Part 6-

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⚠️SH and swearing warning⚠️ i do not recommend doing any of this
1 week later
I got rolling out of bed. I got change into my truck shirt and some pants. I put my hair in a low pony and going downstairs. I made Kelly, mine and Shay's coffee and they came down "coffee is done for you two" they smiled and Shay gave me a kiss on the cheek before drinking her drink "thank you" i smiled "morning sis" "morning bro" we sat down and ate for a bit and grabbed out stuff and drove to the firehouse.
We walked in and i went into the locker room and put my stuff in. I looked at he photos i have on my door it was me and Kelly, Dad, Kelly and i, Shay, Gabby and I and the whole firehouse and i. It made me smile i grabbed my book and walked into the main room and sat down between Shay and Gabby "do you ever stop reading" Mouch said i shrugged my shoulders. I think at one point shay and gabby were trying to talk to me but i was too focused into my book "AMELIA" shay yelled i looked up "yes?" I turned to her "did you listen to a word we said" "maybe" the glared at me i giggle and i got up to walk but someone pulled me down and it was shay "may i help you" i said "you can sit down and stop walking around and you cannot read your book" i glared at her and groaned.
I tired getting up multiple times but they both kept pulling me down Kelly, Casey and chief came in looking so confused "what is happening here" Casey said "they wont let me get up" i said trying to to get up again but i failed "why" Casey said "cause i was too focused in my book not listening to them" i said getting up and i was successful and ran to Kelly.

Amelia somehow got up and ran to Kelly and hide behind him "hey" i heard her giggle cute i thought i ran towards her and we kept going around Chief,Casey and Kelly till i caught her and grabbed her and carried her to the seat and sat down hugging her on my lap "you two done now" chief asked i nodded Amelia rolled her eyes "okay so we have our barbecue next week on somebody's birthday" chief said and i knew it was Amelia birthday "its our Melia birthday next week so we are going to do the barbecue and her birthday on the same day" Chief said she lend into me "thanks chief just saying I don't need much" she said "its Melia birthday next week" Gabby and i both said she smiled
Ambo 61 man down unknown causes Central Park
I lifted Amelia off my lap and onto her chair and gave her a kiss on the check and left and hopped into the ambo "you know you and Amelia would be a great couple" gabby said i smiled "one day one day Gab" i said driving the ambo to the location. When we got to the location "Move get out of the way!" I shouted "buzz of lady" a bystander said i rolled my eyes and we pushed our way to the person laying down "hey sir can you hear us" gabby said "weak pulse" i said "stroke?" "Maybe" "get him on the stretcher" gabby said and we got him on the stretcher and into the ambo gabby got into the back and i got in the front driving.
When we got to med we handed him of to Choi and headed back to the fire station. "Hey gab" i said "mhm" she said "do you feel like there is something wrong" "no not really why" she said turning to me "i just have these feeling that someone is hiding something from us and its very wrong" i said pulling into 81 "maybe but hey..." she said when we heard arguing we looked at each other confused and walked inside Otis and Amelia arguing "what is happening here" i asked and Amelia ran and hugged me "she doesn't want to cooperate with us" Otis said i looked at her "is this true" she looked down "why doesn't she want to cooperate with you" i asked looked at her "because she is stubborn and wont listen" Otis said "its part of her nature you can't change that" "yes she can" Otis said back. When amelia heard this she ran outside Kelly got up and followed her outside "way to go Otis" gabby said angrily. Then Kelly ran back in "she ran out she's gone" he said and fell to the ground i ran to him and hugged him "Shay she can't be gone no i can't loose her" he said and looked at Otis and got up "Kelly..." "no shay he made my sister run out of here" he said than turning back to Otis "she may be stubborn but she always will be she has been beaten by her ex boyfriend, yelled at, called a slut and a bitch, Self harmed herself none stop for 6 months till i caught her when she was fucking 16 Otis 16! She shouldn't be doing that now she may be gone" he said and walked towards him i shouted "KELLY GO TO YOUR OFFICE ME AND GABBY WILL FIND HER Casey keep an eye on him please" i said to Casey and he nodded gabby and i walked out to the ambo.

I was running to my favourite spot in Chicago and that was a river. I put a ribbon in the tree that was blue so i knew where it was always but i knew the place pretty well so i ran there clearing my mind. When i got there i checked my phone and saw 5 missed calls from Kelly 8 from Shay 3 from Mouch and Herman but i sat down and ignored the calls and messages. I let my tears roll down my face and thought about things i did when i was 16 for some reason it came to my mind and i started to cry harder my phone went off and it was a call from Herman i decided to pick it up
A:at a river
H:where Melia
A: go to Kelly and say blue ribbon
H:blue ribbon?
A:yeah he will understand
H:okay stay safe please Melia
A:mhm i will
And i hung up and put my phone away and looked at the river.

When i hung up everyone looked at me "did she pick up" Mouch asked me "yeah she did and said to Kelly blue ribbon?" Everyone looked at me and i got up to go to Kelly's office i knocked "yes" i walked in "i got hold of Melia and she said to tell you blue ribbon" he face light up "Blue ribbon thats what she said" i nodded "her favourite river it always has a blue ribbon near it that she put" my face light up and he called Shay.

I was getting a call from Kelly so i picked up
K:we have some information of where Milly is
K:go to coral river there should be a blue ribbon
S:blue ribbon?
K:its her favourite river she should be there please find her and bring her back
S:i will don't worry
And i hung up and turned to gabby "coral river there should be a blue ribbon near it thats where she should be" she nodded and drove to the river. When we got there we hopped out of the ambo and walked till we saw the blue ribbon Kelly was saying. We walked to the river and saw Amelia sitting there "thats her" i said "yep lets go get her" gabby said i nodded.

I was sitting looking at the river when i heard someone "Melia" i turned around and saw Gabby and Shay walking towards me i got up and ran to them. I ran to shay and hugged her tight "hey its okay" i cried "I'm sorry Kelly probs hates me and everyone at the house does too" i said through my tears and they looked at each other "aw nobody hates you Melia just come back please" gabby said and i nodded shay carried me back to the ambo and put me in the front when i fell asleep.

I looked over to see Amelia asleep on shays shoulder i was driving "i feel bad for her going through everything" shay nodded "i swear I'm going to beat anyone ass if they hurt her again" i nodded. 20 minutes later we got to 51 i got out of the ambo and opened the door for shay and she carried Amelia out. I followed behind her "Hey their back with Amelia" Cruz said "shhh shut it will you" i said sternly they all went quiet "Casey go get Kelly and chief we will be in the bunk room" he nodded and left and shay went to put her in the bunk room. When they left i was mad "Next time think before what you say to her she is sensitive about words and some can hurt her and also if one of you hurt her again me and shay will come beat your asses is that understood" they all nodded and i went to the bunk room where shay was sitting on Amelia bunk brushing her hand through her hair "you like her don't you" i said walking in she nodded "it will take time Shay but i know she likes you" shay smiled and i grabbed and chair and sat down waiting for chief and Kelly.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now