Part 11-

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Next morning
I woke up in Shay's arms she was still asleep so i had do move her arms carefully. When i did i got up and checked the time it was 8am i went into the kitchen and made them breakfast and coffee's. When i finished i went upstairs and had a shower washing my hair. When i finished my shower i got changed into denim long pants and a white shirt and let my hair air dry and going downstairs seeing everyone still asleep "I'm so going to get myself killed" i mumbled and grabbed some pans and went back into the lounge room "WAKE UP PEOPLE RISE AND SHINE" i shouted getting louder and louder "Really Amelia" Matt said "mhm yep foods going to get cold and your coffees" i said walking away. All of them but shay made their way to the kitchen "good morning how are you headaches" i smiled they all glared at me "that great" i giggled and we all ate "wait where is shay" i asked confused "asleep still" Gabby said i rolled my eyes and went over to her and jumped on her.

I felt someone jump on me i opened my eyes to see Amelia "hiya Shay" "hello love" she was about to get off but i pulled her "hey foods going to get cold and your coffee" she said kissing my head "rude" i said getting up and over to the kitchen "morning sleepy head" Gabby said "morning what we doing today" i asked "um not much since all you have a headache and these two have to go home and get rid of their headaches by tomorrow" Amelia said we all laughed "okay" i said and we all chatted and got showered and changed. I was the first one to come down and saw Amelia cleaning up and i went over too her and put my arms around her waist "hello Shay" she smiled "hello love" i said kissing the back of her head "again can't stop touching me huh" she smirked "really love" "hey I'm not the one who is always touching me even at work" she said i rolled my eyes.
Gabby and Matt went home Kelly went out with a girl (😏) so it was me and Amelia. She was up in her room doing who knows so i went to investigate cause why not when i got there she was drawing "knock knock can i come in" i asked she nodded and i sat on her bed "what are you drawing" "these":

 She was up in her room doing who knows so i went to investigate cause why not when i got there she was drawing "knock knock can i come in" i asked she nodded and i sat on her bed "what are you drawing" "these":

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"Wow you are amazing at what you do" she smiled "thanks shay what you want for dinner its almost 7" she asked I think for sometime "how about you make something" i said "tacos" i nodded and we went downstairs I sat on the seats while she was cooki...

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"Wow you are amazing at what you do" she smiled "thanks shay what you want for dinner its almost 7" she asked I think for sometime "how about you make something" i said "tacos" i nodded and we went downstairs I sat on the seats while she was cooking i smiled at her.

I was humming to a song in my head and shay was sitting there "while your sitting there you can cut up some lettuce please" i told her she nodded and i went back to humming. About 15 minutes later our food was ready "here you go" i said passing her tacos and i sat down next to her "thank you love" "what time should Kelly be home" i asked she shrugged her shoulders "helpful" we laughed and we sat down on the lounge and watched a movie together. After the movie i looked down to see her asleep so i picked her up and carried her to bed and kissed her forehead and went out her door then i heard someone come in the door so i went downstairs and saw Kelly "Do you have any clue what time it is" "yes" "what's the time" "11 30pm" "YES 11 300pm at night and you have work tomorrow so get up there and go to bed now" i said sternly and he went to bed so did i.

In the morning i got up and had a shower got out and put my hair in a low ponytail and got changed and grabbed my bag and phone and headed downstairs and put toast in the toaster. I buttered it and ate it and shay and Kelly came down and ate breakfast "lets go I'm driving today" i said and they nodded grabbed out stuff and headed to my car. We got to the firehouse and saw Herman and Mouch walking in "hello guys"shay said they turned around "hello girls and Kelly" Herman said we chatted and walked inside and i saw Johnson "nope not today i was happy I'm leaving" i said turning around and was about to walk out "Amelia" chief said i tuned around "yes chief" "where were you going" i tried to act innocent "nowhere" "funny" we all laughed "anyway chief why is he is here" i said "cause he has to for some reason" he said shrugging "if he minds his own business and doesn't intervene with mine we should be good" i said and looked at Johnson and he rolled his eyes "hey Johnson" "its chief Johnson missy" "its Amelia not missy" i said with attitude and smirked and walked into the locker room putting my stuff away. When i came out i went over to shay and gabby reading my book of course being pulled onto shays lap then a call came in
Truck 81 ambo 61 squad 3 car crash highway
We all got up and ran to the trucks and ambos and we put our gear on and i started the truck and drove to the accident.

When Amelia stopped the truck we saw about 3 different cars "mouch, Herman and Otis over at that car" i said pointing at the car "Amelia and i will take that one along with severide" i ordered and we went to our cars and started working on them "hello what's your name" i heard Amelia say "Elizabeth" a little girl said "and who is he" i said "thats my twin brother Michael" she said "okay were going to get you out okay" i said she said okay "we need to get this door open now" Amelia said i nodded. I saw Amelia glared somewhere so i turned around and saw Johnson looking at us "ignore it Amelia" she nodded and we finally got the door open "Gabby we need you over here car 2" i said over the radio "copy coming now" she said back "hey your okay" Amelia said "what we got" gabby said "twins Elizabeth and Michael mum is breathing" i said she nodded and went over to the mum and checked on her "i need another ambo to my location now" gabby said over her radio "copy one 5 minutes away" ditch patch said back. The ambo finally got here and took the mum and gabby and shay took the twins.
After we finished we packed up and was going to get into the trucks when I looked over and saw Johnson looking at Amelia ill tell severide later i thought in my head "lieutenant we going or you standing there dreaming" Amelia shouted "coming" i said and ran to the truck and go in she started to drive.
We finally got back to the station and got out gear off i went over to Kelly "hey severide" he turned around "yes" "at the accident" "what about it" he asked confused "i kept seeing Johnson staring at Melia" i said he looked at me confused "what do you mean" "i mean that i looked up and he was staring at her i know they had terrible beginnings but what is it about" "last time he was here i guess just both of us keep an eye on both of them if anything happens" Kelly said i nodded and went inside.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now