Part 14-

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I was sitting outside on the floor looking at my hands when i felt a hand on my shoulder i turned my head and saw shay "you okay love" she sat down besides me "no Kelly just understand what i have been through these past month and what has happened with Abby" i said through my tears "its almost the end of shift I'm dropping you and Kelly home then going dancing you can come if you want just saying i need to clear my head" i said "thats fine by me love and lets go" she said i nodded and we went inside. I went to the locker room gabbed my stuff and went to the main room "come on you two i have places to be hurry up" i said silty mad and they both got up and we went to the car and got in. It was a silent drive home when we got back i went up t my room and put my dance clothes on "shay Kelly I'm leaving" i shouted "OKAY" i heard from them both and i got into my car and drove to the dance studio.

I went to shays room to ask her a question "hey shay were did Amelia go" "to the dance studio to clear her mind" she said i smiled "we got to go watch her please shay" i said she rolled her eyes "fine hurry up" she said i smiled and we got into the car and i drove to the studio she was at.

I walked into the studio and to the front desk "hey El" i said "hello Am" "any free studios for me to dance need to clear my mind please" she nodded and told me where the free studio was and i walked in there. When i got to the room i took of my jumper and shoes put my phone into the speaker and started dancing (just believe she is 29 okay):

When i finished dancing i heard clapping behind me i turned around and saw Kelly and Shay watching me.

I watched my sister dance in years when she finished shay and I clapped and she turned around "w-what are you doing here" she said puffed out "we came to watch you" shay said looking into each other eyes cute couple i smirked at the thought in my head "I haven't seen you dance in years" i said she smiled "gets my mind off thing" "look I'm sorry for going at you at the firehouse i was worried when i heard the name Axel" she looked down "its Abby Axel Bens little sister" i was shocked "if you don't mind asking what happened we can sit down here" she gave a smile smile and nodded and we sat down in a circle "Abby axel is 13 years old and has gone though everything a 13 year shouldn't have gone through" she said resting her head on shays lap "rap, abuse, sold just to come straight back and abuse from her brother which of course i stopped" she said with a tear in her eye "omg Melia I'm so sorry" i said getting up and pulling her up and hugging her "I'm scared for her Kelly I don't want her going back" she said looking at me in the eyes "she has no family most of them are in jail or dead" i was shocked "hey we will get through this together" i said "i-i a-am s-scar-red f-for h-her" she said with a shake in her voice "hey calm down please Melia please breath in and out" i said and her breathing was back to normal "lets get home and go to Molly's tonight okay" she nodded put her jumper on and we left she drove her car with Shay in it and i drove mine back to the house.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now