutes thats it then I'm bring Emily in" the officer said and i nodded "yes?" He said "um Abby passed away last night" he looked at me with a shocked face "h-how" "bleed on the brain we pulled her out of a fire a couple days ago i wasn't allowed to come visited i was taking care of her and seeing her every time i got a break" he looked down "no but thank you for taking care of her when you could" i smiled "no problem" i said back "times up" the officer said and i nodded and he took Ben away.
About 15 minutes later he came back with Emily her mum "5 minutes" the officer said again i nodded "yes Amelia" i sighed "your daughter has past away last night" i said she didn't change her face "how" she asked "bleed on the brain" "how did it happen" "pulled her out of a fire couple days ago took care of her and went to see her when i could" i said back "thank you Amelia I'm sorry what Ben has brought to you" she said "its okay Emily where do you want me to put her" i asked "next to her farther just you can see her and when she gets ashes i want you to have them" i was shocked "really" she nodded "you were the closest female roll model to her than anyone I'm glad for that" she said i smiled "I'm sorry for your lost but" "its okay Amelia see you again soon i hope" i nodded and the officer came over "times up you can go now" "thank you" i said and got up and left to go back to my car. I got my car and started to the engine.

Me and Shay were on the lounge watching a movie "is there something going on with you and Milly" i asked her "nope" she said i knew she was lying "don't lie to me shay i know when you are I'm okay with it just keep it down when I'm home" i said and she smirked "well me and her are dating" i was shocked "since when?!" "Since last night" she said "who knows" "gabby and now you" i smiled a little "why are you smiling" "Matt owes me $20 and a beer" she looked at me confused "why" "oh me and Matt place a bet on you two and in the next 6 months if you and Milly got together after she broke up with Ben she would get with you and i won that bet" "why didn't Matt think that" i nodded and she laughed. Then we heard the door open and Amelia came walking in shay shot from the lounge "LOVE your home" shay said hugging and kissing her "shay my brother" "oh I'm fine with it just keep it down when I'm home and i also get $20 and a beer from Matt" i said she laughed "of course you placed a bet on us two" she said chucking her bag and keys down at the door then going to the fridge and getting a soda and sitting on the lounge with shay between her legs. We talked for a bit and i looked at the time and it was 1130 "time for bed everyone" i said they both groaned "you two can sleep together" their faces light up and ran to the stairs and going to i think Amelias room it was the furthest away from my room "KEEP IT DOWN DON'T MAKE ME REGRET MY DECISION" i shouted from downstairs "OKAY LOVE YOU" i heard Amelia shout "LOVE YOU TOO" i shouted back and went to my room and fell asleep.

When me and Amelia got to her room i flopped onto the bed and she got changed into her pjs. She came out in one of my shirts "where did you get that" she smiled "from your room dummy" she said "hey I'm no dummy" "yes you are babe" she said i smirked and pulled her onto my lap "heyyy" she said i ignored her and kissed her shoulder "babe stop that you need to get changed" she said "fine meanie" "hey I'm no meanie" i glared at her and she laughed i put on her the bed and i got up and went to my room and grabbed some clothes and brought them back to her room, "you good bring stuff to my room" i nodded and placed them in her wardrobe and got changed into my pj. I walked out and she was reading her book "really a book do you ever stop reading love" she looked at me "nope" she said and went back to reading. I climbed onto her bed and laid between her legs "you good babe" she said "yep can i have a kiss please" i said looking at her and she rolled her eyes and placed her book down on her side table and gave me a kiss "better" "no" she looked at me and i smirked "no babe" "please" "no" i rolled my eyes and sat up and pulled her to my lap and straddled her on my lap and kissed her passionately "i love you love" i said "i love you too babe" she said back and i smiled and i laid down with her on my belly. I stroked her hair and we talked and i gave her kiss on the head "time to go to sleep love" i said and she yawned "yep night babe" and we fell asleep.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now