Part 13-

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We were very board cause we haven't had a call and nobody dared to say it cause we knew if someone said it there will be a call. I sat Kelly's chair till he came out "hey thats my chair" he said "meh" was all i said "SHAY COME HERE PLEASE" he shouted i knew what he was doing I looked at him and she came out "yes?" "Can you pick up Milly and take her inside she took my seat please" he said doing puppy eyes at her she rolled her eyes "fine come here love" she said and she's picked me up and took me inside. We sat down and i sat on my chair looking over at the tv "when is the game on" i asked mouch and Herman "soon hopefully" mouch said "good" i said. I got off shays lap and went to grab something to eat i grabbed an apple and went to sit on the lounge and the game was finally on "yes the game is on" i said laying backward "M your blood is going to go to your head" gabby said "meh we have two paramedics here anyway" i said they rolled their eyes.

I was watching Amelia laying backwards on the lounge watching the game and she was annoying Herman and mouch while she was at it too "stop is Melia we trying to watch the game go annoy somebody else please" Herman said "fine meanie" she said and got up and walked over to Casey "heyyyyy Caseyyyyy" "heyyyyy Meliaaaaa" they said "I'm bored" "not my fault you get bored" he said then chief came in so did squad "listen up here..." then a call came in
Truck 81 ambo 61 house fire
We got up and ran to the ambo and trucks and Melia stated to drive truck and we followed behind. When we got there the house was up in flames "Herman Mouch Otis get the hoses now and put out the flames" Casey said and they went to do that "ambo go check if there is any injuries" we nodded and went over to the people and saw one "GABBY OVER HERE"i ran over to the teenager "hello what's your name" she let a a breathe "Abby A-Axel" when i heard the last name i was shocked "Axel in like Ben Axel little sister" she nodded "okay hold still gabby i need a c-collar now" she passed me one "i n-need A-Amelia S-ever-ride i-i w-wont g-go" she said i am confused on how she knows her "okay hold still and breathe to this " i said putting an oxygen mask on her. I looked at gabby and she nodded and ran to Amelia.

I was helping putting out the fire when gabby came running to me "Amelia we have a by the name Abby Axel" when i heard that i was shocked and i looked over at Casey "i need to stay here" "she wont go if your not there we need to go" she said "Matt i need to go with gabby and shay and they have a teenager girl by Abby Axel" i said turning to him "Axel your sure your okay with it" "i know the past of them two i know how to handle myself ill meet you at the firehouse just tell Kelly where i am please thank you" i said running off to them. I got to shay and she looked at me with how the hell do you know her look "tell you later" she nodded and we but Abby in the back "hey Ab" "h-hello A-Amelia" she said "we are going to get you to med okay" she put thumbs up and i turned to gabby "how old is she" "13" i said looking at her "oh no" i tear fell from my face. About 10 minutes later we got to med and i hopped out helping shay and gabby "what we got" Nat said "Abby Axel 13 year old girl found at the fire breath on right side weak" gabby said "any family" "yes in jail" i said "close family" "not really most family in jail" i said she looked at me confused "dated her brother" i said to her "oh okay i need you guys out please" Nat said we nodded and i walked out and sighed.
Then i felt a hand on my shoulder and i turned around to see Will "hey A" i looked down "what wrong" a tear fell "Abby Axel" i said looking up "you mean Ben Axel your ex" i nodded "thats his little sister" i said looking at the room she was in he pulled me into a hug "its okay A" i cried.

Me and Erin arrived at the hospital cause we were called there "Hey Will" i said "hello your here for Abby Axel aren't you" when i heard the last name Axel i was pissed "yes we are" "well A is there with her" "her?" I asked confused "come" he said and we walked over to the room where they were "Abby Axel sister of Ben Axel all family in jail or dead" he said damn "thanks" Erin said and we knocked "come in" i heard and we walked in and saw Amelia next to a sleeping teenager girl "hey flame" he nodded "how is she" Erin asked "not too good left lung collapsed and yeah" she said "how do you know her" Erin asked "little sister to my ex protected her brother kept on selling her rapped multiple times stopped them and him" she said looking at her "damn family?" Erin asked "brother jail mum jail dad dead grandparents out of the picture" Amelia said we nodded "thank you message me when she is up please" she nodded and we left. We walked out into the car and hopped in "i feel bad for the little girl going through that" Erin said "yeah and Amelia has knows her too" i said and Erin drove back to the district.

81 came back from their fire everyone walked in but Amelia "where is Milly" i asked "she has gone to the hospital" Casey said "why?!" I asked "for a 13 year old girl who is sister to Ben Axel" he said "AXEL" i shouted "hey its not Ben its his little sister Abby and i promise you Melia will explain it when she gets here okay" Casey said i nodded.
About 15 minutes later ambo comes back with Amelia i ran to her "Why the hell were you with an Axel I don't care if its a sister" i said sternly "well you should if you knew the background of them two you would have done what i did Kelly" she said pissed "don't have that attitude with me missy" i said sternly "For the last time MY NAME IS EITHER AMELIA OR MELIA NOT MISSY NOT ANYTHING OKAY NOW PISS OF KELLY" she said pissed and walked outside i went too far i thought in my head. I went to sit down "i went too far on her didn't i" "just a little Kelly just let her explain then you would realise why she did it now I'm going to go comfort her" shay said and she walked outside.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now