Part 18-

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4 days later
I walked to the where i was having the meeting with the head of CFD. When i got there i knocked on the door "come in" i heard and i opened the door and walked in "thank you for coming" the head said "kinda didn't have a choice" i said "okay so chief Johnson has come to me multiple time in the last week about you" i was shocked he hasn't even been at the firehouse for a couple of weeks "okay" i said "what I'm about to say i want you to tell the truth" he said i nodded "okay chief Johnson has but that you have been having a bad attitude, you do everything wrong, you don't follow orders and you almost killed him is that true" "only 1 of those things are true" i said "and which on is that" "the bad attitude" he sighed "and if i must chief i only listen to you, chief Boden, Matt Casey, Kelly Severide, Leslie Shay and Gabriela Dawson" i said sitting back in the chair "okay well what has happened cause i also need you side of the story" he said i sighed "he doesn't like female firefighters, doesn't like anyone being part of the lgbtq community, thinks he can rule and run my life, talk bad about Benny Severide if i must and chief if you remember that fire from 3 years ago the one he was in" i said "yes i do remember that fire someone pulled him out i hopped he said thank you for the person saving him" he said "well the person who saved him was me i was 6 months into working with firehouse 51 chief" he looked at me "and he didn't say thank you for that manner" i said "well I'm sorry for what he has done to you and your family nobody talks about Benny he was a amazing firefighter" he said i smiled "he still is" i said back and he smiled "you can go back to work now started next shift and Johnson is not allowed near 51 again" i nodded shook his hand and left.

I was outside of 51 waiting for Amelia to come back and to tell us the information about the meeting "you good" someone said behind me i turned around and saw Kelly "she should of been back by now" i said looking down "BABE" i heard the voice of Amelia i shot my head up and saw he coming this way with her work bag i ran and hugged her. She picked me up "well hello baby" "hello love" i said back kissing her, then she carried me towards kelly "hello sis" "hello brother" they both said "so how did it go" i said holding her hand walking in "it was good he believes me not Johnson and he also doesn't like when you talk about Benny Severide too" she said walking into the common room "thats right nobody does" Herman said and everyone laughed. Then chief came in "when do you start back Amelia" he said and everyone looked at her "how does next shift count but you know me imma start next call" she said everyone laughed and i walked with her to the locker room "it was boring without you here love" i said "i was bored there too baby" she said holding my waist and kissing my head. We walked into the common room and sat down
Ambo 61 person down unknown causes
I got up and so did gabby and we left. I got into the driver side and started driving with the sirens on. When we got to the place "over here" a lady said i grabbed the bag and we went over to the person. When the lady brought us over to the person i saw a little kid "what happen" gabby asked "she just fainted" "does she have any medical history" "epilepsy and asthma" the lady said "her pupil are dilated" gabby said "seizure" "probably pushing epi" gabby said and her eyes started to open "hello I'm gabby and thats shay and were going to get you to a hospital" "o-okay" the girl said and we put on her on the back board then into the ambo "you can come" i said to the lady and she nodded and hopped in the back with gabby. I shut the door and got into the driver side and started to drive to med, when i got to med i got out and went to the back helped the lady out and then gabby with the kid "what we got" "6 year old girl down unknown causes history of epilepsy and asthma" "trauma 3" Maggie said and we went there and helped off and got back into the ambo and drive back to 51.

While ambo was out it was sad being the only girl with the boys cause they annoy you a lot "Amelia" "Yes Capp" "what you doing" "reading" "thats boring" i rolled my eyes "good for you" i said and i went back to reading. About 5 minutes later "AMELIA" i heard everyone shout "WHAT" "hi" everyone said "i swear next one to say my name i will hurt and i mean it" i said glaring at everyone they shut up, "Amelia" "OMG IM GOING TO KILL YOU" i said slightly pissed "yep sorry" Otis said. Ambo finally got back and i felt arms around my neck "hello love" i shot up "yes the girls are back and my baby" and hugged her "what happen" gabby asked "the boys wouldn't stop annoying me" i said and shay kissed me "really boys i surprised she didn't kill one of you guys" shay said.
When shift was over we grabbed our bags and left Shay came in my car "i love you" "i love you too" i said back. I put my hand on her thigh and she smirked at me "what" i said "nothing" she said back and we finally got back home "imma go shower" "okay love" she said and i went upstairs and showered. When i finished showering i put on a bra knickers and shays jumper, when i walked out of the shower i saw shay on my bed "you good there babe" i said doing my hair in a messy bun and walked over to the bed "yep I'm good waiting for you" she said i rolled my eyes "of course you were" i said back and she pulled me onto her lap "meanie" i rolled my eyes next thing i know is shay was kissing me passionately (and yeah you know😅).

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