Part 5-

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It's been 2 weeks and chief is back
Chief was back and i was happy "YES your back" i smiled and jumped around "yes i am haven't caused any trouble" he looked at me "no what makes you say that" I said innocently he laughed "I'm so glad to be going from here" Johnson said "so am I I'm glad your gone" he rolled his eyes and walked off and before he left i said this "hey Johnson did you find your brain yet how and how is your arm" chief looked at me confused. Johnson rolled his eyes and left i sat down reading my book and chief coughed "yes?" I asked confused "why did you just say how is your arm what did i miss out" "oh a lot chief" Casey and Kelly said "tell me" i sat up "okay so he tried bossing me around, called me a slut and a bitch, talked about our farther, he said stop acting like a child, annoyed him a lot and oh his arm i got really pissed and he tried to stop me so i punched him in the arm and i think there is a bruise" i said happily he laughed "okay so you had more fun then me" i nodded "ill be back" i walked off.

About 10 minutes i heard gun shots and i ran into Kelly's office and under his bed and my phone was in my locker and i saw a radio and i grabbed it "squad 3 to main shots fired in firehouse 51" "main to squad 3 are you in a safe spot" "squad to main yes" "main to squad okay help coming" i tried to put the radio back on the table but i missed and one of the gunman heard it so crawled under the bed. I heard the door open "if there is someone in here come out or i will shot your ass" i didn't move and the gunman looked under the bed "hello there lady come out now!" And i got out and he put a gun to my head "got another one boss" i rolled my eyes "Melia" Herman shouted, "so your name is Melia" "no my best friends and this fire house call me Melia and other people call me Amelia so do that thanks" the gunman but his hand around my neck and i froze cause it felt like Ben "sorry princess" i got pissed "don't you dare call me that!" And i grabbed his arm and flipped him over to only be shot in the leg "shit you bitch" i screamed and Herman came over "ill do it again" Herman put pressure on the wound "I'm okay Herman" everyone looked worried. Then Herman faked a heart attack and got wheeled out.

"Herman Herman can you hear me" Gabby yelled "I'm fine but you need to get in there Melia has been shot in the leg" Shay looked worried and an officer came over "do you know where everyone is" i nodded "there all in the main room there is about 4 shooters in there so get your men in there" i snapped "okay what is the girls name that got shot" "Amelia-May Severide" "Benny daughter" all 3 of us nodded. Everyone knew Amelia she is the heart of Chicago.

I was sitting down putting pressure onto Amelia leg but she kept snapping at the shooters "Milly calm it" she stared at me. Then swat and police came in and the gunman they ran cowards "Melia" shay and gabby shouted and came to her "I'm okay" she said"no your not we are taking you to med" she nodded "Kelly pick her up and take her to the ambo" gabby said and i did "Kelly go with them we will meet you there" chief said i nodded and got in the back with gabby. "I swear i need to keep out of med for a while i kept ending up there" Amelia said "yes you really do" Gabby said we got to med and we rolled her in Will came over "well hello there young Severide miss us" Will said "oh so much" she said sarcastically "sarcasm still strong" "so it her attitude" i said we laughed.

I was fixing up Amelia leg and put stitches in it "you can't work for about a week" i said "oh come on" she said hitting her head back "yes Melia you got to wait till the stitches heal up ill go tell them what is happening" i got up and took my gloves off and go to the waiting room. When i got in there everyone stood up "how is she" Mouch asked "she is okay can't work for about a week will have crutches too" i said and they nodded. i walked inside to let Amelia go home. After i finished her paperwork i walked to her room "hey Melia your allowed to go home here are crutches and you need to change the dressing each time you get out of the shower" she nodded "lucky i live with a paramedic" we laughed "don't end up here for a while please" "sure" and she grabbed the crutches and walked out.

I walked into the waiting room to see 81 and ambo there squad must been called to a call. I walked over to shay "hey shay" i said pocking her to wake her up "mhm" "omg Wake Up!" I said loudly and she got up with everyone else "oh hello Melia" she said hugging me i hugged back "81 and gabby get up lets go back now" Shay said and everyone got up and i hopped to truck and got into the back. "It's not going to be fun not doing anything for a week" i said everyone laughed "we know you get bored easy" Casey said i turned around and smacked him on the head "ouch" i smiled.
About 10 minutes later we got to the firehouse squad was still out. Otis and Herman helped me out of the truck and i hopped inside and sat down in my seat and grabbed my book and read it. My leg was so sore sitting on the floor someone grabbed it and put it on their lap. i looked up and saw Shay "your leg looked sore" i smiled and went back to reading. 25 minutes later squad came back "what was the call to take so long" i said while they came in "some dude wasn't working with us dear sis" Kelly said walking over kissing my check "okay go have a shower you stink" i said holding my nose everyone laughed "really sis" i nodded and went back to reading.

After being at the fire house for 5 hrs it was time to go home. Shay Kelly and i got into his car and he drove home, i hopped out and lipped to the stairs i groaned "oh this is going to be fun" i said "looks like your going to need help" Kelly said "oh dear brother can you carry me please up ill crawl down" he nodded and helped me up and to my room "thank you dear brother" he rolled his eyes "SHAY YOUR GOING TO HELP ME DRESS MY WOUND AFTER MY SHOWER PLEASE" i shouted "OKAY" i heard her say and i got into the shower and washed my hair. After i did that i got out and put my pjs on and called shay up "SHAY CAN YOU COME NOW PLEASE" and she came and help me. "Thank you darling Shay" i said she smiled "do i get a kiss on the check?" She asked me with puppy eyes "fine" i rolled my eyes and gave her a kiss on the check "goodnight" "night" she said back and i went to dream land.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now