Part 19-

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I was sitting in the common room sitting down waiting for the Severide's and shay to come, about 10 minutes later they finally came in "your finally here but your late" i said "not my fault Kelly wouldn't get up" Shay said "yeah but if you did-" kelly was about say something till Amelia cut him off "nothing" and glared at him it took my about a second to figure out what he was going to say "what the fuck" i said kelly nodded "girls locker room now" i said and they nodded and walked out. I walked into the locker room and saw them putting their stuff away "sit" i said and they sat down on the bench Shay put her head on Amelias lap "yes Gab" shay said "you didn't last night" i glared at and they smirked "oh my fucking god thats why you were late kelly heard you" i said "yep" Amelia said smirking "but i think he is scared now" Amelia said we all laughed
Ambo 61 man down
The buzzer went off shay gave Amelia a kiss and we left to the ambo. I got into the passenger said and shay got into the driver side and we drove to the place.

When shay and gabby left i went into the common room "hello people" "hello Melia" everyone said "how are you dear brother" i said to kelly and he glared at me "i hate you" "i love you too" i said back to him and everyone laughed. I was getting really bored so i got up and went to the fridge and grabbed some cream (cause I'm weird) and sat down "are you eating cream" mouch asked "yes" "your weird" "i thought we knew this" i said everyone laughed. About 10 minutes later ambo came back and i saw shay and gabby covered in vomit "what happen to you two" i asked trying so hard not to laugh "don't ask" gabby said "you want a hug" shay said i got straight up and ran with her chasing me.

While Amelia and shay we chasing each other gabby went to shower "CASEY" i heard someone yell my name so 81 got up and went to the voice. When we got there i saw shay yelling my name "yes shay" she pointed up, we looked up and saw Amelia like a bird on top of a pole towards the roof "how the fuck she get up there" i asked "I don't fucking know" "okay go shower and we will get her down" i said and she nodded and left. We turned back to Amelia "you going to come down or we helping you" i said "um move out the way" she said we moved out of the way and she climbed back down. We were shocked "how the fuck did you get up there" Otis said "um how i climbed down" we all laughed and headed back to the common room "kelly your sister is weird" i said he turned around "i know" "she climbed onto a pole to get away from shay" Otis said and he turned to her "are you okay" "mentally or physically depends" she said everyone looked at her "never mind" kelly said and we went back to what we were doing.

When gabby and i finished our showers we went to the common room and i ran and hopped onto Amelia lap "hello babe" she kissed the back on my head "hello love" and we sat down for a bit with her hand around my waist reading. Then chief came out "everyone listen up" we turned to him "what is it chief" Casey said "I've just got a call from the head of CFD saying that we are out of order for a bit" everyone was confused "why chief" kelly asked "Johnson" when everyone heard that we all looked at amelia and her hands tightened around my waist. I looked at her "love calm down and loosen your grip please" i said and she looked at me "sorry babe" she said and kissed my shoulder "what did Johnson do chief" she asked "he told lies about 51 mostly about you and kelly" he said and i looked at her than kelly and they were pissed "what the hell" kelly said "yes so we are out of order till it calms down but we all still have to come here and CFD will be here in a week" he said everyone nodded "off please babe" amelia said and i got off and sat down on her chair and she walked out.

I was working when i got a phone call from amelia "hello flame" "hey J" "what can i do for you" "I don't know if you can do this for me or you can ask voight to do a favour for me please" "what is it" "Alex Johnson chief in CFD can you pull up his files and see if he has any history with the Severide's please" i was super confused and Erin was looking at me "ill go ask voight and ill get back to you but what happen" "Johnson just put 51 out of order" "why?!" "Telling lies about 51 and manly about me and kelly" "ill see what i can do call you back later" "okay see ya J don't get shot" "okay see ya flame don't end up in hospital" and i hung up "who was that" Erin asked "amelia" she looked at me confused "ill tell you later" she nodded and i got up and walked to voight office. I knocked "come in" i heard a faint voice say and i walked in "yes jay" he said "um i got a call from amelia" he looked straight up "what about her" "well she was asking me to ask you" i told him the story "tell her to come here and ill talk about it here" he said and i nodded and left. I grabbed my phone and went into the break room and called amelia "hello" "hey flame" "what can i do for you" "i talked to voight" "mhm" "he said he will talk to you if you can come in today" "sure ill got to chief and ask if i can come in" "okay see ya soon" "see ya" and i hung up.

When i hung up on jay i went to chief office i knocked "come in" he said and i walked in "hey chief" "yes amelia" "can i got to the district i need to talk to voight" "don't go into something you can't fix Lia" he said i nodded and i walked out. I went to the locker room and grabbed my bag and left, about 15 minutes later i arrived at the district i got out and walked up the stairs. When i got inside "hello amelia" "hello Trudy can you buzz me up please" she nodded and she buzzed me up, i walked up the stairs to be greeted by jay "hello flame" "hey J" i said side hugging him "voight in his office" he said i nodded and walked to his office. I knocked "come in" and i walked in and shut the door "i heard what happen" "he has been a dick to me for 3 years now and its getting out of hand" "well i pulled up his file to do with you guys and him and your farther had a run in a while back" i was surprised "god" i mumbles "and looks like he has it out for you cause you look a lot like your farther" he said and i smiled "always will" he smiled "thank you Hank" i said and got up so did he and he went around his desk and hugged me "no problem we are family" he said and i smiled "and family stick together no matter what" i said back and he smiled. We both walked out "thanks for that J" "no problem flame" "i need to get back home before i get in trouble with my girlfriend and brother" i said everyone looked at me "girlfriend?!" Rusek said "yep Leslie Shay" "Shay?!" Jay said "mhm yep" "congrats girl" Erin said i smiled and left.

I was at home with kelly wondering were the hell was amelia "where is your sister" "I don't know where is your girlfriend" i shrugged than the door open and amelia walked in i ran and hugged her "hey babe" "where were you" i asked her "oh i was at the district asking jay and hank something" she said "what would that be" kelly asked we walked over to the kitchen "looks like our farther and him had a run in a while ago and that i also look too much like my farther so that would be the other reason" she said we were shocked. Then we heard glass break "what the fuck was that" amelia said "GET DOWN" kelly yelled and we got down and shots were fired "AMELIA-MAY SEVERIDE COME OUT" someone yelled we looked at her she shrugged "WE KNOW YOUR HERE SO COME OUT" the voice said again "that sounds like Johnson's voice and someone else's" amelia said we were shocked and the two people came around the kitchen "there you are" "what do you want Johnson" amelia said "to end you" than shots went off we covered our eyes.


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