Part 9-

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I was walking into working today with Will it was hard not to tell him that Amelia was here. I walked in and i saw mrs Godwin walking over towards me "can i speak to you dr manning" "sure" and i said bye to Will and walked with her "i heard that Ms Amelia Severide is here under your care" "yes that would be right" i said back "why is she is" i sighed "she is here because she was found at 81 by Matt Casey unconscious, then Gabriela Dawson found a blade in her locker her arms are full of cuts and she looks like she hasn't been eating so she is put on a feeding tube helping her why did you want to know" she looked at me "cause Amelia is the last thing to Kelly and i need to know she is safe and wont hurt herself again she is a lovely, wonderful, powerful girl and she is a fighter and will fight for what is right no matter the circumstances or consequences are" Godwin said i sighed and looked down "what's wrong dr manning" "its just that Kelly has asked me not to tell Will that she is here cause you know they are like" "brother and sister yes i know that" she said cutting me off "DR MANNING" April said across the room "go do your job" she said i nodded and went to April "yes" "Amelia she is awake and freaking out. I ran to her room and saw her freaking out trying to take the IV out "hey Amelia its me Natalie and April" she turned to me "what am i doing here and why is there a feeding tube in my nose and bandages on my arm I don't want Food!" She said sternly at me "I'm sorry Amelia it has to be done" i looked at me.

"I'm sorry Amelia it has to be done" Nat said i hated that people knew about my arms and not eating "no it doesn't Nat i want to go home now please" i said begging her she sighed "I can't Melia not till your better and i know your not going to self harm or cut again" i hated that i was pissed off "Nat get me out now" i said mad "ill call dr Charles in here to talk to you "NO I don't need him argh" i was ticked off and they both left me curled up in a ball crying.
About 20 minutes later her and Dr Charles came back in "hello Amelia" i didn't answer "okay not talking i see" didn't answer again they knew it was going to be tuff for me to crack open and talk "Amelia i just want to help you to help fix yourself" he said i looked at them both "you can't fix something that is already broken" they were stunned and i curled up in a ball again "Amelia talk to us please" i heard Nat say "I don't want to i just want to go home I don't need to be here so let me go home" i said "we can't sorry" Dr Charles said i went into my ball "nice chat I'll come back later" he said i was crying till i fell asleep.

We left the room "we need someone she will talk to she wont open up to me" he said "she has alway been a tuff person to get her to open up to you" i said back "and when she said you can't fix something that is already broken what does she mean by that" i shrugged "there is only about 9 people she could possible open up too" he looked at me confused "Will,Jay,Kelly,Herman,Mouch,Cruz,Gabby,Shay and Casey her best friends and brothers" i said "right but you can't tell Will" i sighed "ill call Kelly and see if he can come in with shay and maybe change his mind on not telling Will" he nodded "ill leave you to it" and he walked off and i went tot he computer and called Kelly and he picked up
K:hello Kelly Severide speaking
N:hello Kelly its Nat
K:hello Nat how is Amelia
N:not good we had her try and speak to Dr Charles but she said something and also didn't speak
K:what is it she said
N:you can't fix something thats already broken cause he said to her that we want to help get you fixed and thats what she said that so i was wondering if you could and maybe shay,gabby,Casey,Herman or Mouch come and try talking to her please
K:sure let me call them and we will come
N:thanks see you soon
I hung up and put my head back "you okay" someone behind me said i turned around to see Will "tuff patient" i said lying but not really "what's wrong with your patient" he sat down "a women who has been doing self harming and has cuts all up her arms and hasn't been eating for about 5-6 weeks" i sighed "ouch that is tuff" he said then he got paged "got to go talk to you later bye" "bye" and he ran off.

When Nat called me and she told me what Amelia said i was broken and i made a group chat with Herman,Mouch,Casey,Shay and Gabby:
Amelia best friends:
K:hey guys
S:hey what you need
K:its about Melia
M:what's happened
K:Nat called from the hospital
G:what she say
K:she isn't opening up to her April or Dr Charles so she is wondering if all of can go to her one at a time and get her to open up cause she said something to them
C:what she say
K:Dr Charles said we want to help fix yourself and she said back you can't fix something that is already broken
H:omg thats bad all meet at the hospital in 10
K:I've got a quick question for all of you
S:yeah what is it Kelly
K:should i tell Will and Jay maybe they can help open her up too
M:yeah you should Will is going to be there and its going to look suspicious if were all there without Melia
K:k see you all soon
Everyone:okay see ya

It was hard but i grabbed some clothes for her and her art book and pencils and books and grabbed my keys and got into my car and drove to med. when i got there i waited a bit for everyone they finally got her shay gave me hug and so did gabby "lets go in one at a time who first" gabby said "well i need to go talk to Will so not me" i said "go Mouch Casey me Herman shay you" gabby said everyone nodded and Mouch went in so did i.

I saw Mouch and Kelly come in and i was wondering why they were here. Kelly was coming over to me "can i talk to you please alone" he said i nodded and saw Nat looking at us. We walked into the break room ad we sat down "so what is it" he sighed "has Nat told you about any type of patient that has been hard or anything along those lines" i nodded "yes she has she has a women self harming cuts all up her arms and on a feeding tube" he looked down "well that patient would be the one and only Amelia" i was shocked she was self harming "w-what no that can't be true" i said he nodded "can you try to get a hold of Jay cause i have Mouch Herman gabby Shay and Casey here trying to get her to open up so Mouch is in there now" i nodded "sure anything for my sister" he smiled and shake my hand and left.

I heard someone knock "come in" the person came in it was Mouch "hey Melia" "hi mouch" "how are you" "i just want to get out of here" "i know you want too but can you tell me why you did it" he said i just went quiet and turned my head "please Melia we just and to help you" "I don't want help i want to go home and go back to firefighting" he went quiet "good chat Melia but you need to open up to one of us soon" he said getting up and leaving i was holding back my tears.
Then about 10 minutes later Casey came in "hey" "hi" "you okay" "no" "why" "i want to get out of here and want to go back to being a fire fighter and fighting fires and getting into places where you guys can't" i said "i know but we need to know your fine before we can" i turned my head and he got up "oh Casey before you leave" he turned around "thank you for catching me" "no problem thats what a best friend is for" and he left.
Again another 10 minutes went past and Gabby came in "hey girly how are you" "I'm fine" "you can talk to me you know that right" i nodded "then talk to me" "i really want too but my mind doesn't want too talk about it really do want to gab" she sighed "okay talk to you later then" she said and kissed my check before leaving.
Again another 10 went on and Herman came in "hello kiddo" "hiya Herman how are you" "I'm good hbu" "I'm good" "hey you do know that one of my kids use to do self harming" i was shocked and shake my head "yeah it took a couple of months for her to open up but i want it to be a couple of weeks with you cause everyone knows that you are stubborn and that you are very hard to crack open" i laughed "yeah i know hey Herman" he looked at me "mhm" "does Kelly and shay hate me" he was confused and shocked at the same time "no never Kelly was a little pissed that you did it and didn't tell him" i looked down "i hated lying to you guys" he got up and hugged me " i know you do now i need to go talk to you later" "see ya Herman" and he left.

To be continued.......

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