Part 4-

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Chief left in the morning which means chief Johnson is here. He walked in and we sent each other glares "when is chief back i miss him" i said turning to everyone "in 2 weeks" Casey said "argh" i groaned "what's happening in here" chief Johnson said "um I was wondering when was chief coming back" i back chatted him "wasn't asking you Am" i got pissed that he said that nickname only my dad was allowed to say that i tighten my fist Kelly and Casey saw "Milly" i turned to Kelly "so thats a new nickname who gave the nickname Am wasn't that low life farther of the Severides Benny" i got so mad and got up so did everyone.
We all respected my father he was part of this firehouse part of this family and no one talks crap about anyone in this family so matter what old or new doesn't matter "nobody talked about my father like that nobody" i said with my voice getting mad "Benny Severide a low life of a person with two horrible kids one of them being a female firefighter who shouldn't be here" oh and that got me really pissed off so did Kelly but more me "okay mister 'chief Johnson' you do not run this firehouse and certainly do not come in here and talk about my father like that. He was an amazing firefighter and one hell of a better person than you" i said trying to walk over to him but Kelly grabbed me pulling me back "Milly calm it down" he said softly i turned to him "I'm sorry Kell but he doesn't just come in here and talk about our father" i said rudely "Casey I'm going for a walk ill be back soon" i said he nodded "hey I'm the boss of you" Johnson said i turned to him "no your not nobody bosses me around i am me and I'm tired of getting bossed around my whole life. I'm a free person and can do whatever and now i need to get away from you" i said walking off and out of the firehouse.

I am now pissed off at chief Johnson he was rude to my little sister and talking about my father and i just stood there "well someone go get her" Johnson said "i rather not while she is pissed nobody tries and to go gets her cause if someone did their a punching bag" i said "I don't care I am her chief while Boden is gone" he said "has Amelia said you are not the boss or chief of her. She is her own boss and boden is her chief not you" gabby said "well she is not a firefighter" oh thats it "She is twice the firefighter anyone here is even me and Casey. You have no rights to control her you have no fucking clue what she has been through so but the hell out" i said mad getting up and walking to my office.

About 10 minutes later Capp came in "lieutenant Amelia is back and more pissed than normal and she has a black eye" when i heard that i ran out and to the main room where we saw her getting held back from Chief Johnson by Casey, Shay and Cruz. "What the hell happened here" i said mad i looked at Amelia who turned her head away from me and sat down.
I caught a glimpse of her face but not much I turned to the chief "chief go to the office now" i turned to him and he walked off and i turned to Amelia. "What the hell happened to you" i said squatting down getting a better look at her face "Ben happened and he didn't make it much better" she rolled her eyes "what he say and Ben he is dick head" "the stupid chief said that I'm a bitch and a slut just what Ben said the other month" she crossed her arms and i swear i saw a tear come down from her face "am i really a slut" that broke my heart "sis you are not a slut you are amazing, brave, strong, independent, a voice of your own and your my little sister" she hugged me i hugged her back "thank you Big bro" "no problems lil sis okay now let Gabby or Shay look at your eye i need to talk to chief" she rolled her eyes and got up with Shay and Gabby following and i went to chief office.
I knocked on the door "come in" i walked in "hello lieutenant" I got straight into it "2 things 1 don't call my sister a slut or a bitch 2 don't try and control her even if your here don't be the boss of her she will come back at you twice has hard" i said firmly "she has to live with it" as i was about to say something the buzzer went off.
Truck 81 Ambo 61 squad 3 building fire
"We will talk later" and i ran out to the trucks and got my gear on and hopped in looking at Amelia. She was pissed.

When we got to the building it was up in flames "okay Otis Mouch Herman Amelia we will go top floor and make our way down lets go mask up" we all put our masks on and went inside to the top floor "CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT CALL OUT" people were running out "hey guys slow down be careful" Casey said and a girl stopped me "mi hermano pequño y mi madre están ahí y mi hermano pequeño no respria" the girl said in Spanish "Casey we have a brother and mother over there and the little brother who is not breathing "Gracias las conseguiremos" the little girl nodded. Casey looked at me weird "lets go I'll explain later" he nodded and went to the room and saw the kid and mother laying on the floor the boy looked like he was about 6 years old "ill grab the mum you grab the boy" Casey said and i nodded and grabbed the kid and went out. i ran over to Shay and Dawson and put the boy on the bed "thank you Amelia we got him got any family" gabby asked i took off my mask "yeah he does a big sister probably 9 and their mother that Casey brought out" and the girl came over "HERMANO" i got down to her level "Oye está bein, se va a registrar ya ir a un hospital" i said Gabby and Shay looked at me "again ill explain later" and help them get the brother in the ambo and helped the little girl in and shut the back doors to the Ambo and tapped the back.

About 1 and half hours later the fire was gone and we got into the trucks and went back to the firehouse. We took off our gear and went inside and i went to the locker room and into Kelly locker for a book he had and grabbed one and walked out reading it "hey isn't that my book from my locker" Kelly said "maybe" and sat down "okay how the hell do you know Spanish" Casey asked everyone looked at me "self taught and it's annoying when you have to keep asking Cruz what they are saying as well as gabby too" i said reading my book "say something in Spanish and Cruz translate" Otis said "fine" i put the book down and turned to Cruz "Johnson es un agujero de tope y es una cabeza de papa" i smiled and Cruz laughed "what she say" Herman asked "Johnson is a butt hole and is a potato head" i smiled everyone laughed and Gabby and Shay walked in i ran and hugged them and got onto Shays back "hello Melia" "hello shay" i smiled.
Chief Johnson walked in while i was on shays back "get off her your acting like a child" i grinned "oh no don't Melia" shay said I ignored her "well i am the youngest here so someone has to act like i child and all these people adore me" everyone grinned and he rolled his eyes "keep rolling your eyes maybe you will find a brain back there" everyone laughed and he was about to say some when Mouch said "i would stop talking to her you will just embarrassing yourself so i would go" i smiled.

It was the end of shift "lets go to the book store i need books" Kelly smiled and we got in the car with shay and he drove to the book store. We arrived, i got out of the car and walked inside "hello dear Amelia" "hello Jess how are you" "I'm good dear what are looking for now" "oh i need need more books please and now I'm reading my brother book" she laughed "what you looking for dear" "love and fantasy and horror" she grabbed some books "here dear" i grabbed them "thank you jess how much" "19.50" i passed her the money "thank you jess see you around" she waved to me, i waved back and got into the car and kelly drove back to home. I went upstairs and got changed then there was a knock "come in" Shay walked in "hello" "hello what can i help you with" "your brother being mean" i turned to her "how he's Kelly" "true that" we laughed and went downstairs and ordered dinner which was pizza. The pizza got here and we sat down and ate "I'm going to bed night guys" and i got up and kissed Kelly on the cheek "hey were is mine" Shay said i looked her and rolled my eyes and kissed her on the cheek "there happy" she nodded "night" "night" the both said and i went to sleep.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now